Refer to Paper3:bag of words

When I read the paper3,I get the contention of the features descriptor of  bag of visual words of the recognition framework.Then I attempt to know its theory.

Here,I'd like to put the blog which I think is great to give the informations primary-learners want to know.

Notes:Bag-of words是SIFT算法在目标识别方面的应用


Refer to Paper3:bag of words_第1张图片

Refer to Paper3:bag of words_第2张图片

于是便可用一个相对较少维度的数值向量来描述一幅图像,相比于用SIFT来描述一幅图像(每个SIFT矢量为128维,且每幅图像通常包含成百上千个SIFT矢量),用Bag-of-words来描述使得在进行图像间相似度计算时效率能大大提高。然后将用bag of words表示的图片用于进行分类器的训练。


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