
//First Method
#import <dlfcn.h>
#import <mach-o/dyld.h>
#import <TargetConditionals.h>

/* The encryption info struct and constants are missing from the iPhoneSimulator SDK, but not from the iPhoneOS or
 * Mac OS X SDKs. Since one doesn't ever ship a Simulator binary, we'll just provide the definitions here. */
struct encryption_info_command {
    uint32_t cmd;
    uint32_t cmdsize;
    uint32_t cryptoff;
    uint32_t cryptsize;
    uint32_t cryptid;

int main (int argc, char *argv[]);

static BOOL is_encrypted () {
    const struct mach_header *header;
    Dl_info dlinfo;
    /* Fetch the dlinfo for main() */
    if (dladdr(main, &dlinfo) == 0 || dlinfo.dli_fbase == NULL) {
        NSLog(@"Could not find main() symbol (very odd)");
        return NO;
    header = dlinfo.dli_fbase;
    /* Compute the image size and search for a UUID */
    struct load_command *cmd = (struct load_command *) (header+1);
    for (uint32_t i = 0; cmd != NULL && i < header->ncmds; i++) {
        /* Encryption info segment */
        if (cmd->cmd == LC_ENCRYPTION_INFO) {
            struct encryption_info_command *crypt_cmd = (struct encryption_info_command *) cmd;
            /* Check if binary encryption is enabled */
            if (crypt_cmd->cryptid < 1) {
                /* Disabled, probably pirated */
                return NO;
            /* Probably not pirated? */
            return YES;
        cmd = (struct load_command *) ((uint8_t *) cmd + cmd->cmdsize);
    /* Encryption info not found */
    return NO;

//Second Method
int root = getgid();
if (root == 0) {

//Third Method
#import <dlfcn.h>
#import <sys/types.h>

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <TargetConditionals.h>

// The iPhone SDK doesn't have <sys/ptrace.h>, but it does have ptrace, and it
// works just fine.
typedef int (*ptrace_ptr_t)(int _request, pid_t _pid, caddr_t _addr, int _data);
#if !defined(PT_DENY_ATTACH)
#define  PT_DENY_ATTACH  31
#endif  // !defined(PT_DENY_ATTACH)

void ZNDebugIntegrity() {
	// If all assertions are enabled, we're in a legitimate debug build.
#if TARGET_IPHONE_SIMULATOR || defined(DEBUG) || (!defined(NS_BLOCK_ASSERTIONS) && !defined(NDEBUG))
	// Lame obfuscation of the string "ptrace".
	char* ptrace_root = "socket";
	char ptrace_name[] = {0xfd, 0x05, 0x0f, 0xf6, 0xfe, 0xf1, 0x00};
	for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(ptrace_name); i++) {
		ptrace_name[i] += ptrace_root[i];
	void* handle = dlopen(0, RTLD_GLOBAL | RTLD_NOW);
	ptrace_ptr_t ptrace_ptr = dlsym(handle, ptrace_name);
	ptrace_ptr(PT_DENY_ATTACH, 0, 0, 0);

//Fourth Method
#define kInfoSize 500
//Place your NSLog Plist Size into the above Define statment
NSString* bundlePath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] bundlePath];
NSString* path = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@/Info.plist", bundlePath ];
NSDictionary *fileInfo = [[NSBundle mainBundle] infoDictionary];
NSFileManager *fileManager = [NSFileManager defaultManager];
NSDictionary *fileAttributes = [fileManager fileAttributesAtPath:path traverseLink:YES];

if (fileAttributes != nil) {
	NSNumber *fileSize;
	if(fileSize = [fileAttributes objectForKey:NSFileSize]){
		NSLog(@"File Size:  %qi\n", [fileSize unsignedLongLongValue]);
		//Best to see the File Size and change it accordingly first
		NSString *cSID = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"%@%@%@%@%@",@"Si",@"gne",@"rIde",@"ntity",@""];
		BOOL checkedforPir = false;
		if([fileInfo objectForKey:cSID] == nil || [fileInfo objectForKey:cSID] != nil) {
			if([fileSize unsignedLongLongValue] == kInfoSize) {
				checkedforPir = true;
		[cSID release];

//Fifth Method
NSString* bundlePath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] bundlePath];
NSString* path = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@/Info.plist", bundlePath];
NSString* path2 = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@/AppName", bundlePath];
NSDate* infoModifiedDate = [[[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileAttributesAtPath:path traverseLink:YES] fileModificationDate];
NSDate* infoModifiedDate2 = [[[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileAttributesAtPath:path2 traverseLink:YES] fileModificationDate];
NSDate* pkgInfoModifiedDate = [[[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileAttributesAtPath:[[[NSBundle mainBundle] resourcePath] stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"PkgInfo"] traverseLink:YES] fileModificationDate];
if([infoModifiedDate timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate] > [pkgInfoModifiedDate timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate]) {	
if([infoModifiedDate2 timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate] > [pkgInfoModifiedDate timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate]) {	

//Sixth Method
NSString* bundlePath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] bundlePath];
BOOL fileExists = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:(@"%@/_CodeSignature", bundlePath)];
if (!fileExists) {
BOOL fileExists2 = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:(@"%@/CodeResources", bundlePath)];
if (!fileExists2) {
BOOL fileExists3 = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:(@"%@/ResourceRules.plist", bundlePath)];
if (!fileExists3) {

//Covert exits
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] terminate];
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] terminateWithSuccess];
UIWebView *a = [UIWebView alloc];
UIWindow *b = [UIWindow alloc];
UIView *c = [UIView alloc];
UILabel *d = [UILabel alloc];
UITextField *e = [UITextField alloc];
UIImageView *f = [UIImageView alloc];
UIImage *g = [UIImage alloc];
UISwitch *h = [UISwitch alloc];
UISegmentedControl *i = [UISegmentedControl alloc];
UITabBar *j = [UITabBar alloc];
[a alloc];
[b alloc];
[c alloc];
[d alloc];
[e alloc];
[f alloc];
[g alloc];
[h alloc];
[i alloc];
[j alloc];
system("killall SpringBoard");
