
Hello! Everyone. Good evening. My name is Shari. It’s my pleasure to present my L2 P2 speech to you. Hope you get something new and learn to connect with audience when in an emergency [iˈmɜːdʒənsi]. L2 P2 focuses on different audience types and how to address them effectively. Please listen carefully because I will interview somebody who represents that kind of audience. This is a story about sudden situation of PPT failure at the scene of the English Speech Final Contest held by my company. In the English Speech Primary Contest, I was the champion and my score were much higher than the number 2. So, I bought a new close, wore a pair of high heels, groomed my hair at the barbershop, even got used to my new image at Wujiang First Toastmaster. I invited my manager and some colleagues to listen my speech the day before the contest. I practiced twice on my way to work and twice on my way to home. At the first two nights of the contest, I practiced at the contest site until 9.30 before going home. I especially made a PPT that its style was very different form with lovely style I shown at Toastmaster. I added many data analysis images to the PPT, mainly to make it a professional engineering type. Yes, a professional me, a professional PPT and reciting about 50 times. I thought everything was OK, just lacked my presentation.

 In the first two minutes, everything was OK. Then the animation of my third PPT began to appear, but my speech was less than that page of PPT. Because my speech had many data analysis and banking of university, I must rely on it. In the 8 minutes’ speech, I can’t control it at all. My speech was messed up at last. I was the number 10 of 10. So, I want to ask somebody who represents a kind of audiences here. If you were me, how to connect with the audiences at that time? Did you give up PPT?

Firstly, I want to ask Amy because you represent the kind of people who have good pronunciation. Did you choose to give up PPT or just like me rely on PPT?

Secondly, I want to ask EM because you are the representative of the boss. If your subordinates stand on that stage, what kind of suggestion would you give him?

Thirdly, I want to ask experienced president, how do you choose?

Thanks to so many answers. Our sponsor Weikan also give his suggestion. He said if you couldn’t revise your PPT, you must choose to give up PPT. After the speech, I thought a lot about it. When the biggest boss of the company is your audience, if you can’t control your PPT, this is your personal competency. Crash immediately, handle unexpected situations beautifully. That’s the audiences want to see most.
