精英口语养成记 之 绯闻女友(二)

这一季的学习内容,取自几年前风靡全球的美剧 ——《绯闻女孩》


这一期,我们来看看第五季第二集中,女主之一 Serena 是如何在洛杉矶偶遇表妹charlie后,尽管对方由于秘密原由,试图躲避,而 Serena 仍然努力说服她和自己同吃同住的故事。

通过五个场景,Serena 优雅地展现了她的幽默风趣,以及超强的说服力和个人魅力。在真实的英语社交表达中,说服力至关重要,而幽默感则是重点加分项哦。本章分析场景一。


Serena 约 Charlie 吃 brunch(早午饭)

S: Okay, spill ! What are you doing in L.A. and how do you get your Mum to agree to let you come here?


例句:There’s no doubt that she will spill his secrets.

C: She didn’t. I call her and I tell her that I’m Okay, but not where I am. Trust me, it’s better this way. Florida was making me crazier than New York ever did.

Charlie 在这句话里,出现了两次比较级的应用。

It’s better this way. 



Florida was making me crazier than New York ever did.



Physics was making me crazier than Mathematics ever did.

S: And you’re being responsible with your medication ?

be responsible with :负责


Serena 用婉转的说法表示,那你现在是在自我治愈么?

C: I needed a break from my Mom, not reality.

a break from : 与。。。分开

Charlie表示,她只是无法和母亲相处,不是要脱离社会。(这里涉及到前一季的剧情,简单概括就是,Charlie不愿待在 Florida,也不愿留在 New York,只身住在 L.A., Serena 以为是如 Charlie 所说,与母亲不和,实际上,Charlie 只是 Serena的姨妈雇来的演员,计划用来骗 Serena 祖母的财产的。此时,Charlie在洛杉矶的真实身份就是无名演员加餐厅服务生,类似生活大爆炸中的Penny,在餐厅偶遇Serena后,她极力回避,怕露出破绽,谎言被揭穿,但 Serena 还是当亲表妹来待她。故事有点尴尬。)

S: Well, Florida’s loss is my gain. Okay, I wanna know everything ! Friends, boyfriends!

Florida’s loss is my gain.

这句话说得很漂亮。"佛罗里达的损失是我的收获"。任何人听到自己如此受另一个人的重视,怎能不开心呢。所以说 Serena 是社交女王,不是徒有虚名。

当猎头找到新的抢手员工时,可以说,Company A's loss is B's gain.

当男/女朋友聊到前任时,可以安慰对方说,His/Her loss is my gain.

C: Neither, honestly, which is why it’s so sad that you have to go back to New York for school.

S: Well, then I must be a genie, “Cause your wish is granted”, I am staying.

genie, 满足愿望的精灵,与后一句“你的愿望实现啦” 相呼应。

注意这里的搭配,grant one’s wish,让某人的愿望实现。

C: Um, I thought that your movie ended.

这里的时态值得注意。thought 用过去式,表示在 Serena 宣布留下的前一秒,Charlie的旧想法仍然是serena在工作结束后要离开的。当对别人表示自己原本的旧想法时,用thought。(Charlie 此时非常惊讶和恐慌,手提包都掉地了。)

S: Oh, it did. But the producer offered me a job. So I’m meeting with her latter today to discuss the details. But don’t worry, we’ll have plenty of time to catch up before then.

catch up 有赶上某人,赶上工作进度的意思,而这里则表示叙旧。

Charlie 硬着头皮,演下去,先喝口橙汁,镇定一下。

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