Your Kids Need Your Compassion 你的孩子需要你怜悯

Your Kids Need Your Compassion


Aug 9, 2017

“Let us love one another, for love comes from God”(1 John 4:7a NIV).

“亲爱的,我们要彼此相爱,因为爱是从神来的。”(约翰一书 4:7a 和修)

Your Kids Need Your Compassion 你的孩子需要你怜悯_第1张图片

If you want to know how to be a good parent and build a strong family, you don’t have to look online or go to a bookstore. Look no further than the greatest book ever written on parenting: God’s Word, the Bible.


It says in 1 John 4:7a“Let us love one another, for love comes from God”(NIV).


More than anything else, kids need unwavering and unconditional love. There needs to be a place where they’re accepted — warts and all.


What is compassion? Compassion is a combination of love and understanding. Compassion is where you know everything about someone and you still like that person.


Love is not natural. You have to learn to love. You learn by practicing. What better place to practice than with the people you’re forced to live with all your life? If you can learn to love your family, you can love anybody. Why? Because it’s easy to love people at a distance, but when you’re with them all the time, you don’t always get along. When you practice love in the family, you’re learning to really love.


A lot of times we love our kids, but we don’t express it in a way they can understand it. Children understand love in three ways: affection, affirmation, and attention.


1. Affection. Children need lots of hugs and touch and kisses. They need to feel your love.

1. 情感。孩子需要大量的拥抱、接触和亲吻。他们需要感受到你的爱。

2. Affirmation. You need to tell your kids every day — and more than once a day — how much you love them. Affirm them, and build them up with love.

2. 肯定。你需要跟孩子们每天讲这些——每天不止一次的讲——你是多么的爱他们。肯定他们,用爱建立他们。

3. Attention. One of the greatest gifts you can give others is listening to them. When you look at children on their level, you’re saying, “You matter to me. You’re important to me. I want to hear what you have to say.” In doing this, you show compassion.

3. 注意。倾听他们,是你可以给他们最好的礼物之一。当你看到你孩子的水平(不知道怎么翻译),你会说:“你对我很重要。你对我非常重要。我想要听你说话。”这么做,你就展现了你的怜悯。

Talk It Over


In what different ways do you see that your children express and receive love?


What routines or habits can you practice so that you are showing your kids affection, affirmation, and attention every day?


If you don’t have children, what is your responsibility to the children in your life, such as nieces and nephews, neighbors, or the children of friends?


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