A letter of Complaint

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to express my discontentmentwith your products –English Conversation in A Week Set of 6 CDsI purchased to improve my English communicationskills.

As your regular customer, previously I wasimpressed by your quality English learning materials, however, I was incrediblydissatisfied with these CDs in several respects. To begin with, your companyshould have kept to the advertisement that business English conversations wouldbe incorporated in the CDs. Without this essential section, the value andquality of the products were degenerated. Moreover, it was stated in youradvertisement that users would be given time to repeat after listening. What infuriatedme was that there was insufficient time for doing so. Finally, the moststriking problem is the advertisement was so misleading that customers could beeasily enticed into buying them in the hope of spending 20 euros for the wholeset, however, it turned out to be it is the price for each CD. Had I known howexpensive they were, I would definitely not have bought them.

For the reasons I presented above, Itherefore request a full refund of 120 euros to compensate for my financialloss.

As one of the global prestigiouspublishers, your company should be accountable for any misconduct, otherwise, Ibelieve that your reputation will be definitely tarnished.

I look forward to hearing from you withinfive working days.

Your faithfully


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