- 传统的树木改良方案是需要广泛资源的长期努力。
- traditional forest tree improvement programs are
needextensive resources
- 表达需要的词:need, require
- 他们需要建立交配设计,在多个地点安装后代测试,以评估父母及其在大地理区域的后代,长时间监测这些测试,并*最终分析测量结果以评估经济特征。
- they require establishing mating designs, installing progeny tests on multiple sites, and evaluating parents and their offspring over large geographic areas, monitoring these tests over extended periods of time , and finally analyzing measured results to assess economic characters.
- 在多个地点用on而非at
- offspring是单复同行
- over用的很多
- 了解适应性和商业性状的复杂结构 以评估进化力在塑造遗传变异中的作用 并改善长期育种策略
。 - it's very important to understand complex structure of adaptive and chametial in order to evaluate the role of evolutionary power in shaping genetic variation and improve long term breeding strategies.
- It is
fundamentally important
to understand the complex architecture of adaptive and commercial traits in order to assess the role of evolutionary forces in shaping the genetic variation and to improve long-term breeding strategy. -
- in the past years, great progress has been made in constructing genomic maps of forest trees.
Great progress has been made
in constructing genomic maps of forest treesin the last few years
- 我们
它们。 - we determined three major components of spatial variation from plot error of trail field, and extended two-dimention spatial program to explain them.
- We
three major components of spatial variation in plot errors from field experiments and extend thetwo-dimensional spatial procedures
of Cullis and Gleeson (1991) to account for them.
- 遗传改良程序的成功
开发在不同环境条件下在生产力和/或质量方面具有优异性能的基因型 - the success of genetic improvement programse depend on developing superios performance genotypes for productivity and / or qulitay at different environmental conditions.
- The success of a genetic improvement program is
contingent on
developing genotypes withsuperior
performance in productivity and/or qualityacross varied environmental conditions
- 生长性状的遗传结构在形成生物的生长,发育和进化中起着中心作用。
- genetic archetectures of growth traits play central roles in growth, development and evolution of organism formation
genetic architecture of growth traits plays a central role inshaping
the growth, development, and evolution oforganisms
. - 虽然有限数量的模型被
为后代。 - although limited number of model was designed to estimate genetic effects for complex phenotype, no model was available to examine how gene action and interaction change development of organism, and transefer changed individual development into .
a limited number of modelshave been(复数) devised
to estimate genetic effectson
complex phenotypes, no modelhas been available
to examine howgene actions and interactions
development of an organism andtransform
the alteredontogeny
. - 在本文中,我们提出一个新的统计模型,用于定位数量性状基因位点(QTL)确定复杂性状的发育过程。
- in this text, we proposed a new statistical model for locating quantitative trait loci to assure developmental progress of complex traits.
In this article
,we present
a novel statistical model for mapping quantitative trait loci (QTL) determining the developmentalprocess
of complex traits. - 我们的模型是在
的传统最大似然框架内构建的。 - our model was constructed in traditional maximum likelihood framework using EM algorism.
- Our model is constructed within the traditional maximum-likelihood framework
implemented with the EM algorithm
. - `我们采用有生物意义·的生长曲线方程来建模时间特异性预期遗传值和AR(1)模型,以构造不同时间点之间的残差方差 - 协方差矩阵。
- we use growth curve function with biological to model time specific expected genetic values and AR model, to construct var-covar matrix of residual at different time point.
We employ biologically meaningful growth curve equations
to model time-specific expected genetic values and the AR(1) model tostructure the residual variance-covariance matrix
among different time points. -
,新模型显示增加的统计功效以检测QTL对个体发育生长和发育的形状产生影响。 - as reduction of estimated parameters and join of biological essentials, the new model show increasing statistical power to detect influence of qtl on individual developmental growth and developmental traits.
Because of
a reduced number of parameters being estimated and theincorporation
ofbiological principles
, the new model displaysincreased
statistical power to detect QTL exerting an effect on the shape of ontogenetic growth and development. - 该模型允许对关于上位在确定生物生长,形式和形状以及解决与进化界面处的发育问题的作用的许多生物假设的测试。
- this model allow to test for organism growth, formation and shape, and solving many biological assumations of effects of evolutional developmental issues.
- The model
allows for
the tests of a number of biological hypotheses regarding the role ofepistasis
in determining biological growth, form, and shape and forthe resolution of developmental problems
at the interface with evolution. - 使用我们新开发的模型,我们已经成功地检测到显着的添加剂×添加上位性效应对茎高度生长轨迹在林木中。
- use the model we developed newly, we have successfully detected significant additive additive effect for stem height growth in trees.
- Using our newly developed model, we have successfully detected significant additive ? additive
epistatic effects
on stem height growthtrajectories
in a forest tree. -
可以促进标记辅助选择(MAS),因为它允许定量性状Loci(QTL)的识别[20-23]。 - genetic linkage maps can faciliate marker assistent selection, because it allows for identification of quantitative trait loci.
Genetic linkage mapping
marker-assisted selection
itallows the identification
of quanti- tative trait Loci (QTL) [20-23]. -
经济和适应性性状遗传控制的同源染色体区段的有用策略[24,25]。 - beside, due to genome tissue maitains well in conifers, comparative mapping is a useful strategy for finding the region control of economical and adpative traits.
, as genome organization is well conserved in conifers, comparative mapping is a useful strategyto
find homologous chro- mosomal segmentsinvolved in
thegenetic control
of economical and adaptive traits -
具有直接功能信息的遗传连锁图谱[34]。 - in resent years, the effort was focused on genes of sequencal interests to establish genetic linkage maps with direct functional information.
-In recent years
, efforts have focused in sequencing genesof interest
genetic linkage maps with direct functional information [34]. - 功能遗传连锁图
,例如:EST-Ps(表达序列标签多态性),EST-SSR(EST衍生的微卫星)和SNP(单核苷酸多态性) 35-37]。 - functional genetic linkage maps experienced evolution of available of new marker groups from encoding regions.
- Functional genetic linkage maps
have experienced
with the availability of new sets of markers fromcoding regions
such as: EST-Ps (Expressed Sequence Tags Polymorph- isms), EST-SSRs (EST derived microsatellites) and SNPs (Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms) - 基于
[38]。 - funcitonal genetic linkage mapping based on genes allow evaluate and est markers, and further improve the quality and efficiency of genetic maps
- Functional genetic linkage maps based on
genesallow to assess
redundant and paralogous EST markers and fur- ther improve the quality and utility of genetic maps -
,它们显示出比SSR更高的稳定性,通常是双等位基因和共显性的[39,40]。 此外, - especially, snp has several advantages used for molecular producer, as they are very aboundant in genome. they show more stable than ssr, and usually are bi-allele and codominance. moreover,
, SNPs have several advantagesfor their use as
molecular makers because they are veryabundant
in the genome, theyshow higher stability
than SSRs,are usually bi-allelic and codominant
[39,40]. Moreover, - 因此,甚至对于具有大的和未测序的基因组的物种,
的遗传连锁图谱[21,43-46]。 - thus, even for those with huge and unsequencing genomes, such as conferous species, can construct high genetic linkage maps
- Thus,
highly saturated
genetic linkage maps can be constructed even for species withlarge and un-sequenced
genomeslike conifers
- 作为其他松树,P. pinaster是一种二倍体生物体,由具有高低拷贝片段的大而复杂的基因组[47,48]。
- as other pines, P. pinaster is a diploid organism, with complex genome of high low-copy score
- As other pines, P. pinaster is a diploid organism
char-acterized by
a large and complex genome with high low- copy fraction [47,48]. - 对于具有大的和未测序的基因组(例如针叶树)的物种,比较作图是理解基因组组织和
经济和适应性状中包含的同源染色体节段的替代策略 - comparative mapping is a alternative strategy for understanding genome orgnization and economical and adaptive traits contain homologous chromosomal segements for species with large and unsequenced genome (such as conifers)
- For species with large and unsequenced genomes
such as in conifers
, comparative mapping isan
alternative strategyto
understand genome organization and tohighlight
homoeologous chromosomal segmentsinvolved in
economical and adaptive traits
- 收获短旋转
桉树的成本可能超过2500澳元/公顷。 - cost of harvesting short-rotation orchard maybe over 2500 per
- The cost of harvesting short-rotation
eucalyptscan be in excess of
AU$2500·ha−1. -
。 - although of this so high cost, the degree of impact of tree genetics on harvesting production is unclear.
this high cost,the extent to
which harvestingproductivity
is affected by tree genetics isnot well understood
. - 我们在两个10年的桉树桉树
。 - we solved this issue in the study of two ten years eucalypts field tests.
- We
address this issue
in a study of two 10-year-old genetic field trials of Eucalyptus globulus Labill. in Australia. - 分析的站立树性状是存活,乳房直径,基底面积和茎平直度和分岔。分析的收获性状是体积,时间和生产力。
- the analyzed traits of stand trees were survival, dbh, basal area and stem straigntness and forking. the analyzed harvest trais were volume, time and productivity.
- Standing-tree traits analysed were survival, diameter at breast height, basal area, and stem straightness and forking. Harvest traits analysed were volume, time, and productivity.
- 遗传组和组内遗传变异(加性和优势),立地水平家族变异,表型和遗传相关性,以及近亲交配的影响估计这些性状。
- influence of genetic group and within group variation (additive and dominance), level of family variation, phenotypical and genetic correlation, and inbreeding mating on these traits were estimated.
- Genetic group and within-group genetic variation (additive and dominance), stand-level family variation,
and genetic correlations, and the effects of inbreeding were estimated for these traits.
- 主要由加性方差控制的性状
- traits were primarily controlled by additive variance.
- traits were
controlled primarily
by additive variance - 每个测试区域的性状的
为6.24米,体积为24.2 dm3(立方分米)(表1)。 - the describe statistics for traits in each test area. in general, mean height of tree at age 6 was ..., volume was ...
Descriptive statistics
of traits for each test area.Overall, trees averaged 6.24 meters in height
24.2 dm3 (cubic decimeters) in volumeat age 6 years
为91%。 - survival rate was heigh in general, averaged 91% in test area.
Survival was generally high
91%across al the test regions
. - 各个测试区域的
范围大。平均高度从5.6m变化到7.2m,平均体积从18dm 3到37dm 3每棵树。 -
height means
ranged large at each test area. averaging heigh ranged from .. to ... - The range of
height means
for individual test regionswas large
.Average height varied from 5.6 m to 7.2 m
- 最大的树木在南卡罗来纳州的海岸平原,平均为7.2米,弗吉尼亚州最小,北卡罗来纳州北部(5.6米)。
- the largest tree are in ..., averaging 7.2 m, the smallest are in ...
- The largest trees
in the Coastal Plain of South Carolinawith an average of 7.2 m
and the smallest in the Virginia and northern North Caroli- na tests (5.6 m). - 测试区域具有相似的生存率。存活率从89.7(下湾)至93%(弗吉尼亚州和北卡罗来纳州北部)。
- test areas have similar survials. survival was from to
- Test regions had similar
survival percentages
. Survival ranged from 89.7 (Lower Gulf) to 93% (Virginia - 曲线与图的变异系数(块x族相互作用项)反映了子代测试的块内均一性。
- coefficients of curve and plot (block x family interaction term) reflected within block heterosity of progeny tests.
plot- to-plot coefficients of variation (block x family interac- tion term) reflectthe
within-block homogeneity ofthe
progeny tests. - 佐治亚州 - 佛罗里达州沿海测试区的测试点的系数平均高于其他区域(表1)。该地区的平均值为7.3%,而其他地区的平均值系数为5.3%(上湾)至6.3%(下湾)。
- coefficient means of tests in ... were higher that the other regions. the mean of this region was ..., while coefficient means of other regions ranged from .. to ...
- The test sites in theTest Area
had on average higher coefficients than other regions
(Table 1). The average for this area was 7.3%, whereas the average coefficient for other areas ranged from 5.3% (Upper Gulf) to 6.3% (Lower Gulf).
- 火炬松是美国主要的商业针叶树种类之一。它是美国东南部最重要的商业木材品种。该物种的遗传改良始于上世纪50年代,最初从自然林分和种植园选择开始,然后从精心设计的后代测试(DORMAN 1976)开始。
- Lobbloly pine is one of major coniferous species in America. it is the most important commercial timber variaty in southestean in the USA. improvement of this species initiated from 50's in last century, at the beginning start from natural stands and plantantion, then start from careful design of progeny tests.
- Loblolly pine is one of
the major commercial conifer species
in the USA. It is the most important commercial timber speciesin the southeastern United States
. Genetic improvement of the species `began in the 1950's with selections initially from natural stands and plantations, and thereafter from well-designed progeny tests. - 需要表型和遗传参数来估计准确的育种值,在选择中结合不同的性状,预测对选择的遗传反应和开发有效的育种计划。
- it is needed phenotypical and genetic parameters to estimate accuracy breeding values, to combine different traits in selection, to predict genetic response for selection and develop effective breeding project.
- Phenotypic and genetic parameters are needed to estimate
breeding values, to combine different traits in selection, to predict geneticresponse to selection
and to developefficient
breeding plans. - 一般组合(GCA)效应对于树生长速率,茎形式和针对桃蚜的抗性的特定组合能力(SCA)
。 - GCA effects played more important roles than SCA effects for tree growth rate, stem formation and resistence of needles for...
- GCA effects
are more important than
SCA effects for tree growth rate, stem form, andresistance to
Dothistroma pini.
Shinozaki et al。 (1964)
。... proposed
“pipe model” as amanner
to describethe
relationship betweenstem
size andamount of
crown.... proposed the “pipe model” as a
to describe theinter
relationship between trunk size and crown size.他们还讨论了从对应于逐渐
形成。they also discussed sapwood formation coresponding leaf and branch falling gradually of exetra pipe.
They also discussed
formation fromsuperfluous
pipes corresponding tothe gradual shedding
of leaves and branches.后来的研究还表明
(例如,Whitehead et al。1984)。the
later study indicated that strong correlaion existing between leaf area and sapwood area in coniferous species.Later studies
showed strong correlation
between leaf area and sapwood areain conifers
(e.g., Whitehead et al. 1984).Kaufmann和Troendle(1981)还发现,
。... also found numbers of sapwood closely related with needle area, which also closely related with water required amount, which was further showed by ...
... also found that
the amount of
sapwoodis closely related to
the needle area, which is in turn strongly correlated withthe size the amount of water demand
, wasfurther shown by
Albrektson (1984).如果活冠的
将边材转变为心材。if related dimension of live crown decreased, and part of sapwood was changed superflouour, then it was fasilitate transfer sapwood to heartwood.
the relative size
of the living crown is reduced and parts of the sapwood become superfluous, the transformation of sapwood into heartwood may be favored.环境因素,包括
的影响,对心材形成有重要影响(Wilkes 1991; Climent等人1993; Sellin 1994)。此外
(Zobel和van Buijtenen 1989; Burdon和Low 1992)。因此,我们的结果(表1和表2)似乎也将心材形成置于这一类别中envirenmental factors, including the influence from forestry practice to forest stands, have important impact on heartwood formation. besides, it has
shown that many wood quality traits have more strong genetic control that growth traits. thus, our results seemed putting heartwood formation in this categary.Environmental factors, including the effect of
silvicultural practices
onstand characteristics
, have an important influence on heartwood formation.Furthermore
,it has been shown that
many wood quality traitsare under stronger genetic control
than are growth traits . Thus, our results (Tables 1 and 2)also seem to
place heartwood formation in thiscategory
。in the study of Magnussen to jack pine, the heritability of area estimated as 0.23, slight lower than wood density, but comparable with , and far higher than that of tree height and diameter of stem. however, as heartwood content presents as area proportion, we suggest the used linear model of mathmatic caused their inheritability estimation a little inflation.
In a jack pine (Pinus banksiana Lamb.) study by Magnussen and Keith (1990), the heritability for heartwood percentage of total cross-sectional area
was estimated to be 0.23
, whichwas slightly lower than that for
wood densitybut comparable with
taper, andmuch higher than that for
tree height and stem diameter. However,in view of the fact that
the heartwood contentwas expressed as
an area propor- tion, we suggest that the mathematical mechanics of the lin- ear model used caused their estimate of heritability to be somewhat overstated.使用面积甚至面积
,我们对苏格兰松的研究完全同意他们对杰克松的结果。the use of area even area may base linear assumption. however, showed the amount of heartwood has great propagation potential, positive genetic corralation suggested breeding of heartwood should not that of height growth. on this , our results on pine were fully agree with their results on jack pine.
The use of areas and even area
mayviolate basic linearity assumptions
.In any event
, Magnussen and Keith (1990)indicated
a high breeding potential for the amount of heartwood, andpositive genetic correlations
show that breeding for heartwood should notcounteract
breeding for height growth.In this respect
, our study on Scots pinefully concurs with their results
on jack pine.这个结果进一步支持我们早期决定
this result further surport our early determine.
This result further
our earlydecision
,特别是基于面积的比例,可能会偏差方差估计向上,并引起太乐观的遗传力估计tow kind of selection, especially based on the area proportion, may biased variance estiamation upwardly, and caused too optimise genetic estimate.
Both alternatives
, especially area-based proportions, may biasvariance estimates upwards
andgive rise to far too optimistic
heritability estimates这与许多发现一致
this was in accordance with many results
This is in accordance with many findings
通过与生产性状的正相关而改善心材形成能力。如果市场情况证明这种努力是合理的,并且可以开发便宜的非破坏性测量的适当设备,心材的进一步育种,可能在专门的育种子群体内,可能是一个好的投资。our research results, according with other pine studies, indicate should include increasing heartwood formation as a breeding goal in pine breeding program, but not conteract or reduce any progressive growth traits. the breeding effort so far may also improve heartwood formation ability through positive correlation with growth trait. if market situation proves this effort is reasonable, and could develop cheap instruments of undeductive measurement. the further breeding for heartwood maybe in special breeding populations, maybe a good investment.
Our results
, in accordance with other pine studies, indi-
cate that it should be fruitful to include increased heartwood formationas a goal in a breeding program
for Scots pinewithout counteracting or reducing any progress regarding production traits
.Breeding efforts so far
have alsomost probably
improved heartwood formationcapacity
through positive correlations with production traits. Further breeding for heartwood, possibly within dedicated breeding subpopulations, may be a good investment should the mar- ket situation justify the effort, and provided suitable equip- ment for cheap, nondestructive measurements can be developed.