

(1)0Bunit5 Handy Dandy拓展部分、0Bunit6 dinosaur  汉语:牙牙学语下第七单元拾果果、第八单元 开大船

(2)视频0Bunit6-unit10 中文:牙牙学语下7-12单元、《peppa pig 》第一季 16-20集

(3)音频:OAunit1-unit12 Hello-Happy new year、0Bunit1-12 jack-in-the-box-seesaw中文:牙牙学语上1-16单元,牙牙下1-16单元、《peppa pig 》16-20

(4)reading:英文:海尼曼易 10 本,绘本《 Does the kangaroo have mother too》,《brown bear what do you see 》《Handy Dandy》《Dinosaur》小书。

汉语:《牙牙学语》下大书第七第八单元《小小聪明豆》系列 5 本、《宫西达也》恐龙系列 5本 《世界恐龙百科》(科普霸王龙、肿头龙、腕龙、剑龙、雷龙、鸭嘴龙、三角龙、甲龙、迅猛龙、跳龙、薄片龙、棘龙、翼龙。)

(4)重点句型:Handy dandy riddle ro ,which hand will you choose ,high or low、dinosaur 、wave your tail ,give a roar ,thump

(5)field trip:补上周超市,认8-12种常见生活小物品、海边


2.1英语:0Aunit 1Hello -unit12 Happy new year,0B unit1Jack-in-the-box-unit 12 seesaw



3.1英语:unit 5HandyDandy、 unit6 Dinosaur 、unit7 witch in the jar、unit 10 the firemen

3.2汉语:牙牙下第七单元 拾果果,第八单元 开大船




5、Game time

5.15.2 Thump Thump Thump

M:Waylon ,now ,let's pretend to be dinosaur


M:dinosaur can thump thump thump .Now let's thump thump thump like the dinosaurs

M:Thump thump thump ,I can thump .

M:elephants  can stomp ,stomp stomp stomp .Now let's stomp stomp stomp like the elephants.let's stomp tp the bathroom ,you should  take a bath ,now.

W:stomp(stomp stomp stomp ,I can stomp )

M:kangaroo can hop hop hop .Now.let's hop ,hop hop hop like a kangaroos.

W:hop hop hop I can hop .let's hop around the chair .(kangaroo ,kangaroo hop hop hop ,kangaroo kangaroo hop hop hop )

M:snake can hiss, hiss hiss,Now lets hiss hiss hiss hiss like a snake .

W:Three little ducks,刚开始讲没明白他在说什么,后来做出一副要跳进泳池的动作才明白

M:Three little ducks one by one,jump into the pool ,one by one .


5.2 rescue animals

M:Waylon .come here .family time .

W:玩游戏 Handy dandy

M:Mommy is a big bad wolf ,this is my basket ,I'm so hungry ,I need to eat some food .I want some animals for dinner .Wow look ,there have dog ,duck ...wo win who can get an animal ,I will put it in my basket .

M:Let's play the handy dandy?


M/W:Handy dandy riddledy ro.

which hand will you choose ?

which hand will you choose ?

high or low ?

M:you got it ! 哼 I'm angry  ,play one more time ?

M:hangdy dangdy ,yes ,I win, give me the dog .

M:Ok ,you win you can rescue an animals ,which one will you choose ?

M:here you are .


5.5Five senses

M:Look ,where is my mouth yes right  ,this is my mouth , ah~here are some milk  taste with your  mouth .Do you want to taste with your mouth ?I  drink with my mouth ,Do you want to drink ?

M:Make a funny face ,see with your eyes ,this is my tongue ,I use my tongue to taste ,taste Waylon's bottom ,吓得尖叫,到处乱跑.

M:see ,there are my ears  use my ears to hear .listen what's that ,I hear the merry-go-round。

W:the merry goes round and round

the merry goes round and round

merrily merrily merrily merrily

that's merry goes round

M:Nose ,I smell with my nose 。


M:OK,I smell with my nose ,em~yuck!


M: use your finger touch your nose ,one little finger one little finger one little finger tap tap tap and stick your finger in your nose ,haha ha mommy will taste your nose with my tongue ,Here I come  .

M:clap your hand ,and sing the New year song ,Happy new year ,Happu new year ,Happy new year to your all ,we are singing we are dancing ,Happy new year to your all .

W:我不要这个,我要 he merry goes round and round ,the merry goes round and round ,merrily merrily merrily merrily ,that's merry goes round 。


今日总结:前两天有事没在家,补充上周剩余的拓展部分,以及unit6 的儿歌部分,感觉今天游戏不在状态,娃不在状态我也不在状态。好好调整,备课有趣些,让孩子能high一点,日常口语继续加强,玩游戏是 多拓展内容。玩商还是太低。感觉最近读分级有点不在状态,读完后能复述 的句型很少,只能跟着读一些单词,是否是上周14本的量对他有点多,这周调整至10本。
