这个类用的比较少,API文档上已经不推荐使用。推荐使用 String 的 split 方法或 java.util.regex 包。
import java.util.StringTokenizer; public class StringTokenizerTest { public static void main(String[] args) { String str = "stay hungry , stay foolish ."; StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(str," "); while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { System.out.print(st.nextToken()+" "); } } }
分割str 输出stay hungry , stay foolish .
String[] temp = str.split(" "); for (int i = 0; i < temp.length; i++) { System.out.print(temp[i]+" "); }
输出同样是stay hungry , stay foolish .
我们看看StringTokenizer的nextToken() 方法和String的split()方法有什么不同
先看StringTokenizer的nextToken() 方法
public String nextToken() { /* * If next position already computed in hasMoreElements() and * delimiters have changed between the computation and this invocation, * then use the computed value. */ currentPosition = (newPosition >= 0 && !delimsChanged) ? newPosition : skipDelimiters(currentPosition); /* Reset these anyway */ delimsChanged = false; newPosition = -1; if (currentPosition >= maxPosition) throw new NoSuchElementException(); int start = currentPosition; currentPosition = scanToken(currentPosition); return str.substring(start, currentPosition); }
str.substring(start, currentPosition);
public String[] split(String regex) { return split(regex, 0); }
public String[] split(String regex, int limit) { return Pattern.compile(regex).split(this, limit); }
public String[] split(CharSequence input, int limit) { int index = 0; boolean matchLimited = limit > 0; ArrayList<String> matchList = new ArrayList<String>(); Matcher m = matcher(input); // Add segments before each match found while(m.find()) { if (!matchLimited || matchList.size() < limit - 1) { String match = input.subSequence(index, m.start()).toString(); matchList.add(match); index = m.end(); } else if (matchList.size() == limit - 1) { // last one String match = input.subSequence(index, input.length()).toString(); matchList.add(match); index = m.end(); } } // If no match was found, return this if (index == 0) return new String[] {input.toString()}; // Add remaining segment if (!matchLimited || matchList.size() < limit) matchList.add(input.subSequence(index, input.length()).toString()); // Construct result int resultSize = matchList.size(); if (limit == 0) while (resultSize > 0 && matchList.get(resultSize-1).equals("")) resultSize--; String[] result = new String[resultSize]; return matchList.subList(0, resultSize).toArray(result); }
根据正则表达式分割 过程就比较复杂了。
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