- Quit python in terminal: type exit()
- 安装好python之后,默认已经配置了路径;cmd - python,就可以进入python模式
download google 代码 (https://developers.google.com/edu/python/google-python-exercises.zip?hl=zh-CN)
C:\google-python-exercises> python hello.py
Hello World
C:\google-python-exercises> **python hello.py Alice
Hello Alice
- What does “SyntaxError: Missing parentheses in call to 'print'” mean in Python?
This error message means that you are attempting to use Python 3 to follow an example or run a program that uses the Python 2 print
print "Hello world"
The statement above does not work in Python 3. In Python 3 you need to add parentheses around the value to be printed:
print("Hello world")
- download pywin32 from https://sourceforge.net/projects/pywin32/files/pywin32/Build%20220/
pywin32的版本需要match python的版本;我装的是32bit python3.5, 所以对应的pywin32版本是:pywin32-220.win32-py3.5.exe
- 检查版本号:pip --version
- 安装Scrapy: pip install Scrapy 出错
Using Anaconda is an alternative to using a virtualenv and installing with pip.
我发现有很多的free package manager, Anaconda就是一个;