Tabnanny Tokenizing Error. Token Error: EOF in multi-line statement

Tabnanny Tokenizing Error. Token Error: EOF in multi-line statement_第1张图片

Token errors in Python will pop up a dialog box like the one below. The message in this box isTabnanny Tokenizing Error. Token Error: EOF in multi-line statement

EOF stands forEnd Of File. This error usually means that there was an open parenthesis somewhere on a line, but not a matching closing parenthesis. Python reached the end of the file while looking for the closing parenthesis.


a = 3 + (4 + 5

Solution:When you press OK on the dialog box. Python will attempt to highlight the offending line in your source code. However, since it had reached the end of the file, it will highlight the last line in the file! You can type a right parenthesis at the end of the file, and IDLE will highlight the matching opening parenthesis. You should then be able to find out where your missing parenthesis should be. Remember to remove the extra closing parenthesis at the end of your file.

If this doesn't work, you may have to scan your entire file to look for the problem. The best solution is toavoid this problemby running your program after you write every few lines of code. If you encounter this error, you can then check your most recent changes as a likely suspect.








Tabnanny Tokenizing Error. Token Error: EOF in multi-line statement_第2张图片


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