If you find a secret, will you keep your mouth shut or speak out?

To this topic I'm not going to handle it with just a "yes" or "no". I'll analyze the human mentality when facing others' secret instead.

First we need realize secret is one kind of information. And information is for the purpose of spread. That is to say to keep secret is a violation of human instincts, it tortures people if a secret kept in mind. You can neither speak out, nor forget . 

At least the tortures come from the following three internal conflicts:
1. When get known others' secret, he's facing the pressure to be reminded and intensified constantly. Because he need this to remember not to speak it out anywhere, anytime. That's why we saw Ben's abnormal behavior when he met Jules after he knew Matt's skeleton in the closet. He must try the best to cover the fact that he knew everything, but it reminded him constantly. So he dared not look at Jules' eyes, he's all flushed, he didn't look like him.

2. As a receiver of secret, you get split of morality and instinct. Your awareness reminds you not speak it out, but the information that your body(instinct) receives was:  spread it.  It is like the modes when you are told not to think of that pink elephant, you will find all your mind is full of the pink elephant.

3. The third one is a kind of mentality to absorb others' attention. The person who knows the secret bears more or less somewhat superiority feelings. The know others don't know thing gives them the desire to show it off. The demand of sense of presence urges them to spread the secret. 

From the above analyse, we will see how difficult to keep a secret, that's why secret is one of the top topics hyped by some media to gain focus. 

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