the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People——Habit2& 3 Summary

Part 1 概要及感悟:

Habit 3"要事第一建立在Habit 1 积极主动和Habit 2 以始为终”基础 之上,这正为什么第四代时间管理方法远远优于第一、二、三代时间管理方法的原因。


何谓要事first things?不是今天要参加某个会,要回几个人的电话,要写某个报告,这里的“要事”指的是那些有助于你实现长期目标,帮助你建立良好的人际关系,挖掘人生新机会,维持P/PC产出与产能平衡,人生规划等等这些事情相关的事件。比如我想三年后成为一个插画师,那我每天坚持画画就是非常重要的事情,而不是可有可无的事情。同理,如果你希望一年后英文报纸图书阅读无障碍,那么每天坚持读英文就是一件重要而不紧急的事。


第三,所谓时间管理,管理的是人而不是事,人的高效是effecitve, 做事高效是efficient, 作者反复强调的是个人管理而不是时间管理。

做事有效不代表你是个高效的人,如果你的大方向不对,做事高效只是白白浪费你的时间和精力。读完这章,我发现自己其实一困在做事高效的时间圈套中,且洋洋自得。比如平时听音频,看视频都喜欢加速,即使语速快的,我也会调到1.25倍听;网购花时间,买书不想凑运费,所以果断地买了亚马逊prime会员;做家务的时候都会戴耳机听音频;能让别人做的事情,尽量不去自己做等等。说到底,这些运用时间的小技能虽然可以帮助你节约时间,但这些不是最根本的,做什么事情取决于你的Personal Mission Statement,。我们不能一直只看到手边的事情,忽略了你的内心——你希望成为什么样的人,你的目标是什么。



Habit 2和Habit 3的关系:habit2 处于引领人生的位置,habit 3 是如何管理人生。

Part 2 Summary

Habit 2 Begin with the End in Mind

To “Begin With The End In Mind” simply means to start with a clear understanding of your destination. It means to know where you’re going so that you better understand where you are now and so that the steps you take are always in the right direction.

The most effective way to begin with the end in mind is to develop a personal mission statement. Your mission statement makes you the leader of your own life.  A personal mission statement based on correct principles and it becomes a personal constitution and the basis for making major, life-directing decisions. It empowers individuals with the same timeless strength in the midst of change.

Once you have the sense of mission, you have the essence of your own proactivity. You create your own destiny and secure the future you envision. You have the basic direction from which your set your long-term and short terms goals.

Break your mission down into the specific role areas of your life and goals you want to accomplish in each area.

- Role

Writing your mission in terms of the important role in your life gives you balance and harmony. It keeps each role clearly before you.

After identifying your various role, then you can think about the long-term goals you want to accomplish in each of those roles.

- Goal

An effective goal focuses primarily on results rather than activity, which identifies where you want to be and helps you determine where you are. It can finally translate itself into daily activities so that you are proactive, you are in charge of your life.

Roles and goals give structure and organized direction to your personal mission.

Habit 3 Put First Things First

Habit 3 is the exercise of independent will toward becoming principle centered.

Four Generations of Time Management

- the first: Notes and checklists

- the second: Calendars and appointment books

- the third: Prioritization, clarifying values, comparing the relative of worth of activities

- the fourth Preserving and enhancing relationships and accomplishing results

Convey introduces the Fourth generation which focuses on preserving and enhancing relations and on accomplishing results, on maintaining the P/PC Balance.

Quadrant II

the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People——Habit2& 3 Summary_第1张图片

Quadrant II is the heart of effective personal management. It deals with things that are not urgent, but are important. It deals with things like building relationships, writing personal mission statement , long-range planning ,exercising, preventive maintenance, preparation etc.

There is a jargon in time management, 80 percent of the results flow out of 20 percent of the activities.

The Quadrant II Tool

The objective of quadrant II management is to manage our lives effectively.

A Quadrant II organizer will meet six criteria:

Coherence. Harmony, unity, and integrity between vision and mission, priorities and plans, and desires and discipline.

Becoming A Quadrant II Self-manager

- Identify roles

- Select goals

- Schedule

The author recommends weekly schedule.

the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People——Habit2& 3 Summary_第2张图片

- Daily Adapt

Delegation: Increasing P and PC

Stewardship delegation involves expectations in five areas:

- Desired results

- Guidelines

- Resources

- Accountability

Part 3 Words and Expressions

1. He records that he was almost loath to leave his prison cell because it was there that he realized that real success is success with self. It's not in having things, but in having mastery, having victory over self.

be loath to: 不乐意的;不情愿的;勉强的;If you are loath to do something, you do not want to do it.

2. Feelings of self-worth are volatile, a function of the emotional state or behavior of other people.

volatile: 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词]易变的;动荡不定的;反复无常的;A situation that isvolatileis likely to change suddenly and unexpectedly.

3. The left deals with sequential thinking; the right with simultaneous and holistic thinking.

holistic: 整体论的;整体主义的;Holistic means based on the principles of holism.

这个词义还是蛮好记, 因为从发音上跟whole的前半部分是一样的。

4. It brings out the very best in people.

bring out the best/worst in sb: to make someone behave in the best or worst way that they can: 把最好的/最坏的一面暴露出来

The fighting with his girlfriend  brought out the worst in him.


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