1, the turbine type gear pump used in vacuum system, its running speed is high and the operation of the multi-stage machine rate is in commonly 5000 r/min, the operating rate of single stage machine above lOOOOr/min.So the whole piece of gear pump equipment need a larger base, prevent equipment from high frequency vibration.

2, due to large single gear pump equipment power, start or stop the equipment can cause system power grid load fluctuation, the gear pump equipment start-up needs a certain amount of time.Before each start, motor protection program will test whether apricot downtime in a specified time interval.

3, turbine pump impeller rotational speed is very high, fabrication and installation of equipment accuracy increase, so the need for impeller under high speed high precision dynamic balance test.

4, to prevent flood water enters the pump or a foreign body, must have a large concrete vacuum separation tank, with a stainless steel plate separation groove, and shall not exceed the maximum wind speed of 3 m/s.

5, gear pump equipment after installation, it is necessary to thoroughly clean pipe, prevent foreign body retention in the pipeline damage to equipment.

Acceleration is 6, air compression and release can produce large noise, in the process of design and installation, the turbine type gear pump are installed in a closed room, to prevent the spread of the noise.