





From 楚汐:

Elon 学到了:

Musk Would fight to maintain control of his companies and stay CEO.


Kimbal 学到了:

We were overwhelmed and just thought these guys must know what they're doing, but they didn't. There was no vision once they took over. They were investors, and we got on well with them ,but the vision had just disappeared from the company.



多年后,Elon 有关 Zip2 公司的一些团队管理反省:


other people will behave like you.




Well, how would this sound to them, knowing what they know?


错误认知 2⃣️

“Yeah, we had some very good software engineers at Zip2, but I mean, I could code way better than them. And I’d just go in and fix their fucking code,” Musk said. “I would be frustrated waiting for their stuff, so I’m going to go and fix your code and now it runs five times faster, you idiot......Then I corrected it for him. He hated me after that. Eventually, I realized, Okay, I might have fixed that thing but now I’ve made the person unproductive. It just wasn’t a good way to go about things.”




From 慢慢树:

从某种程度而言,成就事业过程中,情商甚至比智商还重要。Musk初次创业就是例子,自己擅自给别人改程序,不顾场合当面指出别人的错误,不给别人留面子,对别人颐指气使,最终因小失大,人心涣散,难成大业。Musk也坦言,"I might have fixed that thing but now I 've made the person unproductive . It just wasn't a good way to go about things. "

再如刘备,在政事军事上的才能并不突出,但他情商高,善用人,能够团结有才之士, 死心塌地助其可成就事业。又如马云,有次采访中,他坦言是个电子设备盲,啥都不会用,技术也不懂,但他可以凝聚人才,群心尽力,可谓将才!

个人再优秀、再有才,也只是达到了independence, 如果要成就更大的成功,就需要提升到interdependence.也就是学会如何与他人合作,如何实现团队的synergy,如何了解别人的想法,实现Win-Win。 这些都是Musk初创经历带给我们的思考,也是我们每个人mindset实现提升的一个重要的点。

From 哇~:





From zzz:


Musk asked those first employees of Zip2 to give him a kick when they arrived, and he’d wake up and get back to work.


From Ethan:

Ethan 的感想

From ca01ei:


From 叶小静:


From Cara:




短期投资看盈利能力,长期需要考虑增长以及在一整套资本和公司链条中的成长和带动作用。zip 2提供的服务,一部分对接已有的黄页,一部分对接新兴的卫星定位与搜索,这个创新的实行,暂时还是整合式的。整合式的首次创业,把管理经验和不同时期的开发重心、企业产品闭环等打通,为之后迎来蓝海领域的完全从0到1打实了基础。





# Day 4

1. He sold off his part of the franchise and pooled the money with what Musk had on hand to buy a beat-up 1970s BMW 320i.

beat-up是“年久失修的” “破旧”,后文中还出现了一个同义词:dilapidated,我们阅读的时候要注意同义词的替换。

> Musk and Kimbal had traded in their dilapidated BMW for a dilapidated sedan…

2. …and learned to love pit stops at Carl’s Jr. burger joints…

pit stop在赛车比赛中指的是给赛车加油或者维修,在这里它表示尤指旅行中的短暂休息。例如我们正在高速公路上开车,你想上厕所,这时候就可以说Can we hav a pit stop?

3. The brothers were tuned in to the Internet… 【be tuned in to表示“注意到某事,并且把注意力放在这件事上”】

4. Pinnacle was a much-ballyhooed  start-up【ballyhoo这个词听起来就很萌,东北话有个词叫”白乎“,胡说八道吹牛的意思,和这个词的念法很像。这个词表示”吹嘘,大肆宣扬“。例如我们可以说 Dunkirk is a much-ballyhooed movie. 】

5. The first inklings of a viable Internet business had come to Musk during his internships. 【inkling表示“模糊的概念”,和clue的意思差不多,例如I didn’t have an inkling of what it all meant.】

6. Few small businesses in 1995 understood the ramifications of the Internet. 【ramifications和consequences的意思一样,这段话建议背下来】

7. They were slow to pay a couple of times but never stiffed me on the bill. 【stiff这个词了解一下就可以,是口语表达,表示“少给钱”。例如你去做家教,本来该给你200块,结果雇主到处找借口只给你50块,这时候你就可以说I got stiffed.】

8. Zip2 may have been a go-go Internet enterprise aimed at the Information Age, but getting it off the ground required old-fashioned door-to-door salesmanship.【go-go这个词也很萌,表示“生意兴隆的,迅猛发展的“。刘强东在近日的采访中说5年内会超过阿里巴巴,我们可以说JD is a go-go company.】

9. The service had morphed from a proof-of-concept to an actual product…【morph…into表示“改变”,可以用来替换change】

10. And yet Ambras used the promise of Internet riches to poach a team of SGI’s smartest engineers over to Zip2. 【poach是“挖墙脚”,从别的公司挖工作人员或者挖客户。】


From 楚汐:

While Musk did his possessed coder thing, Kimbal became the rah-rah sales leader.


possessed,形容词,表示 “着魔的,疯狂的”,

例句:She was possessed by the desire to be rich.

rah-rah,形容词,美式口语中表示 “为己方大声喝彩的,即我们熟知的啦啦队喝彩,例如:rah-rah cheerleader - 啦啦队长

There was a lot of backlash and finger-pointing.


backlash,名词,表示 “强烈的抵触情绪”,a strong public reaction against something;

例句:The management fear a backlash from fans over the team’s poor performances.

finger-pointing,意思是 “相互指责”,the act of blaming someone for a problem instead of trying to fix or solve it.

From Joe :

honest-to-God, 地道的,的的确确的

beat-up: in bad condition


all-nighter 通宵

high-caliber 高水平的

high-end 高端的

cherry-pick: they choose the best ones from a group of them, often in a way that other people consider unfair

From 哇~


The first inklings of a viable internet business had come to Musk during his interships.

释义:a slight idea about something ⇨ suspicion:

例:I had an inkling that she was pregnant.

inkling of

造句:She had absolutely no inkling of what was going on.

3.ramp up

Musk did all the oringinal coding behind the service himself, while the more amiable Kimbal looked to ramp up the door-to-door sales operation.

释义:if a company ramps up an activity, it increases it:

例:Producers can quickly ramp up production.

造句:Sales department tried hard to ramp up the sales.

4.get (something) off the ground

Zip2 may have been a go-go internert enterprise aimed at the Information Age, but getting it off the ground required old-fashioned door-to-door salesmanship.

释义:if you get a project off the ground, you start it and make it successful. You can also say that a project gets off the ground

例;No volunteers came forward to enable the youth club to get off the ground

造句:The main problem is how to get the project off the ground.

From 木心:

To get a fast Internet connection, Musk struck a deal with Ray Girouard, an entrepreneur who

a company that had spent hundreds of millions of dollars to create digital maps and directions that could be used in early GPS navigation-style devices, and struck a masterful bargain.

· strike a bargain/ deal

释义:to agree to do something for someone if they do something for you: 达成协议,交易,成交

同义: make a deal with..

例句:There are rumors that the president struck a private deal with thecorporation’s chairman.

· strike 动词时“罢工,攻击;打动;到达”

strike + 名词:

①strike a balance: give the correct amount of importance or attention to two separate things:公平处理

②strike a chord :to say or do something that other people agree with or have sympathy with:叩人心弦,触动

③strike a match:to produce a flame from a match by rubbing it hard across a roughsurface 打火

④strike a note:to express a particular feeling or attitude:作出...姿态以表达...情感

⑤strike a blow :damage or harm someone or something:严重的打击
