Day 5-A Thousand Splendid Suns(Ch16-20)

Part 1 Vocabulary 

1. fend off: to avoid dealing with something that is unpleasant or difficult 避开,回避

Hasina was dispensing advice on how to fend off unattractive suitors.

Eg: Somehow she managed to fend off the awkward questions.

2. admonish: to tell someone that they have done something wrong 告诫;警告;责备 admonishing: adj 

Tariq's mother said, giving her husband an admonishing look.

Eg: His mother admonished him for eating too quickly.

3. descende on: If a group of people descend on a place or person, they arrive, usually without warning or without being invited.突然造访,突然到达

a flock of neighborhood women descended on the house

Eg: Sorry to descend on you like this, but we didn't have a phone to call you.

4. putter: to do things in a relaxed way, without rushing or trying very hard 闲荡,闲逛

She puttered around the kitchen for a while.

Eg: He really enjoys puttering around in the garden.


Fending off admonishing looks from the neighbors, the thief was puttering around in his house, when the police descended on his home and pounced on him unexpectedly.

Part 2 sentences

1. Laila came to believe that of all the hardships a person had to face none was more punishing than the simple act of waiting.


2. Laila found herself caught in a net of terrible thoughts.

仿写:The famous singer found herself surrounded in a net of her fans when she went out the hall. 

3. A fit of anger claimed her. Laila went to her room, collapsed on her bed.


Part 3 Summary 

Laila, a daughter of Fariba,  was nine years old in 1987.  She was born in a relatively happy family. Laila's father firmly supported her schooling. While her mother, rarely cared for Laila, since her two sons were fighting at war. Her best friend Tariq's absence and her parents' fight made it hard for Laila to concentrate in class. Tariq had been away for nearly half a month and waiting for his back tortured Laila severely. 

On the way home, Laila was bullied by Khadim, a boy in the neighborhood since her mother did not pick her up. Her mother spent most of the day lying in bed, missing her two sons. While Laila had few memories of her two elder brothers. In her heart, Tariq was the one who accompanied and protected her. Laila visited Tariq when he was back. She prefer to stay in his house as she was treated as a family member. 

The news that her two brothers died in the battled came to Laila's house, making her parents heart-broken, especially her mother. The loss of her two sons tormented  her mentally and physically. All her hopes and possibilities  dashed. All she got was a bewildered and hollow-eyed look. 

Part 4 随感

1. 作者笔锋转到了邻居女孩Laila身上,一个与Mairam有着截然不同的童年的女孩。家里最小的女儿,父亲疼爱,重视她的教育。母亲虽然有点重男轻女,可依旧还是爱着她。有一个青梅竹马的小伙伴,就是韩剧里的那类的邻家大哥哥(看到这,真的有种看韩剧的)。这样写对比,作者的用意为何?很期待后面的故事。

2. 今天的summary写的有点时间久了,一直在思考如何提炼信息,用简洁的语言表达出自己的想法。也有过困惑,这么写,感觉进步也不是很大。昨天看到大家的留言,也更坚定自己这个小小的行动。写与不写,差别还是有的。觉得自己进步不大,还是看的少了,思考的少了,写的少了。所以也就没啥好说的,继续保持。

3. 看别人的笔记对我来说会有很大帮助,同样的内容,不同的表达方式和思考方向,我觉得这是对我最受启发的地方。

​4. 后面我会慢慢地再分享些我学英语的经验,还有看过的书。近来,工作遇到一些瓶颈期,挺烦神的。每天能看书写笔记反而成了一种期待。这背后是我对英语的喜欢,已经是生活的一部分了。往后,读书也会成为我生活的一部分。今天看了一个Papi姐关于英语学习的视频,搞笑又戳中痛点。本月15号,我大安徽取消了2017年英语等级考试,不少考生还是很开心啊。可趋势是,英语会越来越普及和重要。也以此鞭策自己在英语写作和口语的路上多下点功夫。

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