
Like the sprinkling of stars in the heavens, dynamic Indonesia is set against a background of blue oceans, majestic volcanoes, abundant forests, fertile land, and packed with people of all shades and cultures. These strange fish are from the family of gobies, but have adapted in such a way that they are able to live outside the water for extended periods of time, using their fins to ‘walk’ on land. Mudskipper burrows play an important role in the mangroves, aerating, draining and turning the dense waterlogged soil - a direct benefit to the plants, which in turn give them shelter.印度尼西亚,活力四射,四面环海,水天相接,犹如万里长空的繁星,璀璨耀眼。那里不仅火山壮丽,万木葱郁,土壤肥沃,而且文化多样,人才荟萃。这些奇形怪状的鱼虽然属于虾虎鱼科,但是它们早已习惯这种长时间在陆地栖息,用鳍“游动”的生活方式。 弹涂鱼的洞穴对红树林大有裨益,两者具有互补作用,对植物生长有直接好处。比如使密不透风的土壤通气、排水,甚至可以松松土。反过来,红树林也是它们的避风港。
