memento mori and democracy(人终有一死与民主)

Although memento mori has a philosophical basis traced back to Phaedo, in which Plato claims that the proper practice of philosophy is “about nothing else but dying and being dead”, it is more a religious term that serves to remind people of their mortal fate. As the term is always used under the context of Christianity, it is not just a reminder of the vanity of the doomed earthly life. It also swerves people’s attention to the immortality of soul and the afterlife. In this sense, it is not putting an end to the mortal life but rather prolonging it to the realm of eternity, in which all human being,  after being deprived of their property, status and body, are deemed as equal. In a sense, it has a similar function to democracy, though democracy is of politics.


Democracy has long been being debated on the basis that it is for a community or a state as a whole but not for any particular individual at any particular period. This means that democracy presupposes the people inside a democratic system as a continuous entity but not as individuals with mortal life. In other words, democracy is an enterprise not only for the existing generations but also the future generations. If a democratic system functions well, the presupposition of the system then will also be proved true. In this sense, the system of democracy deals with men’s mortal status by taking the people in it as a population that can increase or decrease and can endure through time with proper management.


From the above discussion, we can see that memento mori and democracy share at least two common features: prolonging men’s mortal life to the realm of future and emphasizing on equality. Memento mori and democracy, though belonged to two different realms, sometimes function together and this paper aims to explore their interaction through close reading of two paintings: Jacques-Louis David’s“The Death of Socrates” and Hans Holbein the Younger’s “Ambassadors”. The former is with a more obvious political theme and the latter usually is regarded as an expression for the idea of memento mori, a religious theme.


memento mori and democracy(人终有一死与民主)_第1张图片

(“大使们” 该图片中间变形的块状物需要倾斜画面至一定角度才可以辨认出它的真实形状)

“The Ambassadors” is Hans Holbein the Younger’s work. It was painted in 1513 to honor the French scholar, the bishop of Lavaur, George de Selve’s visiting to his friend Jean de Dinteville. The painting is now one of the collection at the National Gallery in London. In this painting, Holbein has juxtaposed a set of scientific tools for navigation together including two globes (one terrestrial and one celestial), a shepherd’s dial, a quadrant, a torquetum, and a polyhedral sundial. Holbein also includes other things in the painting: a floor mosaic, a Turkish carpet upon the shelf and most noticeable an anamorphic skull.


de Selve 拜访他的朋友Jean de Dinteville 而作。作品现藏于伦敦国家美术馆。在这幅作品中,荷尔拜因并置了一系列的海洋探索的科学工具:两个球仪(一个是地球仪,一个是星象仪),一个刻度盘,一个象限仪,一个赤道仪,一个多面日晷。荷尔拜因还在画里并置了一席嵌花地毯,一席土耳其毯(架子上)以及一个十分明显的变形骷髅。

There are several different readings about this painting. The most common two are that the painting shows a strife between the secular and religious authorities and the painting is another excellent work of the theme of memento mori. They are all reasonable interpretations of the painting. Yet John Berger has put forward another reading of this painting from the perspective of ideology in his ways of seeing. He argues that many techniques are used in the painting to produce a tactile impression of the objects. It is these objects, though no doubt, they are of symbolic meaning,that dominate the painting. He then further explains that the scientific tools in the painting are all for navigation, for the slave trade and for transporting treasure from other countries. The globe shows the location of Dinteville’s manor. The anthem and the book are part of the colonialism. What Berger interprets from this painting is the attitude of the capitalists toward the world. His interpretation may be reasonable but is far from convincing especially when he just leaves the most noticeable anamorphic skull in the air and turns to the debate between realism and symbolism. (Howells 64)


What Berger leaves out in his discussion may actually overturn his ideological interpreting of “The Ambassadors”. Berger concludes that the painting shows men’s desire to power and wealth. But many critics have pointed out the anamorphic skull shows the conclusion to be otherwise. Skull is a stereotyped symbol of the theme of memento mori and its meaning is obvious: “Vanity of vanity. All is vanity.”.


Berger sees the objects in the painting not as something concrete and real but only as something of symbolic meaning. But he fails to see the men in it as two figures only with symbolic meaning. He sees them as two individuals with life as many other critics do so that he cannot reconcile the relationship between the mortal men and the objects that are deemed as part of the colonialism. In other words, he fails to see the relation between mortality and democracy. But he does make a good point in reading the painting from an ideological perspective. Based on Berger’s reading, I’ll exam the meaning of the skull from the perspective of ideology and see what it means as a symbol of death to objects that symbolizes the early capitalistic democracy.


At the Middle Age,memento mori is one important theme of religion. It serves to fulfill Christianity’s goal of leading people’s attention from the secular affairs to the eternal soul and the afterlife. This belief in eternal soul, afterlife and God was later partly replaced by the belief in truth and science. In a sense,they are the same. The essence of these two beliefs is that they both promise the human being with a brighter future. The only difference is that one is with God, the other with truth.


As mentioned above, if we take Selve and Dinteville only as two figures that have a symbolic meaning but not as two individuals with a mortal life, we will see that they are also part of the system of colonialism at that time, just as other objects. The skull and two men can be interpreted as a group with symbolic meaning. Men are juxtaposed with scientific tools in the painting. They are just part of the career of pursuing after truth, wealth and power. Men will die one day yet their pursuing will be passed on. Selve and Dinteville represents the religious and the secular authorities respectively. Critics have suggested that the painting also shows a strife between these two powers. However, it can also be read as a coalition between the powers. They work together to form a early democratic government. Memento mori used to be the ideology of the religion.But, at this period, the power of memento mori started transfering from religion to secular authority, from God to science, from heaven to democracy.

如前所述,如果我们将Selve和Dinteville 仅仅视为两个有人形的象征物而不是有生命的个体,我们就会发现他们也仅仅是当时殖民事业的一部分,正如其它物品一样。骷髅头和两个人应该被一起解读。人与其它科学工具被放置在一起。它们都是追寻真理,财富和权力的一部分。人当然会死,但是他们的追求却会被传递下去。Selve和 Dinteville 分别代表了宗教和世俗的权力。评论家认为这展现了宗教与世俗的冲突,但我们不妨也把它解读为世俗与宗教的结合。它们一同发挥作用来构建早期的民主政体。“人终有一死”过去曾是宗教的意识形态。然而,在这个时期,这个意识形态的力量开始从宗教流向了世俗,从上帝流向了科学,从天堂流到了民主政体。

Almost 200 hundred years after the time when Holbein painted “The Ambassadors”, at the time of Enlightenment, we may see a stronger belief in truth and democratic government than in God and heaven. This is well showed in “The Death of Socrates”.

“The Death of Socrates”,an oil canvas painted by French painter Jacques-Louis David in 1787, depicts the story of the execution of Socrates. Painted in 1787, two years before the French revolution, the painting is with an obvious purpose to propagate the revolution. It serves as a symbol to call for revolution to resist the unjust authority. Beside the function of propaganda, it also shows a concern about the relation between men’s mortality and the so called eternal truth, in this case,the relation between individual’s mortality and the law of the state.

memento mori and democracy(人终有一死与民主)_第2张图片




With the light shedding downward on his muscular body, Socrates no doubt is one focus of the painting.The light symbolizes the wisdom or the truth coming from above and Socrates is at the center of it. This means that Socrates is full of wisdom. Even before death, he still would not give in to fear or other emotions. He remains rational and prepares to sacrifice himself for his belief. As a contrast,pupils around him are all in grief. This not only can be seen from their expressions but also from the robes they wear. They wear blue, yellow and red robe which respectively symbolizes grief, weakness and passion. As a contrast,Socrates and Plato all wear a grey robe that symbolizes ration. They remain calm. Plato sits calmly and seems meditating on something. Socrates seems determined at his decision. Actually, at Phaedo, before the execution he has been talking at length about the immortality of the soul to prove that death is not to be feared.


This is further showed by his pointing upward finger. The gesture is from Raphael’s “The School of Athens”. In the “The School of Painting”, Plato points his finger upward to declare his persevere pursuing of the divine inspiration or knowledge of thing divine.In facing of death, the Socrates under David’s brush also shows his attitude very clearly by gesturing to the light coming from above. Actually, Socrates,at the point he taking the hemlock to close his life, would have been at his 70. David would not be ignorant to this fact so he is actually purposely muscularizing Socrates. David is not saying that Socrates still has a strong physical body at 70 but that he is strong at his belief. This belief is that a state or its people should be ruled by law even though he is now sentenced to death. The truth is held by Socrates as eternal and he will not sacrifice his belief to change for his mortal life, which is depicted as still strong and young by David. Thus, Socrates, in declaring his belief, reaches out his hand to the hemlock without hesitation.



From the discussion above, we may reach a conclusion that at “The Death of Socrates”, the belief in eternal truth or in the law of democratic state together with the acknowledgement of men’s inevitable immortality are arranged together to show a familiar subject in the Middle Ages, memento mori. Only this time, the religious implication of pursuing eternal soul or the afterlife is replaced by the pursuing of eternal truth or the democratic law.


To conclude, memento mori and democracy fulfill a same goal: prolonging men’s mortality life to the realm of future and in promising people a more equal status in the future (one through death, the other through democracy). 总的来说,人终有一死与民主都实现了一个共同目的:将人的现世延长至未来的领域以及承诺了人在未来更为平等的地位(一个通过死亡,一个通过民主)。

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