
农作物(crop)和水果(fruit)的图像检测与分割, 目前找到的数据集以及相应说明:

ACFR Orchard Fruit Dataset

ACFR Orchard Fruit Dataset数据集来自澳大利亚悉尼大学和 Australian Centre for Field Robotics (澳大利亚野外机器人技术中心), 数据集含苹果, 芒果和杏, 标注格式为沿着水果的矩形标注框(芒果和杏)以及圆形标注框(苹果). 并且附有该数据集的F1-score.

ACFR 标注样例

Date Fruit Dataset

Date Fruit Dataset for Automated Harvesting and Visual Yield Estimation 这篇论文出自King Saud Univerisity, 数据集是关于不同品种的 Date Palm(海枣) 这种水果在生长各阶段的数据, 该数据集的最新更新日期是 2019-05-26


  1. The first dataset consists of 8079 images of more than 350 date bunches captured from 29 date palms. The pictures of date bunches were captured using a color camera in six sessions. The sessions covered all date maturity stages: immature, Khalal, Rutab, and Tamar. The dataset is provided with a large degree of variations to reflect the challenges in natural environments and date fruit orchards. These variations in images include different angels and scales, different daylight conditions having poor illumination images, and date bunches covered by bags. The dataset is fully labeled according to type, maturity, and harvesting decision. We can use this dataset in many applications including fruit detection, segmentation, classification, maturity analysis, and automatic harvesting.

  2. The second dataset contains images, videos, and weight measurements to help in many applications such as yield estimation (产量估算). In this dataset, we marked date bunches for selected palms, recorded 360° video for each palm, and measured their data (height, trunk circumference, total yield, number of bunches, and weight of bunches


Fruit Recognition dataset

Fruit Recognition dataset 数据集, 是在实验室中收集的水果照片. 用于水果分类. 数据集更新日期是 2018-07-12

Multi-species fruit flower detection

Multi-species fruit flower detection 是来自美国农业部的水果开花期的数据集. 数据集包含有4组花的照片, 这些花的照片包含由三种不同的水果: 苹果, 梨, 桃, 并且有这些照片的Ground Truth label 照片. 照片拍摄自不同的环境下. 这个数据集对管理果园Fruit Load 有意义. (注: Fruit Load是什么问题? 中文翻译是什么?)

该数据集于 2018-03-01 发布, 2019-04-01更新.



Fruits 360 是一个包含有多种水果的分类数据集. 背景简单(白色), 水果种类多.

该数据集于2017-02-25发布, 最近更新于 2019-04-21

Fruit-360 数据样例 class: Apple-Red
