Mac AppleScript 自动登录3个QQ

更新,最近又得登3个QQ了,修改了代码,更快了一些,主要之前用的delay 1,现在升级为keystroe tab,不用等待,输入完账号或者密码时,按tab,就是来切换到,账号输入框按tab到密码输入框按tab到登录按钮

tell application "QQ"
    tell application "System Events"
        tell application process "QQ"
            delay 1
            set frontmost to true
            --get entire contents of window 1
            set value of text field 1 of window "Window" of application process "QQ" of application "System Events" to "QQ1账号"
            keystroke tab
            set value of text field 2 of window "Window" of application process "QQ" of application "System Events" to "QQ1密码"
            keystroke tab
            click checkbox 3 of window "Window" of application process "QQ" of application "System Events"
            keystroke return
            delay 1
            -- command n 再新建一个QQ
            keystroke "n" using command down
            set frontmost to true
            -- command tab 把准备用于登录第二个QQ的窗口放前面来
            keystroke tab using {command down}
            delay 1
            key code {48, 51}
            keystroke "QQ2账号"
            keystroke tab
            keystroke "QQ2密码"
            keystroke tab
            keystroke return
            -- command n 再新建一个QQ
            keystroke "n" using command down
            set frontmost to true
            -- command tab 把准备用于登录第二个QQ的窗口放前面来
            keystroke tab using {command down}
            delay 1
            key code {48, 51}
            keystroke "QQ3账号"
            keystroke tab
            keystroke "QQ3密码"
            keystroke tab
            keystroke return
        end tell
    end tell
end tell



tell application "QQ"
    tell application "System Events"
        tell application process "QQ"
            delay 1
            set frontmost to true
            --get entire contents of window 1
            set value of text field 1 of window "Window" of application process "QQ" of application "System Events" to "QQ1号码"
            set value of text field 2 of window "Window" of application process "QQ" of application "System Events" to "QQ1密码"
            click checkbox 3 of window "Window" of application process "QQ" of application "System Events"
            delay 1
            -- command n 再新建一个QQ
            keystroke "n" using command down
            set frontmost to true
            -- command tab 把准备用于登录第二个QQ的窗口放前面来
            keystroke tab using {command down}
            delay 1
            key code {48, 51}
            keystroke "QQ2号码"
            --delay 1
            keystroke return
            delay 1
            keystroke "QQ2密码"
            delay 1
            keystroke return
        end tell
    end tell
end tell

你可能感兴趣的:(Mac AppleScript 自动登录3个QQ)