
视频:清英0a unit1----4轮播,牙牙学语推磨

游戏: game1  I'm Kangaroo.

M: I'm, the mommy kangaroo, and you're the little kangaroo, let's play a game, okay?

B:ok I'm the little Kangaroo.

M:Look there's a hill, on the Ground.Let's hop Over it, okay?

B:Ok hop  hop hop.

M:Good job Baby.

Game 2  .A bubble.

M:Honey raise your hand, and Make a circleWith. me, okay


M: Okay very good, let's sing the song  When I say pop, you give me five okay?

B:Ok (Sing the song) bubble bubble bubble. Double bubble bubble, pop击掌

其他:今天晚上要加班,牺牲了陪宝贝的绘本时间,不过小家伙自己看了好几本书,嘻嘻 看来睡前阅读的好习惯快要养成了,期待明天姜老师推荐点中文绘本,囤货快要看完了。
