王鑫艺术作品系列二 Artist Wang xing

王鑫艺术作品系列二 Artist Wang xing_第1张图片

Wang xing was born in Shandong, China in 1988.

Wang Xing now resides in Beijing.

He was invited by the Netherlands Cultural Center to attend the "40th Anniversary of Sino-Dutch Oil Painting Exhibition" in The Hague, Netherlands. He also participated in the production of Venice Biennale works

In December 2012, sale of his oil painting "WAIT and SEE" raised 40,000 RMB in support for the 100 years of love of a hundred-year vocational school

His works have been shown in a number of galleries and museums including the:

Xinjiang Contemporary Art Museum

Shanshui Art Museum

Red Gate Gallery

798 Chan art center

"May Fourth International Youth Festival of Art collective exhibition" Asian Art Center

Works included

2017 "Peach Blossom"

2015 "Return"

2015 "嘭Peng"

2010 "Son of the Sun

In 2015 he received the Sanlitun Young Artist Jury Prize

Wang Xing is an accomplished young artist with a bright and productive future in the Beijing Art Community.

《场景》   Scene 150cmx250cm  2014


青年艺术家 现居北京

2017年        参与制作威尼斯双年展作品

2017年        《桃花无极》新疆当代美术馆

2015年          山水美术馆开馆展《回归》

2015年          “嘭”群展,红门画廊

2015年          度三里屯太古里年轻艺术家评委会大奖




2010年      《太阳之子王鑫作品展》  798灿艺术中心


2012年12月    油画作品《望》为百年职校百年爱心筹得款项

 《吃饭的绅士》Gentleman  140cmx180cm  2014
《回头的男人》The man look back 130cmx100cm





聊天的妓女   Prositute's talk 200cmx150cm
谈生意—初识 Business meeting 150cmx250cm 2014  
 谈生意—干杯 Cheeers for business  150cmx250cm 2014
谈生意—消遣 Entertainment 150cmx250cm  2014
家庭聚会 Family party 150cmx250cm 2014年

Luna 从事跨国企业管理与文化艺术交流活动数年,因其在意大利及美国公司任职的经历,与国外及国内画廊保持着很好的合作关系,接触北京及国外的多位知名艺术家,形成个人独特审美视角并积累了丰富的艺术策划及推广经验。


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