
Words & Phrases

A: cumulative  英音: /'kjuːmjʊlətɪv/;美英:/'kjumjəletɪv/

 meaning: the total amount of something when it's all added together

extension: The cumulative snowfall---the number of inches that fell every month that winter to get the total, cumulative, amount.

B: rudiment  英音:/'ruːdɪm(ə)nt/ ; 美英:/'rʊdəmənt/

meaning: usually used in the plural, means the basics

extension: In biology, the word rudiment means an undeveloped part of an organ or limb, like you would find in an embryo or fetus.

Extracts: In mastering this level, one learns the rudiments of the art of reading, receives basic training in reading, and acquires initial reading skills.

C: perceive 

meaning: to become aware of through the senses

extension: imperceptible, misperceive, perceptible

D: a far cry from  与....大相径庭

  Extract: Teaching a small percentage of highly motivated children is a far cry from teaching every child to read.

E: sound out

Extract: Children were taught to sound out the letters of the alphabet individually.


1.Four Levels of Reading

* Elementary Reading= rudimentary/ basic/ initial reading

*Inspectional Reading= skimming or pre-reading

*Analytical Reading

*Syntopical Reading= comparative reading

Today's reading: Elementary Reading

3 points: rudiments of the art of reading > basic training > initial skills

4 stages: reading readiness > learn to read simple materials > rapid progress in vocabulary building and increasing skills > refinement and enhancement of the skills previously acquired

感悟 & Summary

阅读层次的四个分化,由浅至深,是读书由薄到厚,再从厚到薄的一个过程。大量吸收,在分析的基础上,融合为自己的东西,从而提出新的观点,建立新的联系,有效输出。中国的教育,考试试卷的模式也是参照这四个过程,但是形式感大于实际的有效输入。在第二层次的快速阅读上以分数为量化标准,在大学四年的学习中,缺少过程的指导,直接一步到位在最后一篇论文上要求一下子具备思想,技巧和大量阅读后的筛选。 在大二的时候就开始构思论文选题,这个过程中看了相关的论文和书籍。但是笼统,没有规律,总是在看了很久之后幡然醒悟,有几点是相关的,更多的是要放弃。这体现的就是一个技巧的缺失,更是一种阅读理念的偏离。对于这本书提到的很多读书误区,深有体会。

 The notion "reading readiness" has hindered myself from reading since I was in elementary school. When I can't understand and don't like reading, I was pushed to finish reading tests and failed in Chinese study. Since then I am afraid of but also eager to reading.That is to say, I am eager to read as much as possible but on the other hand, I am afraid of miscomprehension. The truth is that I read and I grasp the superficial outline and forgot in seconds. Reading Readiness and Reading skills are the points I am lacking and learning to obtain.
