TPO 51 - Integrated Writing - Correction

The passage stated that the elephants were aware of death. This was supported by the fact that when the elephants grow old, they would wander off from the herd and find water places. However the lecture challenges the reason why elephants wander off from their herd was because they were aware of the coming death, instead, the truth was because their teeth would eventually became worn overtime for chewing hard plants which most elephants eat, while the place where the softer plants grew was misunderstood as elephant graveyards. The reason for the massive death of elephants near ponds was actually because they ate the plants near and eventually died there. So the elephants needed to find more softer plants in order to survive.

Then the reading passage proposed that the elephants can draw. some elephants that were trained to hold paint brushes and paint animals or other recognizable figures. The lecture disagrees with the reading. It said that it is just a misunderstanding. Its when the trainers struck their ears and trained them to draw lines and strokes and remember them and use special ways to struck their ears and to let encourage them to repeat the pattern.

Finally, the passage stated that they have a fear to those of the smaller animals like mice instead of the larger animals that could actually do harm like tigers and lions which also share their living grounds. The lecture challenges that the elephants were just having a fear of animals that were unfamiliar to them. To those elephants that live where the mice were commonly seen, the elephants just ignore them, so it is just the unfamiliarity that made elephants fear.

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