

Deep Trouble

Humans arewreckingthe ocean. Technology shows the scale of theproblem—and offers some solutions

wreck v[Tn] destroy or ruin (sth)毁坏或毁灭(某物):The road was littered with wrecked cars.公路上弃置着撞坏的汽车.

EARTH is poorly named.The ocean covers almost three- quarters of the planet. It isdivided into fivebasins: the Pacific, theAtlantic, the Indian, the Arctic and the Southern oceans.


EARTHis poorly named.笃师的解释: The author is somehow

trying to be humorous: earth is poorly named—Ocean, instead of land(earth),

actually dominates our planet. The author implies the importance of ocean.

Were all the planet’s waterplaced over the United States, it would form a column of liquid 132km tall. Theocean provides 3bn people with almost a fifth of their protein (making fish abigger source of the stuff than beef). Fishing andaquacultureassure the livelihoods of one in ten of the world’s people.


Climate and weather systemsdepend on the temperature patterns of the ocean and its interactions with theatmosphere. If anything ought to be too big to fail, it is the ocean.

Humans have long assumedthat the ocean’s size allowed them to put anything they wanted into it and totake anything they wanted out. Changing temperatures and chemistry,over-fishing and pollution have stressed its ecosystems for decades. The oceanstores more than nine-tenths of the heat trapped on Earth by greenhouse-gas emissions.Coral reefsare suffering as a result;scientists expect almost all corals to be gone by 2050.

coral reefn.珊瑚礁

A coral reef is a long narrow mass of coral and other substances, the top ofwhich is usually just above or just below the surface of the sea.

By the middle of the centurythe ocean could contain more plastic than fish by weight.Ground downinto tiny pieces, it is eaten by fishand then by people, with uncertain effects on human health. Appetite for fishgrows nevertheless: almost 90% of stocks are fished either at or beyond theirsustainable limits. The ocean nurtures humanity. Humanity treats it withcontempt.

Ground down:Smash into piece.

Depths plumbed

Such self-destructivebehavior demands explanation. Three reasons for itstand


stand out

If something stands out, it is very noticeable.

Every tree, wall and fence stood out against dazzling white fields.

One isgeography.The bulk of the ocean is beyondthe horizon and below the waterline. The damage being done to its health isvisible in a few liminal places—the Great Barrier Reef, say, or theoyster farms of Washington state. But for the mostpart, the sea is out of sight and out of mind. It is telling that there is onlya single fleeting reference to the ocean in the Paris agreement on climatechange.


oyster/ˈɔɪstə(r); ˋɔɪstɚ/n

shellfish (used as food and usu eaten uncooked) some types of which producepearls inside their shells牡蛎,蚝(常生吃):fresh oysters新鲜牡蛎

fleeting/ˈfliːtɪŋ; ˋflitɪŋ/adjpassingquickly; lasting only a short time飞逝的;短暂的:For a fleeting

moment I thought the car was going to crash.刹那间我想到汽车要碰撞.

A second problem isgovernance. The ocean is subject toa patchwork oflawsand agreements.

patchwork[sing]thing made of various small pieces or parts拼凑的东西:a patchwork of

fields seen from an aeroplane从飞机上俯瞰的块块田地.

Enforcement is hard andincentives are often misaligned. Waters outside national jurisdictions—the high seas—area global commons.

high sean.the open seas of the world outside theterritorial waters of any nation

Without defined propertyrights or a community invested in theirupkeep,the interests of individual actors in exploiting such areaswin out overthe collective interest inhusbandingthem.

upkeep/ˈʌpkiːp; ˋʌpˏkip/n[U](cost or means of) keeping sth in good condition and repair; maintenance保养;维修;养护;维护费;维修方法:I can't afford theupkeep of a large house and garden.我负担不起带花园的大房子的维护费.

Win out:To succeed or prevail as if in a contest.

husbandv[Tn] (fml文) use (sth) sparingly and economically;

try to save节省地使用(某事物);节约:husband one's strength, resources节省体力﹑资源.

Fish are particularlytrickybecause they move. Why observe quotas if youthink your neighbor canhaulin catcheswithimpunity?

trickyIf you describe a task or problem as tricky, youmean that it is difficult to do or deal with.

Parking can be tricky in the town centre.

haul/hɔːl; hɔl/vpull or drag (sth) with effort or force用力拖或拉(某物):sailors hauling

(away) (on the ropes)拽着(绳索)(不放)的水手

Catches:The quantity that was caught.

impunity/ɪmˈpjuːnətɪ/n(idm习语)with impunitywith freedom frompunishment or injury不受惩罚或伤害:You cannot break

the law with impunity.违法者必受惩罚.

Third, the ocean is a victimof other, bigger processes. The emission of greenhouse gases into theatmosphere is changing the marine environment along with the rest of theplanet. The ocean has warmed by 0.7°C since the 19th century, damaging coralsand encouraging organisms to migrate towards the poles in search of coolerwaters. Greater concentrations of carbon dioxide in the water are making itmoreacidic.


That tends to harm creaturessuch as crabs and oysters, whosecalciumcarbonateshells suffer as marine chemistry alters.

calcium/ˈkælsɪəm; ˋkælsɪəm/n


Some of these problems areeasiertodeal with than others.“Ocean blindness” can be cured by access to information. And indeed,improvements in computingpower,satelliteimaging and dronesarebringing theocean into better view thaneverbefore.Workis underwaytomap

the sea floorin detail using sonartechnology.On the surface,aquaticdronescan gettoremote, stormy places at a far smaller cost than mannedvessels.

mapv(-pp-)make a map of (an area,etc); show on a map绘制(一地区等的)地图;用地图表示:an unexplored country that hasn't yet been mapped地图上没有标示的﹑未经勘察的地带.

aquatic/əˈkwtɪk; əˋkwætɪk/adj[usuattrib通常作定语]

(of plants, animals, etc) growing or living in or near water(指植物﹑动物等)生长於水中或水边的,水生的:Many forms of

aquatic life inhabit ponds.有很多种水生动植物均栖居於池塘.


There were many vessels in theharbor today.


Fromabove,ocean-colorradiometryisimproving understanding of howphytoplankton,simple organisms that support marine food chains,moveandthrive.Tinysatellites, weighing 1-10kg,areenhancingscrutiny of fishing vessels.



Transparency can alsomitigate the seconddifficulty,ofocean governance. More scientific data ought to improve the oversight ofnascentindustries.

nascent/ˈnæsnt/adj(fml文) beginning to exist; not yet well developed新生的;初生的;尚未成熟的;尚不发达的:a nascent industry新兴的工业

As sea-floor soundingsproliferate, the supervision of deep-sea mining, which is overseen by theInternational Seabed Authority in areasbeyondnational jurisdiction, should getbetter.

sea floor海底;海床

More data and analysis alsomake it easiertopolice existingagreements. Satellite monitoring can provide cluestoillegal fishing activity: craft that switch off theirtracking devices when they approach a marine protected areaexcitesuspicion, for example.

craft:(plunchanged复数不变) [C] (a) boat; ship船舶

Such data make it easiertoenforce codes like thePortState

Measures Agreement, which requires foreign vesselstosubmittoinspections atanyportof call and requires port states to share information on any suspectedwrongdoingthey find. Clearer information may alsohelp align incentives and allowprivatecapitaltorewardgoodbehavior.Insurance firms, for instance,haveanincentive to ask for more data on fishing vessels; if ships switch off theirtracking systems, the chances ofcollisionsrise,and so do premiums. Greater traceabilitygivesconsumerswhoare concernedabout fish awayto press seafoodfirms into behavingresponsibly.


The FAO Agreement on Port State Measures to Prevent, Deter and Eliminate

Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing (the Agreement) was adopted by the

FAO Conference in 20091. The main purpose of the Agreement is to

prevent, deter and eliminate illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing

through the implementation of robust port State measures. The Agreement

envisages that parties, in their capacities as port States, will apply the

Agreement in an effective manner to foreign vessels when seeking entry to ports

or while they are in port.



to technology, the ocean’s expanse and remoteness are becoming lessformidable—and less of an excuse forinaction.

formidable/ˈfɔːmɪdəbl; ˋfɔrmɪdəbl/adj

difficult to deal with or overcome难以应付的;难以克服的:a formidable task艰巨的任务.

A UN meeting on the oceannext month in New York is a sign that policymakers are paying more attention tothe state of the marine realm. But superior information does not solve thefundamental problem of allocating and enforcing property rights and responsibilitiesfor the high seas. And the effectiveness of incentives to take care of theocean varies. Commercialpay-offsfrom givingfish stocks time to recover, for example, are large and well-documented; butthe rewards that accrue from removing plastic from the high seas are unclear.

fish stocks鱼类

pay offyield a profit or result

His efforts finally paid off

Aboveall, better measurement of global warming’s effect onthe ocean does not make a solution anyeasier.TheParisagreement is thesingle best hope for protecting the ocean and its resources. But America is notstrongly committed to the deal; it mayevenpull out.


out:If you pull out of anagreement, a contest, or an organization, you withdraw from it.

And the limits agreed on inParis will notpreventsea levelsfrom rising and corals from bleaching. Indeed, unless they are drasticallystrengthened, both problems risk getting much worse. Mankind is increasinglyable to see the damage it is doing to the ocean. Whether it can stop it isanotherquestion.

day 3-5

Europe’s savior?


Part1. Alandslidelegislative victory would put the new president in a positionto transform France


A landslide is a victory in an election in whicha person or political party gets far more votes or seats than their opponents.

He won last month's presidential election by a landslide.

1.FLORENCELEHERICYisanurse,butonMondaysheislikelytostartanewcareeras aparliamentary deputyforCalvados, in northern France.

背景补充:CalvadosA low-lying department on the English Channel inthe Basse-Normandie region of north-west France;

Jean-MarieFiévet, a fireman, will join her from aconstituencyinDeux Sèvresin the west.



The electoral division from which a member of the Legislative Council (otherthan those returned by the Election Committee) or an elected member of adistrict represents.

Bothare politicalnovices.

novice/ˈnɔvɪs; ˋnɑvɪs/nperson who is new and inexperienced in a job,situation, etc; beginner新手;生手;初学者:She's a complete

novice as a reporter.她初任记者,完全是个生手.

Theybelong toLa République en Marche! (LRM), the movementbehind Emmanuel Macron, who last month also won his first ever election—anddulytook control of theElysée

Palace.Welcometo therevolution.


dulyin a due, correct or proper manner(方式)正当地,正确地,适当地:The president was

duly elected.总统已正式选出.

2.Across France peoplehaverisen up against a political classthat failed them. The first round of voting for the legislature, on June 11th,suggests that LRM, which Mr Macron created only 14 monthsago,will win at least 400 of its 577seats. The Socialists will lose 90% of their deputies, including their leaderwho did not evenmaketherun-off.


A run-off is an extravote or contest which is held in order to decide the winner of an election orcompetition, because no-one has yet clearly won.

The Republicans will hangon to more, but they expected to win this election— until afewweeksago,when LRM’s victory became as inevitable as theblade sliding down theguillotine.

theblade slidingdown theguillotine.:Guillotine, a

piece of equipment used to cut off the heads of criminals, was one of the

symbols of that revolution.

3.Mr Macronoffersa fresh answer to the popular discontent that has sweptthroughWesterndemocracies. Hepromises a new politics thatditchesdivisionsbetween left and right.

ditch/dɪtʃ; dɪtʃ/n[I] make or repair ditches挖沟;修沟:hedging and


He wants to restoredynamism and self-belief to France and, with Germany’s help, to the EuropeanUnion. And he is being watchedfromabroadby politicianswho,in their owncountries, cannot seem tomakethemselvesheardabove the din. For his revolution tosucceed, he needsto havegood ideasand the ability to carry them through. Doeshe?

Above the din:A loud noise made bycrowd

Part 2. A different kind of rebel

4.Mr Macron is the right man at theright time.Voterstired ofFrance’sstale politics wanted anoutsider.Althoughhecomes from the establishment—heis agraduate ofan elite college,an

ex-bankerand an economy minister under his predecessor, François Hollande—Mr Macron hasnever been a party man. He has designed LRM to act as a break with the past.Half of its candidates are new to politics. Half are women. It has campaignedagainst corruption. In theoutgoing assemblythemost common age is 60-70; the average of LRM’s novices is 43.

outgoingleaving office, a political post, etc将离任﹑离职等的:the outgoing

government即行交班的政府*the outgoing


5.Whereas most populistscleave toright and left, the Macron revolution isto thecenter.

cleave2/kliːv; kliv/v(ptcleaved/kliːvd; klivd/ orclave/kleɪv; klev/,ppcleaved)[Ipr]~ to sb/sth(arch古) remain attached or faithful to sb/sth依恋或忠实於某人[某事物].

Hestealspolicieswithout prejudice—from the right, a desire to free upmarketsand businesses to create jobs andwealth;fromthe left, a belief inthe role of government to shape, direct and protect. In the battle between openand closed, Mr Macron is broadly for open in both trade and immigration.

In French terms, he isan economic liberal. And, crucially, he is an optimist. For decades France hassufferedfromthemorosebeliefthatpolitics involves struggle, but noreal solutions.

morose/məˈrəus; məˋros/adjveryunhappy, bad-tempered and silent; sullen闷闷不乐的;脾气坏的;抑郁的:a morose person,

manner, expression闷闷不乐的人﹑样子﹑表情.

Thatsabotagesreform: why give up what youhave todayforsomething worse tomorrow? Elsewhere in Europe, democracy often seems a joylesstransaction in which voters are asked to endorse politicians’ empty promises inexchangefor benefit cuts andshoddypublic services.

shoddy1/ˈʃɔdɪ; ˋʃɑdɪ/adj(-ier,-iest) of poor quality or badly made劣质的;粗制滥造的:shoddy goods,

clothes, etc劣质的货物﹑服装等

6.Somehow,Mr Macron has convincedthe French that progress is possible. He has hit back against populisttauntsthat free markets are a concession to the bankers and the globalistswith refreshing patriotism—whether bycrushingthehand of DonaldTrumpor restoringpompto thepresidency.




crush all opposition镇压一切反对派

pomp/pɔmp; pɑmp/n[U]splendid display or magnificence, esp at apublic event宏伟壮观的景象(尤指群众场面);盛况:the pomp and ceremony of the State Opening of Parliament国会揭幕的盛况.

Againstwarnings about immigrants and foreign competition, he asserts that both willinvigorate France, notenfeebleit.ToEuro-sceptics who accuse Brussels ofsucking the life out of the nation, he insists that,no,the EU magnifies Frenchpower.

7.Good ideas are not enough. Mr Macronmust also break the habit of 30 years in whichFrance’sreformshavebeenblocked bythehard left. Successrests onearly,visible progress intwo areas—employment and relations withGermany.

8.French unemployment is double what itis inGermany.For the under 25s, itis stuck above 20%. Firms are reluctant tocreatepermanent jobs because of high social charges and because redundancy and dismissal are expensiveanddifficult. Mr Macron wants to lower employmenttaxesand tomakeworkplacebargaining more flexible. Success in the labor market will help him win overGermany,which has lost faith inFrance’sability to keep up. So willgetting agriponFrance’spublic spending and its army of bureaucrats.

gripn[sing]~ (on sb/sth)(a) actionof gripping; firm hold紧抓;紧握:take

a grip on a rope抓紧绳索

Germany,oftenstandoffish, should give Mr Macronthebenefit of the doubt.

standoffish/ ,stænd`ɔfɪʃ /adjective冷淡的

a standoffish person behaves in a formal waythat is not friendly because they do not want to get involved with other people

He is the best, and possibly last, chance tocreatethe impetus fortheeurozonetoshoreupthestructureofthesinglecurrency.

shore upIf you shore up something that is weak or aboutto fail, you do something in order to strengthen it or support it.

9.LRM’slandslide makes thisprogram morelikelyto succeed. MrMacron has beenlucky.His chiefopponent onthemainstream right,François Fillon, was fatally damaged by allegations of corruption.LRM’svictory will be flattered byFrance’stwo-round votingsystem.A strong EU economy willcreatejobs (if he is not to jeopardizethat, he needs to go easy on the budget cuts). As TheresaMay,Britain’shaplessprimeminister,canattest,firm control of the assembly willcementhis good fortune (see leader on nextpage).

hapless/ˈhæplɪs; ˋhæplɪs/adj[attrib作定语] (arch or rhet古或修辞) unlucky; unfortunate不走运的;不幸的:our hapless hero我们这不幸的男主人公

attest/əˈtest; əˋtɛst/v(fml文)

[Ipr, Tn]~(to)sthbe or give clear proof of sth作为或提供某事物的明证:His handling of

the crisis attested to his strength of character.他对危机的处理证明了他性格坚强.

cementv[Tn] (fig比喻) establish (sth) firmly;

strengthen将(某事物)结合在一起;加强;巩固:cement a


10.However, resistance willmove to the streets. Already, theancienrégime iswarning that the election leaves Mr Macron dangerously powerful, and that theturnout of under 50% has deprived him of amandate.Militanthard-left unions are threatening tofight his labor-market reforms all the way.

mandate/ˈmændeɪt; ˋmændet/n(ususing通常作单数)

~ (to do sth)(a) authority given to a party, trade union, etc by the people who support it(党派﹑工会等的拥护者对所在组织的)授权:Our election victory has given us a mandate to reform the economy.我们在选举获胜,这就使我们有权进行经济改革.

militant/ˈmɪlɪtənt; ˋmɪlətənt/adjusing force or strong pressure, orsupporting their use, to achieve one's aims用武力或高压的;好战的:The strikers were

in a militant mood, ie ready to take strong action.罢工者群情激奋(随时准备采取激烈行动).

11.They must befaced down.The French president is indeed powerful—but in recent years the problem hasbeen the weakness of the Elysée, not its dominance. The turnout waslow,but it has been fallingforyears and is not much lower than inAmerica or Canada. The unions speakforonlythe 8% ofworkerswho are theirmembers. That is no mandate. It is what ordinary citizenslikeMs Lehericy

and Mr Fiévethavebeenelected to sweepaway.

Face down: Crush down; be subdued.

Part 3. Renaissance man

12.Plenty could go wrong.Expectations of Mr Macronaresky high. Though LRM has experienced politicians to keeporder,it could prove chaotic andamateurish. There will be strikes and marches. Asthe pain bites, the French public will need to hear again and again why reformwill benefit the nation.


If you describe something as amateurish, you think that it is not skilfullymade or done.

13.These risks are obvious.More remarkable is the revolution that Mr Macron has already achieved.ThehopesofFrance,Europeandcentristseverywherearerestingonhim.


1.The French Fifth Republicis a semi-presidential system. Unlike many other European presidents, theFrench President is quite powerful. Although it is the Prime Minister of Franceand parliament that oversee much of the nation's actual day-to-day affairs, theFrench President wields significant influence and authority, especially in thefields of national security and foreign policy.

2.LRM (La République En Marche!):

En Marche! (Englishtranslation: "Forward!") is a centrist and liberal political party inFrance. It was founded on 6 April 2016 by Emmanuel Macron.

The party rancandidates in the 2017 legislative elections as La République EnMarche!(English translation: "The Republic Onwards!"), includingmembers of the Democratic Movement, as well as dissidents from the SocialistParty, The Republicans and minor parties. It won an absolute majority of seatsin the National Assembly, securing 308 under its label and 42 for the Mo Dem.

Macron considers En Marche! to be a progressive movement, uniting both the left and the right.
