1)线程管理器 :用于创建并管理线程池 。
2)工作线程 :线程池中实际执行任务的线程 。 在初始化线程时会预先创建好固定数目的线程在池中 ,这些初始化的线程一般是处于空闲状态 ,不消耗CPU,占用较小的内存空间 。
3)任务接口 :每个任务必须实现的接口 ,当线程池中的可执行的任务时 ,被工作线程调试执行。 把任务抽象出来形成任务接口 ,可以做到线程池与具体的任务无关 。
4)任务队列 :用来存放没有处理的任务 ,提 供一种缓冲机制 。 实现这种结构有好几种方法 ,常用的是队列 ,主要是利用它先进先出的工作原理;另外一种是链表之类的数据结构 ,可以动态为它分配内存空间 ,应用中比较灵活 。

我的线程池模型跟前面无锁化线程池模型很像,不过,它并不是无锁的。但是它是Work Stealing Pool.
这种线程模型对应于几种网络服务器编程模型中的是:Reactor + thread pool(主线程IO,工作线程计算)。
关于Work Stealing Pool的一些说明:
(2)利用Work Staling,可以更好实现负载均衡。因为每个工作线程的任务都是不一样的,完成的时间也不一样。
1. 这个线程池的优点:
(2)Work stealing pool,每个工作线程有自己的任务队列,当前完成自己本地的队列的任务时,会自动去全局队列里面获取任务来工作,或者去”偷“其他线程的队列里面的任务。
2. 这个线程的缺点:
3. 这个线程的一些方面有待以后改进:
(1)在线程去streal 其他线程的工作任务时,是需要给其他线程加锁了,虽然是从队列尾端拿数据,而它本身的工作线程是从队列头端拿数据,其原因是考虑到一个情况就是,当队列里面只剩下一个任务时,有可能出现竞争的情况,所以,一个方法是,对于头尾指针要经过特别的初始化处理。(具体需要查找资料,网络上有博客说过,往了是哪里了)
4. 具体的代码

struct thread_pool; struct future; /* Create a new thread pool with no more than n threads. */ struct thread_pool * thread_pool_new(int nthreads); void thread_pool_shutdown_and_destroy(struct thread_pool *); typedef void * (* fork_join_task_t) (struct thread_pool *pool, void * data); struct future * thread_pool_submit( struct thread_pool *pool, fork_join_task_t task, void * data); void * future_get(struct future *); void future_free(struct future *);

#include#include #include <string.h> #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "threadpool.h" struct future { fork_join_task_t task; void *arg; //parameter void *result; sem_t *sem; int status; //0: not to do, 1: doing, 2: done int local; //1: internal task, 0: external task struct future *prev; struct future *next; }; struct thread_t { pthread_t id; pthread_mutex_t mutex; pthread_cond_t cond; int idle; //1: idle, 0: busy int index; //record the current thread index in pool int current_task_num; //total task number in current thread struct thread_pool *pool; //point to the pool area struct future *head; struct future *tail; }; struct thread_pool { int max_threads; pthread_mutex_t mutex; int shutdown; //1: shutdown, 0: normal struct thread_t *threads; struct future *head; struct future *tail; }; static void *thread_route(void *arg) { assert(arg != NULL); struct thread_t *thread = (struct thread_t *)arg; assert(thread != NULL); struct thread_pool *pool = thread->pool; assert(pool != NULL); struct future *future = NULL; while(1) { pthread_mutex_lock(&thread->mutex); if(future != NULL) { thread->idle = 0; future->status = 1; //doing future->result = future->task(pool, future->arg); future->status = 2; sem_post(future->sem); } while(thread->current_task_num == 0 && pool->shutdown == 0) { //wait for task assigment pthread_cond_wait(&thread->cond, &thread->mutex); } if(pool->shutdown == 1) { //pool is shutdown, destroy the local task list struct future *temp = NULL; while(thread->head != NULL) { temp = thread->head; thread->head = thread->head->next; free(temp); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&thread->mutex); pthread_exit(NULL); } //Fist, get task from local task list to do while(thread->head != NULL) { thread->idle = 0; future = thread->head; thread->head = thread->head->next; if(thread->tail == future) thread->tail = NULL; else thread->head->prev = NULL; //call the callback to do work thread->current_task_num--; future->status = 1; //doing #if 0 if(pool->max_threads == 1 && future->local == 1) { /* * TBD: in case there is only a thread in pool * and the task is local task * we can create a thread to do the task? */ } else #else { future->result = future->task(pool, future->arg); } #endif future->status = 2; sem_post(future->sem); //Let future_get know, the result is ok } pthread_mutex_unlock(&thread->mutex); thread->idle = 1; /* * The local task work are done, go to global task list to get task * or go to other work thread to get task. */ //Step1: Go to globacl task list to get task(From Head) pthread_mutex_lock(&pool->mutex); future = NULL; while(pool->head != NULL && pool->head->status == 0) { //printf("Worker %d get task from global task, current_task %d\n", thread->index, thread->current_task_num); future = pool->head; pool->head = pool->head->next; if(pool->tail == future) pool->tail = NULL; else pool->head->prev = NULL; //Get the future, then put into the local task list? #if 0 pthread_mutex_lock(&thread->mutex); if(thread->head != NULL) { future->next = thread->head; thread->head->prev = future; } else { thread->tail = future; } thread->head = future; thread->current_task_num++; pthread_mutex_unlock(&thread->mutex); if(thread->current_task_num == 9) { //Get 10 tasks, ok, get out, give some changes to other work threads break; } #else //printf("Worked %d get one task from globack task list.\n", thread->index); break; //get one task, break #endif } pthread_mutex_unlock(&pool->mutex); //Step2: Go to other work thread task list to get task(From Tail) if(future == NULL && thread->current_task_num == 0) { //printf("Worker %d can not get task from global task, then try other work threads, current_task %d\n", thread->index, thread->current_task_num); future = pool->head; int i = 0; struct thread_t *other_thread = NULL; for(i=0; i max_threads; i++) { if(i == thread->index) continue; //myself if(pool->threads[i].current_task_num == 0) continue; //it has no task //lock it? pthread_mutex_lock(&pool->threads[i].mutex); other_thread = (struct thread_t *)&pool->threads[i]; while(other_thread->tail != NULL && other_thread->tail->status == 0) { future = other_thread->tail; other_thread->tail = other_thread->tail->prev; if(future == other_thread->head) other_thread->head = NULL; else other_thread->tail->next = NULL; //Get the future, then put into our local task list? #if 0 pthread_mutex_lock(&thread->mutex); if(thread->head != NULL) { future->next = thread->head; thread->head->prev = future; } else { thread->tail = future; } thread->head = future; thread->current_task_num++; printf("Worker %d get task from other thread task, current_task %d\n", thread->current_task_num); pthread_mutex_unlock(&thread->mutex); if(thread->current_task_num == 4) { //Get 4 tasks, ok, get out, give some changes to other work threads break; } #else //printf("Worked %d get one task from other worker %d.\n", thread->index, i); break; //get one task, break #endif } pthread_mutex_unlock(&pool->threads[i].mutex); } } } } struct thread_pool * thread_pool_new(int nthreads) { struct thread_pool *pool = (struct thread_pool *)malloc(sizeof(struct thread_pool)); assert(pool != NULL); pool->max_threads = nthreads; pool->head = pool->tail = NULL; pthread_mutex_init(&pool->mutex, NULL); pool->threads = (struct thread_t *)malloc(nthreads * sizeof(struct thread_t)); assert(pool->threads != NULL); int i = 0; for(i=0; i max_threads; i++) { pthread_mutex_init(&pool->threads[i].mutex, NULL); pthread_cond_init(&pool->threads[i].cond, NULL); pool->threads[i].idle = 1; //idle pool->threads[i].index = i; pool->threads[i].pool = pool; //point to the pool area pool->threads[i].current_task_num = 0; pthread_create(&pool->threads[i].id, NULL, thread_route,(void *)(&pool->threads[i])); } return pool; } struct future * thread_pool_submit( struct thread_pool *pool, fork_join_task_t task, void * data) { assert(pool != NULL); struct future *future = (struct future *)malloc(sizeof(struct future)); assert(future); future->task = task; future->arg = data; future->prev = future->next = NULL; future->result = NULL; future->status = 0; future->local = 0; //default is external task int i = 0; unsigned long myself_pid = pthread_self(); for(i=0; i max_threads; i++) { if(pool->threads[i].id == myself_pid) { future->local = 1; //it is internal task break; } } future->sem = (sem_t *)malloc(sizeof(sem_t)); assert(future->sem != NULL); sem_init(future->sem, 0, 0); //find a idle work thread to put the task struct thread_t * thread = NULL; for(i = 0; i< pool->max_threads; i++) { thread = &pool->threads[i]; pthread_mutex_lock(&thread->mutex); if(thread->idle == 1) { //find it, insert the task from head if(thread->head != NULL) { future->next = thread->head; thread->head->prev = future; } else { thread->tail = future; } thread->head = future; thread->current_task_num++; //Just let work thread know, it has work to do if(thread->current_task_num == 1) { //printf("%s(): Let worker %d to start to work\n", __FUNCTION__, thread->index); pthread_cond_signal(&thread->cond); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&thread->mutex); return future; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&thread->mutex); } //can not find idle work thread, just put it into global task list //printf("%s(): no find idle work thread, just put into global task list\n", __FUNCTION__); pthread_mutex_lock(&pool->mutex); if(pool->head != NULL) { future->next = pool->head; pool->head->prev = future; } else { pool->tail = future; } pool->head = future; pthread_mutex_unlock(&pool->mutex); return future; } void * future_get(struct future *future) { assert(future); sem_wait(future->sem); //wait for the result ready return (void *)future->result; }