On Writing Well 11-12

Chapter11 Nonfiction as Literature

Chapter12 Writing about people


1.make of

He didn't know what to make of that.

1. to have a particular opinion about or understanding of something or someone:

例:I didn’t know what to make of her.

仿:What do you make of the idea?


And yet, in the stillness of the night, the host said to several callers,"don't you ever dreaming of writing the great American novel?"

学习一个表达 in the stillness of the night 寂静/宁静的夜


But the great preponderance of what writers now write and sell, what book and magazine publishers publish and what readers demand is nonfiction.

a preponderance of something if there is a preponderance of people or things of a particular type in a group, there are more of that type than of any other:

例:There is a preponderance of female students in the music department

仿:There are preponderance of teenagers who are addicted to computer games.


Learn to ask questions that will elicit answers about what is most interesting or vivid in their lives.

to succeed in getting information or a reaction from someone, especially when this is difficult:

例:When her knock elicited no response, she opened the door and peeped in.

搭配:elicit something from somebody

例:The test uses pictures to elicit words from the children.

仿: The policeman try to elicit the truth from the criminal.






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