
There’s never really any downtime as a professional basketball player if you want to continue to excel at your craft. My trainer comes with me everywhere I go, and we always check beforehand to make sure the places I’m traveling will have gyms available nearby. My leisure time is the part of my vacation days that makes it into pictures and videos — really, you see enough of me playing basketball during the season — but I’m still waking up at six in the morning so that I can work out for a few hours before going out for the day.


Still, it’s important to have passions off the court, too, and one of mine is fashion. As such, my first stop was Milan, a place I had never been before, for Fashion Week. I get my appreciation for style from my father and my culture. Where I come from, we’re a people that love to dress well.


When I was young, I didn’t have the money to buy fancy clothes, but the thing I always wanted and dreamed about was a pair of J.M. Weston shoes. They’re beautiful, and they didn’t even have a store in the Congo; you had to go to Spain to get them. But in Congo, if you were really into fashion, then owning a pair J.M. Weston shoes was a must. It showed you were very successful and aware of high style.

我小时候没有很多钱买漂亮的衣服,那时候我一直梦想有一双JM Weston的鞋子,这个品牌的鞋子很漂亮,在刚果都没有他的专卖店,你必须到西班牙才能买到。但是在刚果,如果你真想进入时尚圈,拥有一双J.M. Weston的鞋子是必须的。那意味着你很成功,而且品位很高。

It wasn’t until a couple of years ago that I decided I could finally afford them. I bought one pair for myself and a pair for my dad. They cost me like $10,000, but I didn’t care. Some things are priceless, especially when it fulfills a childhood dream. I wear mine whenever I can, and they remind me of home. NBA fans know me from my time in the United States, and from playing internationally for Spain, but I definitely haven’t forgotten where I from, and I put a lot of my off-court time and effort into doing things for my native Congo.


After Milan, it was time to visit Paris, a place I love. I have family there and know the city well. Also, Paris has great Congolese food, which annoyed my friends because it’s all I wanted to eat. They kept trying to make reservations at fancy restaurants when all I wanted was a nice plate of saka saka! Food arguments aside, we were having a great time. We saw some wonderful museums and shows, and I even ran into new Chicago Bull (that still sounds odd) Dwyane Wade and the New York Giants’ Victor Cruz at Palais de Tokyo.
