NPR新闻(翻译) |A 'Wine Lover's Daughter' Savors Her Dad'sVintageStory-一个“酒痴的女儿”讲述父亲酿酒的故事

A 'Wine Lover's Daughter' Savors Her Dad'sVintageStory-一个“酒痴的女儿讲述父亲酿酒的故事

November 4, 20178:13 AM ET

Scott Simon

NPR新闻(翻译) |A 'Wine Lover's Daughter' Savors Her Dad'sVintageStory-一个“酒痴的女儿”讲述父亲酿酒的故事_第1张图片

Clifton Fadiman looks over a shipment of wine in 1984. His daughter, Anne Fadiman, says she was never able toappreciatewine the way her father did.

Clifton Fadiman正在检查1984年的酒。他的女儿,Anne Fadiman,说她从来无法像父亲那样去欣赏酒

Courtesy of Annalee Fadiman

Author Anne Fadiman's father, Clifton Fadiman, was the very model of the modern, cultivated man: He quotedWilliam ShakespeareandGeorge Bernard Shaw, recited Homer and Sophocles, and made clever wisecracks and pointed puns. He was a longtime judge for the Book-of-the-Month Club, the host of a popular radio and TV quiz show, and helovedwine. InThe Wine Lover's Daughter,Anne Fadiman has written amemoirthat winds in and out of one of her father's most personal passions.

作者Anne Fadiman的父亲,Clifton Fadiman,是非常摩登,有教养的一个人,他经常引用了威廉·莎士比亚和萧伯纳,可以背诵荷马和索福克勒斯的诗篇。他是Book-of-the-Month沙龙的组织者,也是一个受欢迎的电台和电视智力竞赛节目的主持人,他爱葡萄酒。在“酒痴的女儿”这本书里,Anne Fadiman用她父亲最真实的情感写的一本回忆录。

NPR新闻(翻译) |A 'Wine Lover's Daughter' Savors Her Dad'sVintageStory-一个“酒痴的女儿”讲述父亲酿酒的故事_第2张图片

The Wine Lover's Daughter

A Memoir

byAnne Fadiman

Hardcover, 144 pages


"Along with books, winerepresentedthe sort of cultivated, refined life that he had aspired to when he was growing up poor in Brooklyn," she says. "And once Prohibition ended and he could legally buy wine, amassing a really expensive cellar was pretty much the first thing he did with his new money."


On her father celebrating his 80th birthday with a wine that was made the same year he was born


For his 80th birthday, one of his best friends, a winemerchantin New York, had procured a bottle of Château Lafite Rothschild 1904. So that bottle and he celebrated their 80th birthdays together. ... As soon as the wine, that great historic wine, went into his mouth, he stopped speaking and he looked contemplative and then he almost looked as if he might cry, not because he was sad but because he was so moved. It was as if he had put history inside himself.

他的第八十岁生日,他最好的朋友之一,纽约的酒商,弄到了一瓶CHâteau Lafite Rothschild 1904。这瓶酒和他一起庆祝了他们的第八十个生日。当充满历史味道的酒流进他喉咙的时候,他停止了讲话,他看起来像在沉思,然后他几乎看起来像是在哭泣,不是因为他难过,而是因为他被感动到了。就好像历史流淌在自己身上似的。

On her own feelings about wine


I wish I could say I loved wine the way my father does. I was born without hispalate. I don't hate it, but it tastes overly strong to me. I can't distinguish between different wines, and all my life I thought that this was some sort of terrible, fatal character flaw. And then I started wondering: What if it were biological?


NPR新闻(翻译) |A 'Wine Lover's Daughter' Savors Her Dad'sVintageStory-一个“酒痴的女儿”讲述父亲酿酒的故事_第3张图片

Anne Fadiman with her father, Clifton, in 1984.

Courtesy of Anne Fadiman

And one of the chapters in the book traces my journey to a couple of taste science labs and through some genetic testing, and indeed I found that the causes were biological: an ultra-sensitive palate, particular genetic sensitivity to bitterness and so on. And this was sort of a relief. I thought, "Oh my God, thank God it's not my fault. I'm not just aninferiorhuman being." But it was also so disappointing because I knew that a great pleasure in my father's life was never going to be open to me.


On her father's feelings about being Jewish


Heferventlywished that he were not Jewish. He had encountered pretty much nothing butanti-Semitismwhen he was trying to make it in New York. He went to Columbia as an English major and then started graduate school there. And when he was in grad school, the head of the English department said, "Mr. Fadiman, we have room for only one Jew this year and it's Lionel." Lionel was Lionel Trilling, his best friend, and Lionel Trilling was hired and became one of the most famous academics in the country. And my father left and essentially became a popularist, spreading culture among the masses rather than teaching in an elite institution. And even though he became much more famous and much wealthier than his friend Lionel Trilling, he always feltinferiorand he always felt that that moment of being rejected because he was Jewish was perhaps the most painful moment of his life — a Rubicon he could never re-cross.

他热切地希望自己不是犹太人。他在纽约的时候几乎没有遇到过反犹太主义。他去了哥伦比亚学习英语专业的时候,然后在研究生院在那里。他在学校时,英语系系主任说,“法迪曼先生,我们今年只有一个犹太人的房间,这是莱昂内尔。”莱昂内尔是莱昂内尔特里林,变成他最好的朋友,和莱昂内尔特里林受雇成为该国最著名的学者。我的父亲离开了,变成了一个受大众欢迎的文化传播者比在精英机构中教学更重要。虽然他变得更有名,比他的朋友Lionel Trilling更富裕,但他总是感到自卑,他总觉得那一刻,因为他是犹太人而被拒绝,也许这是人生最痛苦的时刻,永远不可能跨过的卢比孔河。

Author Interviews

Essayist Fadiman RevivesFamiliar Literary Art


On whether she learned more about herself or her father in writing the book


I think both. I wrote this book in order to try to understand my father better by understanding something that he really loved, but I learned more about myself as well. Not just about why I don't like wine, but about the ways in which I individuated, I guess you could say. I'd never thought much about what made me able to become a successful writer while so many other children of the famous live forever beneath their parents' shadows. What was it about me? What was it about my relationship with my father that ended upliberatingme instead of crippling me? So both. It was a journey of mutual understanding.



原文来自  NPR November 4, 20178:13 AM ET Scott Simon

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