刚升级了Xcode7之后,使用iOS9 SDK,启动app的时候一直报此错
[AppName] was compiled with optimization - stepping may behave oddly; variables may not be available.
Unexpected Machine Code - Your upload contains both bitcode and native machine code. When you provide bitcode, it's not necessary to include machine code as well. To reduce the size of your upload, use Xcode 7.3 or later, or any other toolchain that removes machine code.
Posting an answer myself, as it seems to be quite a popular question with nobody answering — so the issue is on the Apple side. Some people contacted Apple support and confirmed this. There is no need to recompile anything. The binary with such a warning can be submitted to the AppStore — it will pass the review successfully. I've already did it with a few apps.
Check more details here: "Unexpected Machine Code" warning from iTunes Connect
Guideline 2.5.1 - Performance - Software Requirements
Additionally, your app uses or references the following non-public APIs:
- “PrivateFrameworks, BulletinDistributorCompanion.framework (Reachability)”
The use of non-public APIs is not permitted on the App Store because it can lead to a poor user experience should these APIs change.
Continuing to use or conceal non-public APIs in future submissions of this app may result in the termination of your Apple Developer account, as well as removal of all associated apps from the App Store.
Next Steps
If you are using third-party libraries, please update to the most recent version of those libraries. If you do not have access to the libraries' source, you may be able to search the compiled binary using the "strings" or "otool" command line tools. The "strings" tool can output a list of the methods that the library calls and "otool -ov" will output the Objective-C class structures and their defined methods. These tools can help you narrow down where the problematic code resides. You could also use the "nm" tool to verify if any third-party libraries are calling these APIs.
For information on the "nm" tool, please review the "nm tool" Xcode manual page.
Class Reach = NSClassFromString(@"Reachability");
NSObject *r = [Reach performSelector:NSSelectorFromString(@"reachabilityWithHostName:") withObject:@"www.baidu.com"];
公开的Reachability: https://developer.apple.com/library/content/samplecode/Reachability/Introduction/Intro.html
*** Assertion failure in -[UICollectionView _createPreparedSupplementaryViewForElementOfKind:atIndexPath:withLayoutAttributes:applyAttributes:]1555错误
- (UICollectionReusableView *)collectionView:(UICollectionView *)collectionView viewForSupplementaryElementOfKind:(NSString *)kind atIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
不可 alloc 你想要的view 需要通过collectionView的
dequeueReusableSupplementaryViewOfKind:UICollectionElementKindSectionFooter withReuseIdentifier:kProductSectionFooterIdentifier forIndexPath:indexPath
我自己遇到这个情况,是n(n>=0)个section时,自定义collectionView的header和footer,n>1时有个footerView始终在最后一个section部分,其它section的header和footer各司其职。其实『Assertion failure in』很清楚的说明了情况,那就是 UICollectionReusableView *reusableview = nil;声明并初始化后,经过一系列条件判断处理后,因为自己的一些逻辑不够严谨,reusableview还是以nil返回了。
这两天研究视频播放,集成RTMP视频出现的异常,刚好看到一篇博客,楼主使用[AVAudioPlayer Play]时出现了异常。。。记录下来:
C++ libraries may throw and catch exceptions internally for all sorts of reasons, for example end of buffer or end of file. Whether this is an appropriate use of exceptions, good coding style or software engineering practice is debatable. As long as an exception does not make it uncaught into your code you should not worry about it.
You say that the routine returns successfully and the desired output is obtained, so nothing is wrong (i.e. it is not a bug).
Could not load NIB in bundle
Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: 'Could not load NIB in bundle: 'NSBundle (loaded)' with name 'Main'' First throw call stack: (0x181f12db0 0x181577f80 0x181f12cf8 0x1875473a4 0x187549b24 0x18731b608 0x1870e6638 0x18731a49c 0x187317764 0x1838b37ac 0x1838b3618 0x1838b39c8 0x181ec909c 0x181ec8b30 0x181ec6830 0x181df0c50 0x1870df94c 0x1870da088 0x1000514a4 0x18198e8b8) libc++abi.dylib: terminating with uncaught exception of type NSException
这个错场景是,在故事版做入口,与手动创建window做入口时。在设置Deployment Info中Main Interface时,设置为空。之后设置回“Main”,报这个错。
'Project Name' was compiled with optimization
工程在编译之后被优化了,所以导致单步的时候程序表现异常,变量也都不能访问了。这是由于编译的时候选择的是 release,而 release 的时候是会做很多优化,导致上述结果。
failed to get the task for process XXX
_BSMachError: (os/kern) invalid capability (20) _BSMachError: (os/kern) invalid name (15)
I had the same two error messages. In my case, the errors were appearing when I called [[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:url] after the user selected a button in an open UIAlertController. I assumed the alert was trying to close at the same time I was trying to open the URL. So, I introduced a slight delay and the error message went away.
dispatch_after(0.2, dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ [[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:url]; });
Not sure if this helps with your particular problem, but I thought it might be helpful to share.
此证书的签发者无效Missing iOS Distribution signing identity
打包上传AppStore时报错。Develop证书和Distribution证书都提示“此证书的签发者无效”,AppleWWDRCA (Apple Worldwide Developer Relations Certification Authority) 证书过期解决。
Thanks for bringing this to the attention of the community and apologies for the issues you’ve been having. This issue stems from having a copy of the expired WWDR Intermediate certificate in both your System and Login keychains. To resolve the issue, you should first download and install the new WWDR intermediate certificate (by double-clicking on the file). Next, in the Keychain Access application, select the System keychain. Make sure to select “Show Expired Certificates” in the View menu and then delete the expired version of the Apple Worldwide Developer Relations Certificate Authority Intermediate certificate (expired on February 14, 2016). Your certificates should now appear as valid in Keychain Access and be available to Xcode for submissions to the App Store.
As noted in a comment below, the expired certificate also needs to be removed from the login section, as well:
To all that cannot get it working despite the instructions... There are two expired WWDR certs. One is in login keychain, and the other one is in the System. You have to delete both of them in order to make things working
苹果工作人员官方回答了哦,见:Xcode 7 error: “Missing iOS Distribution signing identity for …”。
Pointer is missing a nullability type specifier (__nonnull or __nullable)
相关的另一个:null passed to a callee that requires a non-null argument以及这个
Could not launch "My App" process launch failed: Security
设置 -> 通用 -> 描述文件 -> "开发者的AppleID" 选择信任。
Application received signal SIGSEGV (null)
you should find the xxx.app.dSYM and use the dSYMTool
fill in the information such as :
CPU Type: armv7 Slide Address: 0x00004000 Base Address: 0x0008a000
you will know the crash bug
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault。SIGSEGV错误了解一下
-[UICachedDeviceWhiteColor shadowColor]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x156f22f0
CUICatalog: Invalid asset name supplied:
Class _NSZombie_xxxxxxx is implemented in both ?? and?
NSZombies is turned on. Go to product -> scheme -> edit scheme (CMD+SHIFT+.) and under run -> diagnostics uncheck "Enable Zombies".
难道另有隐情:Class Foo is implemented in both MyApp and MyAppTestCase. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined,也看看国内的开发者朋友的看法
"The account 'Apple ID' has no team with ID 'team ID'
Xcode Unable to boot device because it cannot be located on disk
The executable was signed with invalid entitlements
Project - TARGETS - 项目目标名称 - Build Settings - Code Signing Entitlements 将其值置为空。