上海Le Wagon: 创业思维编程集训营

上海Le Wagon编程集训营(点击查看官网),为期9周,指导有创造力的你以创业的思维模式学习编程。课程内容为包含后端(Ruby on Rails)以及前端(HTML, CSS, JavaScript以及其他library)的全栈式网页开发。

Le Wagon is an intensive, full-time 9-week bootcamp that teaches creative people to code the startup way. Our curriculum is full-stack web development from Back-End (Ruby on Rails) to Front-End (HTML,CSS, JavaScript and various libraries).

Le Wagon社群的1200多名校友,遍布全球19个国家。随便问哪一个校友,他们都会告诉你Le Wagon的校友社群是我们的一大特色,这是世界上最棒的科技社群之一。背景各异的校友们(工程师,记者,建筑师,设计师,市场营销员......)每天在Slack上向导师们提问请教,分享贴士,资源,编程文章,工作机会以及自己产品的最新进展。

Le Wagon is a community of 1,200+ alumni, in 19 different cities across the world. Ask any student about Le Wagon, they’ll tell you one of our main strengths is our community, one of the best tech communities in the world. Alumni with diversified backgrounds (engineers, journalists, architects, designers, marketers…) are chatting every day on Slack, questioning our teaching staff, sharing tips, resources, code gists, job offers and news on their products.

为了让大家更好地了解上海Le Wagon能为学员带来怎样的体验,进而帮助你确定这是否是合适你的社群,我们对现在上海第61期的集训营学员进行了3个问题的简短采访。以下为部分内容:

To help you visualize what Le Wagon has to offer and whether this is the right community for you, we did a short 3-question interview with our current students of batch #61 in Shanghai!  Here are some of their answers:

Marc Baccani

1. What motivated you to join Le Wagon's coding bootcamp?

是什么促使你参加Le Wagon的编程训练营?

I was managing the marketing department of a startup in Hong Kong. Working in marketing, particularly in tech, I am constantly exposed to coding. I was inspired by a friend of mine who told me never to attempt to manage coders without first understanding the basics myself. For me, this is about becoming a better full stack marketer and participating in the creation process of digital branding.

我本来是香港一家创业公司的市场部经理,在我的工作环境中,经常会接触到编程。直到有一次,朋友对我说,如果连编程的基础原理都无法理解的话,更不要谈有效管理编程工程师们的日常工作了。对我来说,加入Le Wagon是为了让自己成为一个更加全面的市场营销者,并且参加到数字化营销的创造过程当中。

2. Halfway through the program, what inspirations did you gain?


Even just halfway through the program, I have gained more programming knowledge than I did with one semester of Computer Science back in college. The style of teaching is a combination of instruction and learning by doing. By learning not only how to code, but learning how to gain new programming through working on projects, I feel confident I can continue to expand my coding knowledge past this program.

即使训练营才过去一半,我获得的编程的知识,已经超过我大学期间一学期的计算机课程。Le Wagon的教学模式是教学与实践相结合。通过学习写代码,以及如何从项目实践中获得最新编程知识,我有自信在训练营结束后仍然能够独立拓展学习相关的编程知识。

3. Do you think the nine-weeks' intensive training was worth it? And why?


Yes. I had tried to learn by doing some online courses after work, but this process was slow and it took a long time to see any progress. I feel that by taking nine weeks of my life to dedicate just to learning code, I can create a solid foundation on which to build on in the future.

值得。参加Le Wagon之前,我利用工作之余的时间报了在线编程课程,但是课程非常慢,过了很长时间才见到进步。我觉得花九周时间来学习编程,我为自己将来的职业生涯打下了坚实的基础。

John Roberts

1. What motivated you to join Le Wagon's coding bootcamp?

是什么促使你参加Le Wagon的编程训练营?

In short, I wanted to learn coding so I can be creative in new and different ways. Le Wagon was clearly the best choice for a right-brain oriented person like myself.

简而言之,我想学习编程是因为我想要让自己的创造力突破边界。Le Wagon对于我这种右脑为主导,左脑有待开发的人来说,显然是最佳选择。

2. Halfway through the program, what inspirations did you gain?


Biggest boost of inspiration so far was during the object oriented programming section of the course. As someone who has never been a math or engineering wiz, at first it was difficult to wrap my brain around a complex programming paradigm like OOP. When I finally got a hang of it, I could barely even sleep at night from excitement. Mind too blown! All thanks to our teacher Dounan.


3. Do you think the nine-weeks' intensive training was worth it? And why?


Totally worth it. Would do it again in a heartbeat.


Jing Zhu

1. What motivated you to join Le Wagon's coding bootcamp?

是什么促使你参加Le Wagon的编程训练营?

I'm the co-funder and Head of Art for Heyshop (heyshop.io), which is an E-commerce SASS platform like Shopify, providing ERP, CRM and website building service for our customers, but based on Chinese market. Heyshop is a highly tech-driven company, where everyone is a computer savvy. Under such influence, I started to become curious about coding.


On the other hand, I believe that as a designer, I can further benefit from understandingcomputer languages as to help make Heyshop a stronger, and more advanced SASS product. I would become the connecting dot where design meets technology. Therefore, when I heard about Le Wagon, I decided that I want to join!

我相信掌握了技术知识、结合我的设计能力,才能更好地做好嘿店这个SASS产品。所以当我听说了Le Wagon之后,就下定决心要参加了。

2. Half way through the program, what inspirations did you gain?


It feels like God opened a new door for me, so that I can access so many interesting things that were unknown to me.


3. Do you think the nine-weeks' intensive training was worth it? And why?


It's really valuable. Le Wagon not only offers us systematic training, but also enables me to understand details and logics that self-learning could never cover.  Although the class is undoubtedly intense, the progress that I’ve made is also greatly satisfying. If I’d decided to learn coding on my own, it probably would have taken a year or two to accomplish what I've learned, instead of two months at Le Wagon.



上海Le Wagon: 创业思维编程集训营_第1张图片
上海Le Wagon: 创业思维编程集训营_第2张图片
上海Le Wagon: 创业思维编程集训营_第3张图片

Scan the QR code below to follow Le Wagon's wechat account for more information of our coding bootcamp and free workshops:

扫描下方二维码关注Le Wagon微信公众号,获取更多编程训练营以及免费工作坊的信息:

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Or drop an email if you have any question: [email protected]

或者直接发送邮件到[email protected]咨询

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