Peak 第二周小结

一 字词整理

1. The more you study a subject, the more detailed your mental representations of it become, and the better you get at assimilating new information.

Assimilate:to completely understand and begin to use new ideas, information etc吸收,理解;掌握

2. The current record is forty-six boards,set in 2011 by Marc Lang of Germany, with twenty-five wins, two losses, and nineteendraws.

Draw:the final result of a game or competition in which both teams or players have the same number of points平局,和局

3. …an interruption thatrekindledhis interest inblindfold chess.

Rekindle:to make someone have a particular feeling, thought etc again重新激起,重新唤起

4. Much of Chaffin's work with Imresh isreminiscentof how I monitored Steve Faloon's development of mental representations for memorizing strings of digits.

reminiscent: reminiscent of sthreminding you of something使人想起某事的

5. Several readers identified Horner’s syndrome correctly but werestymiedby how that might be connected to the ear pain

stymie: to prevent someone from doing what they have planned or want to do阻碍,妨碍,使不能实施

6. the relationship between skill and mental representations is avirtuous circle

virtuous circle:a series of events in which each one seems to increase the good effects of the previous one 良性循环

vicious circle:a situation in which one problem causes another problem, that then causes the first problem again, so that the whole process continues to be repeated  恶性循环

7. As with thedisparitybetween Renee and Steve, the key difference between Steve's performance and that of the new generation of memorywhizzeslies in the details of their training.

disparity: a difference between two or more things, especially an unfair one〔两个或两个以上事物之间的〕不同,不平等,差异

whizz: someone who is very fast, intelligent, or skilled in a particular activity快手,高手,能人

8. ...without writing them down and stage actors who had to learn manylinesevery time they began a new play.

line: words that someone has to learn and say as part of a play or performance台词

9. Many of us assume that their highly developedpalatescan pick out subtleties andnuancesin wines that are not apparent to the rest of us, but studies have shown that their powers are highly exaggerated.

palate:本义是the top part of the inside of your mouth颚,引申为a person's ability to taste and judge good food and wine(对美食、美酒的)鉴赏力

例:a discriminating palate敏锐的鉴赏力

nuance:a very slight, hardly noticeable difference in manner, color,meaning etc〔方式、颜色、意义等的〕细微差别

10. practice this oftenboils down topurposeful practice with a few extra steps.

boil down to:informal if a long statement, argument etc boils down to a single statement, that statement is the main point or cause要点是某事,归结为某事

二 感悟



三 summary

We finished chapter 3 and chapter 4 this week. Chapter 3 introduces a concept called "mental representation". Mental representation is a mental structure that corresponds to an object, an idea, a collection of information, or anything else, concrete or abstract, that the brain is thinking about. Mental representation interacts with deliberate practice. Deliberate practice creats mental representation and the mental representation produced by  the deliberate practice has significant impact on the process and results of deliberate practice. By practising delibrately, we can have a good understanding of some skills and we call this sense  "mental representation". By using mental representation, we  can practice more skillfully and hone our skills.

Chapter 4 introduces the core concept of this book: deliberate practice. Firstly, it shows us some features of deliberate practice. Secondly, it tells us how to apply deliberate practice to our lives. An important method is having an excellent teacher to assist us. Finally, it draws a distinction between deliberate practice and ten-thousand-hour rule. It clarifies people's misunderstandings about practice.

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