




FASTX-Toolkit是用于短读FASTA / FASTQ文件预处理的命令行工具的集合。 新一代测序仪通常生成FASTA或FASTQ文件,包含多个短读序列(可能带有质量信息)。 这种FASTA / FASTQ文件的主要处理是使用专门程序将序列映射(也称为比对)到参考基因组或其他数据库。 这种映射程序的示例是:Blat,SHRiMP,LastZ,MAQ以及许多其他程序。 但是,在将序列映射到基因组之前预处理FASTA / FASTQ文件有时会更有效率 - 操作序列以产生更好的映射结果。 FASTX-Toolkit工具执行其中一些预处理任务。


  • FASTQ-to-FASTA converter
    Convert FASTQ files to FASTA files.
  • FASTQ Information
    Chart Quality Statistics and Nucleotide Distribution
  • FASTQ/A Collapser
    Collapsing identical sequences in a FASTQ/A file into a single sequence (while maintaining reads counts)
    将FASTQ / A文件中的相同序列折叠成单个序列(同时保持读取计数)
  • FASTQ/A Trimmer
    Shortening reads in a FASTQ or FASTQ files (removing barcodes or noise)
  • FASTQ/A Renamer
    Renames the sequence identifiers in FASTQ/A file
    在FASTQ / A文件中重命名序列标识符
  • FASTQ/A Clipper
    Removing sequencing adapters / linkers
  • FASTQ/A Reverse-Complement
    Producing the Reverse-complement of each sequence in a FASTQ/FASTA file
    在FASTQ / FASTA文件中生成每个序列的反向补码
  • FASTQ/A Barcode splitter
    Splitting a FASTQ/FASTA files containning multiple samples
    拆分包含多个样本的FASTQ / FASTA文件
  • FASTA Formatter
    changes the width of sequences line in a FASTA file
  • FASTA Nucleotide Changer
    Convets FASTA sequences from/to RNA/DNA
    将FASTA序列从/转换为RNA / DNA
  • FASTQ Quality Filter
    Filters sequences based on quality
  • FASTQ Quality Trimmer
    Trims (cuts) sequences based on quality
  • FASTQ Masker
    Masks nucleotides with 'N' (or other character) based on quality



tar xjvf fastx_toolkit_0.0.13_binaries_Linux_2.6_amd64.tar.bz2




  • 不支持压缩格式的输入文件
  • 不允许序列中存在N碱基,这样的序列会自动去除
  • 可视化命令依赖gunplot软件和perl的GD模块
  • 默认情况下认为fastq文件的碱基编码格式为phred64

在安装该软件时尤其时运时如果遇到:make命令报错:“fgets called with bigger size than length of destination buffer”,安装比较新版本,就能解决问题。

如果在运行fastx_quality_stats 过程中出现“fastx_quality_stats: Invalid quality score value (char '#' ord 35 quality value -29) on line 4”,请在参数中加入“-Q 33”



usage: fastq_to_fasta [-h] [-r] [-n] [-v] [-z] [-i INFILE] [-o OUTFILE]

version 0.0.6
   [-h]         = This helpful help screen.
   [-r]         = Rename sequence identifiers to numbers.
   [-n]         = keep sequences with unknown (N) nucleotides.
          Default is to discard such sequences.
   [-v]         = Verbose - report number of sequences.
          If [-o] is specified,  report will be printed to STDOUT.
          If [-o] is not specified (and output goes to STDOUT),
          report will be printed to STDERR.
   [-z]         = Compress output with GZIP.
   [-i INFILE]  = FASTA/Q input file. default is STDIN.
   [-o OUTFILE] = FASTA output file. default is STDOUT.

FASTX Statistics

usage: fastx_quality_stats [-h] [-i INFILE] [-o OUTFILE]

version 0.0.6 (C) 2008 by Assaf Gordon ([email protected])
   [-h] = This helpful help screen.
   [-i INFILE]  = FASTA/Q input file. default is STDIN.
                  If FASTA file is given, only nucleotides
          distribution is calculated (there's no quality info).
   [-o OUTFILE] = TEXT output file. default is STDOUT.

The output TEXT file will have the following fields (one row per column):
    column  = column number (1 to 36 for a 36-cycles read solexa file)
    count   = number of bases found in this column.
    min     = Lowest quality score value found in this column.
    max     = Highest quality score value found in this column.
    sum     = Sum of quality score values for this column.
    mean    = Mean quality score value for this column.
    Q1  = 1st quartile quality score.
    med = Median quality score.
    Q3  = 3rd quartile quality score.
    IQR = Inter-Quartile range (Q3-Q1).
    lW  = 'Left-Whisker' value (for boxplotting).
    rW  = 'Right-Whisker' value (for boxplotting).
    A_Count = Count of 'A' nucleotides found in this column.
    C_Count = Count of 'C' nucleotides found in this column.
    G_Count = Count of 'G' nucleotides found in this column.
    T_Count = Count of 'T' nucleotides found in this column.
    N_Count = Count of 'N' nucleotides found in this column.
    max-count = max. number of bases (in all cycles)

FASTQ Quality Chart

Usage: /usr/local/bin/ [-i INPUT.TXT] [-t TITLE] [-p] [-o OUTPUT]

  [-p]           - Generate PostScript (.PS) file. Default is PNG image.
  [-i INPUT.TXT] - Input file. Should be the output of "solexa_quality_statistics" program.
  [-o OUTPUT]    - Output file name. default is STDOUT.
  [-t TITLE]     - Title (usually the solexa file name) - will be plotted on the graph.

FASTA/Q Nucleotide Distribution

Usage: /usr/local/bin/ [-i INPUT.TXT] [-t TITLE] [-p] [-o OUTPUT]

  [-p]           - Generate PostScript (.PS) file. Default is PNG image.
  [-i INPUT.TXT] - Input file. Should be the output of "fastx_quality_statistics" program.
  [-o OUTPUT]    - Output file name. default is STDOUT.
  [-t TITLE]     - Title - will be plotted on the graph.

FASTA/Q Clipper

usage: fastx_clipper [-h] [-a ADAPTER] [-D] [-l N] [-n] [-d N] [-c] [-C] [-o] [-v] [-z] [-i INFILE] [-o OUTFILE]

version 0.0.6
   [-h]         = This helpful help screen.
   [-a ADAPTER] = ADAPTER string. default is CCTTAAGG (dummy adapter).
   [-l N]       = discard sequences shorter than N nucleotides. default is 5.
   [-d N]       = Keep the adapter and N bases after it.
          (using '-d 0' is the same as not using '-d' at all. which is the default).
   [-c]         = Discard non-clipped sequences (i.e. - keep only sequences which contained the adapter).
   [-C]         = Discard clipped sequences (i.e. - keep only sequences which did not contained the adapter).
   [-k]         = Report Adapter-Only sequences.
   [-n]         = keep sequences with unknown (N) nucleotides. default is to discard such sequences.
   [-v]         = Verbose - report number of sequences.
          If [-o] is specified,  report will be printed to STDOUT.
          If [-o] is not specified (and output goes to STDOUT),
          report will be printed to STDERR.
   [-z]         = Compress output with GZIP.
   [-D]     = DEBUG output.
   [-i INFILE]  = FASTA/Q input file. default is STDIN.
   [-o OUTFILE] = FASTA/Q output file. default is STDOUT.

FASTA/Q Renamer

usage: fastx_renamer [-n TYPE] [-h] [-z] [-v] [-i INFILE] [-o OUTFILE]
Part of FASTX Toolkit 0.0.10 by A. Gordon ([email protected])

   [-n TYPE]    = rename type:
          SEQ - use the nucleotides sequence as the name.
          COUNT - use simply counter as the name.
   [-h]         = This helpful help screen.
   [-z]         = Compress output with GZIP.
   [-i INFILE]  = FASTA/Q input file. default is STDIN.
   [-o OUTFILE] = FASTA/Q output file. default is STDOUT.

FASTA/Q Trimmer

usage: fastx_trimmer [-h] [-f N] [-l N] [-z] [-v] [-i INFILE] [-o OUTFILE]

version 0.0.6
   [-h]         = This helpful help screen.
   [-f N]       = First base to keep. Default is 1 (=first base).
   [-l N]       = Last base to keep. Default is entire read.
   [-z]         = Compress output with GZIP.
   [-i INFILE]  = FASTA/Q input file. default is STDIN.
   [-o OUTFILE] = FASTA/Q output file. default is STDOUT.

FASTA/Q Collapser

usage: fastx_collapser [-h] [-v] [-i INFILE] [-o OUTFILE]

version 0.0.6
   [-h]         = This helpful help screen.
   [-v]         = verbose: print short summary of input/output counts
   [-i INFILE]  = FASTA/Q input file. default is STDIN.
   [-o OUTFILE] = FASTA/Q output file. default is STDOUT.

FASTQ/A Artifacts Filter

usage: fastq_artifacts_filter [-h] [-v] [-z] [-i INFILE] [-o OUTFILE]

version 0.0.6
   [-h]         = This helpful help screen.
   [-i INFILE]  = FASTA/Q input file. default is STDIN.
   [-o OUTFILE] = FASTA/Q output file. default is STDOUT.
   [-z]         = Compress output with GZIP.
   [-v]         = Verbose - report number of processed reads.
          If [-o] is specified,  report will be printed to STDOUT.
          If [-o] is not specified (and output goes to STDOUT),
          report will be printed to STDERR.

FASTQ Quality Filter

usage: fastq_quality_filter [-h] [-v] [-q N] [-p N] [-z] [-i INFILE] [-o OUTFILE]

version 0.0.6
   [-h]         = This helpful help screen.
   [-q N]       = Minimum quality score to keep.
   [-p N]       = Minimum percent of bases that must have [-q] quality.
   [-z]         = Compress output with GZIP.
   [-i INFILE]  = FASTA/Q input file. default is STDIN.
   [-o OUTFILE] = FASTA/Q output file. default is STDOUT.
   [-v]         = Verbose - report number of sequences.
          If [-o] is specified,  report will be printed to STDOUT.
          If [-o] is not specified (and output goes to STDOUT),
          report will be printed to STDERR.

FASTQ/A Reverse Complement

usage: fastx_reverse_complement [-h] [-r] [-z] [-v] [-i INFILE] [-o OUTFILE]

version 0.0.6
   [-h]         = This helpful help screen.
   [-z]         = Compress output with GZIP.
   [-i INFILE]  = FASTA/Q input file. default is STDIN.
   [-o OUTFILE] = FASTA/Q output file. default is STDOUT.

FASTA Formatter

usage: fasta_formatter [-h] [-i INFILE] [-o OUTFILE] [-w N] [-t] [-e]
Part of FASTX Toolkit 0.0.7 by [email protected]

   [-h]         = This helpful help screen.
   [-i INFILE]  = FASTA/Q input file. default is STDIN.
   [-o OUTFILE] = FASTA/Q output file. default is STDOUT.
   [-w N]       = max. sequence line width for output FASTA file.
          When ZERO (the default), sequence lines will NOT be wrapped -
          all nucleotides of each sequences will appear on a single 
          line (good for scripting).
   [-t]         = Output tabulated format (instead of FASTA format).
          Sequence-Identifiers will be on first column,
          Nucleotides will appear on second column (as single line).
   [-e]         = Output empty sequences (default is to discard them).
          Empty sequences are ones who have only a sequence identifier,
          but not actual nucleotides.

Example: FASTQ Information

$ fastx_quality_stats -i BC54.fq -o bc54_stats.txt
$ -i bc54_stats.txt -o bc54_quality.png -t "My Library"
$ -i bc54_stats.txt -o bc54_nuc.png -t "My Library"


Example: FASTQ/A Manipulation

Common pre-processing work-flow:

  1. Covnerting FASTQ to FASTA
  2. Clipping the Adapter/Linker
  3. Trimming to 27nt (if you're analyzing miRNAs, for example)
  4. Collapsing the sequences
  5. Plotting the clipping results

Using the FASTX-toolkit from the command line:

  • fastq_to_fasta -v -n -i BC54.fq -o BC54.fa Input: 100000 reads.
    Output: 100000 reads.

  • fastx_clipper -v -i BC54.fa -a CTGTAGGCACCATCAATTCGTA -o BC54.clipped.fa
    Min. Length: 15
    Input: 100000 reads.
    Output: 92533 reads.
    discarded 468 too-short reads.
    discarded 6939 adapter-only reads.
    discarded 60 N reads.

  • fastx_trimmer -v -f 1 -l 27 -i BC54.clipped.fa -o BC54.trimmed.fa
    Trimming: base 1 to 27
    Input: 92533 reads.
    Output: 92533 reads.

  • fastx_collapser -v -i BC54.trimmed.fa -o BC54.collapsed.fa
    Collapsd 92533 reads into 36431 unique sequences.

  • BC54.collapsed.fa bc54_clipping.png


cat BC54.fq | fastq_to_fasta -n | fastx_clipper -l 15 -a CTGTAGGCACCATCAATTCGTA | fastx_trimmer -f 1 -l 27 | fastx_collapser >


