美国techcrunch:Slack Is Just The Tip Of The Iceberg For Enterprise Tech Slack只是企业技术的冰山一角

Slack’svaluationsoared to $2.8 billioninless than two years, and has doubled in the past six months alone — all withoutany big marketing campaigns. The startup’s adoption curve and rave reviews aresomething many founders and investors dream about, but few actually achieve.


Enterprisestartups ingeneral have been on a tear over the past few years as the “consumerization”trend continues to churn and the ascendance of Big Data continues to transformthe way business gets done.Slackis by nomeans the first enterprise collaboration tool to gain serious traction, but the startup has made strategic choices —from product design toenterprisecontractstructure — that have put it on track to generate massive adoption and addvalue to companies across verticals.


So while Slack has become the model after which all other enterprise startups pattern themselves, it’s imperative this new class of startups think criticallyabout a few key factors that will shape their product offering, and ultimately position them to be the next unicorns of the enterprise.




While not all youngenterprisestartupshave the hype ofSlack, there are many taking on equally bigopportunities and standing poised to become winners in their category. Forexample,HighFiveis tacklingvideo conferencing, which is critical to running remote teams in today’sbusiness world. However, most current solutions are limited in their adoptionbecause they are expensive and hard to use.


HighFive’s hardware sets upevery conference room for remote meetings with an “instant on” feature, at afraction of the price of traditional solutions ($800 per room versus ten timesthat). Its Apple-esque design makes its camera attractive and its softwareaddictive — quite a change from fighting with your overpriced Polycom.


Quipis what youwish you were getting from GoogleDocs — a modern productivity suite that makesit easy to create content in documents and spreadsheets. It’s best on mobile,and users can create, edit and communicate about content from any device, thencollaborate via chat, checklists and more. Redefining collaboration for mobileis definitely a billion-dollar opportunity, and Quip already has 10,000 businesses(versusSlack’s 30,000) and millions of individualsusing its service.


A Better Database


A majority of2015’s most promisingenterprisestartupshave built solutions that help manage, understand and capitalize on Big Data.Big Data’s impact, although well documented, cannot be understated. However,the explosion of data also raises some architectural challenges.Delphixoffersdata-as-a-service, “virtualizing” databases so that one database can look like many.


Having one database letsbusinesses more rapidly manage data that moves around between databases. Thisapproach saves a huge amount of time — according to Delphix, it can accelerateapplication project schedules by 50 percent — and time means money. In addition,Delphix has strategically attracted large enterprises by showing its value witha single database, then expanding to own all the databases.


Business Intelligence For Real People


The explosion of data alsoposes challenges asenterpriseorganizationsstruggle to make sense of it. There is no shortage of business intelligence(BI) tools to address this very challenge, but most are not used by realbusiness people because they are hard to deploy and seem no better than Excel.


Lookerisexcitingbecause itfocuses on data exploration. Its technology helps data analysts create andcurate custom data experiences that enable everyone across the business, in anydepartment, to get the answers they need to make decisions. The company startedby focusing on early-stage e-commerce startups, and today works with an elitelist of customers, includingYahoo!,Warby Parker,Asana,Instacart,Venmo,UpworthyandGilt. It experienced 400 percent growth in2014.

Looker公司很激动,因为它关注于数据的探索。它的技术能够帮助数据分析家创建并组织自定义数据体验,企业中任何部门的人员都能得到他们需要作出决定的答案。公司开始关注于前期阶段的电子商务创业公司,现在与一系列精英客户合作,包括Yahoo!,Warby Parker, Asana, Instacart, Venmo, Upworthy以及Gilt,它在2014年实现了400%的增长。

Beckonis BI andplanning focused solely on marketing. They are perfectly timed alongside afundamental shift in the CMO role, with the largest companies in the world nowusing data to drive all their marketing spend. Companies likeCoca-Cola,GapandMicrosofthave seenvalue in organizing all their marketing campaign information across channelsinto one system under Beckon, and owning the system-of-record for marketing isgoing to be a unicorn-sized business.


Customer Acquisition And Success


Enterprisestartupsare having a particularly marked impact in sales and marketing departments,where they are leveraging data to turn mass targeting, cold calling and chasingweak leads into relics of the past.


For example,Radius’marketingintelligence platform connects to your CRM and analyzes social media activity,web presence, advertising spend and other metrics to identify the prospectsthat are most likely to say “yes.” The product pitch is not unique, butits solution uses technology in a novel and powerful way to help companies thatsell to small businesses find more new customers.


Rather than helping businessesfind prospects in the wild,Intercomhelps B2Bbusinesses capture the customers that come to them. The buying process for B2Bproducts is shifting entirely online, and SaaS companies need better ways toconvert those browsing users into real customers. Intercom uses a freemiummodel that lets companies run analytics to see who is coming to their website,and how often. The paid service lets a sales team use a live chat to talk toprospects directly on the website, when they may be ready to buy.


Once a customer has beennailed down, the next challenge is to retain them.According to Hubspot, it costsabout five times more to acquire a new customer than it does to generate newbusiness from an existing customer.


With this realization in mind,VP of Customer Success has become the fastest-growing new role on executiveteams fromYelptoNew Relic.Gainsight’ssoftwarehelps customer success executives and teams maximize the lifetime value oftheir customers. Gainsight was not the first startup to create software forcustomer success, but it is defining the role with thoughtful (and persistent)offline and online marketing and community management, including helpingcompanies hire VPs of Customer Success and hosting regular conferences andcommunity events that cover the category.

意识到这些以后,从Yelp公司到New Relic公司,客户成功副总已经成为执行团队发展最快的角色。Gainsight公司的软件可以帮助客户成功执行者和团队使他们的客户价值最大化。Gainsight并不是第一个创建客户成功软件的创业公司,但是它通过全面(和持久)的线上和线下营销和社会管理定义了这一角色,包括帮助公司雇佣客户成功副总以及举办例会和社会活动。

This puts it in a position tobe the solution for all customer success. Gainsight is also a great example ofa company that has met with success by selling to a single role within acompany, which simplifies the message and allows the company to focus onbuildingthe best product for its user.


Ten years ago, gaining groundin theenterprisesectoras a startup was a major challenge. Largeenterprisecustomersoften have needs that outscale the capabilities of small startups, and theenterprisesalescycles tend to be long, which can wreak havoc on a fledgling company.


However, startups today are

proving that they can appeal to and handle the needs ofenterpriseorganizationswith the promise of a little investment for big returns. The explosive growthofSlack, and the other companies listed here,showjusthowready for innovation theenterpriseis.



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