
今日复习旧单词69,背新单词60,错误单词sanctuary , trumpet , hymn , stature , saturnine , dispose , allegiance , approbation , sanction , condemn .


Five years ago , my family moved to New York , My parents , my son , my husband our dog and I lived together. We lived near the central park .

My son is five years old , he likes watching cartoons , his favourite star is superman , he wants to grow up quickly , so he measures his stature everyday .

Last saturday , I decided to go to sing hymn in the sanctuary with my mother near our house . My son wanted to go to the park , I didn't want to put off my plan , so I refused him . He began to cry , at that moment , our dog brought a trumpet to him , when he saw the trumpet , he wasn't in a saturnnine disposition at all and after getting my approbation, he played it with dog. After disposing this affair , my mother and I went to the church .

When we got there , many people around the church , there was a nun smoking , all the people **condemned ** her , becaue she didn't show her revere and allegiance to the god . Finally she apologised to god and other people , then , people went into the sanctuary to sing the hymn .
