2018-11-18 Goodbye, Mr. Chips. 晨读笔记 05

Goodbye, Mr. Chips. Chapter 9~10


1. He thought at first he would give up his housemastership, but the Head persuade him otherwise.

otherwise在文中的用法是:接在动词后面,表示“并非如此”或者“与之前提到的东西相反。”这种用法能让我们的表达更加简洁。比如, Chips起初认为自己会辞去舍监的职务,但校长劝他不要这样。我们就不用再说一次:劝他不要辞去舍监的职务。

类似的用法还有:think/say/decide/suggest otherwise. 其含义相当于don’t think/say/decide/suggest so.

eg. A lot of people think otherwise. = A lot of people don’t think so.

有一个很实用的表达:How can it be otherwise? → 怎么可能会是别的呢?

此外,otherwise还可以作为句子副词(sentence adverb),表示“否则,要不然”,此时其用法相当于连接词,后面可以直接接句子,比如:

You’ll have to go now, otherwise you’ll miss your bus.


We were delayed at the airport. Otherwise we would have been here by lunch time.


2. Just as marriage had added something, so did bereavement; after the first stupor of grief he become suddenly the kind of man whom boys, at any rate, unhesitatingly classed as “old”.

① Just as…, so too…是常用的比喻句句型,其中just 和too可以省略。

② the first stupor of grief 指的是“因忧伤而产生的最初那段时间的麻木”。个人觉得这个句子写得特别动人。一开始妻子去世后,他表现得淡淡的,但等到最开始的麻木过去之后,突然就苍老了很多。我自己也是这样,遇到什么特别伤心的事,最开始好像都没什么感觉,要过了几天之后才觉得特别难过。

3. Once, after some energetic fives, during which he had played as well as many a fellow half his age, he overheard a boy saying: “Not half bad for an old chap like him.”

① fives指英国手球的一种。

② overheard v. 无意中听到 → eavesdrop  v.偷听

③ not half bad 一点儿也不差;还不错

4. …the whole thing became a comic turn sandwiched between afternoon games and the return to classes.

sandwich v. 被夹在……中间 →很多我们常用作名词的词,其实都可以当作动词用。比如chorus, 常用作名词表示“合唱团”,但也可以作动词表示“大家齐声说”。

5. There was just the faintest chance that the Governors might make the appointment a permanent one.

chance除了可以用faint, 还可以用small, slight, slim等词修饰,表示“可能性很小”。

表示“可能性很大”,可以用fair, sporting, every, good等词。

最喜欢的一个搭配是:a fighting chance, 表示“通过努力可以获得的一线希望”。

6. He had been left a vision that grew clearer with each year – of an England for whom days of ease were nearly over, of a nation steering into channels where a hair’s breadth of error might be catastrophic.

① a hair’s breadth of error 直译是“一根头发那么宽的错误”,引申为“毫厘之差”,可以说是非常形象了。

② 划线部分可以用来表示什么东西或者什么人需要非常谨慎小心,否则一不小心就会酿成大祸。

7. He gets away with it.

sb get away with sth这个短语我之前还比较熟悉,表示“做了坏事却逃脱了处罚”,文中也是取它这层含义,说的是:Chips对首相倚老卖老却未受任何处罚。

但Eric给了一个例句,让我对这个短语的用法有了新的理解。以前如果我想说“你……也行”,可能会用“It would be ok/acceptable for you to…”的表达。但以后可以说:You can get away with…

比如Eric分享的例子:You can get away with not speaking English. 意思是(这里有很多中国人)你不说英语也行。

8. She had not been able to bequeath him all her mind, still less the brilliance of it; but she had left him with a calmness and a poise that accorded well with his own emotions.


No.2 语音知识点

1. beguile  [bɪˈɡaɪl] v.使……感兴趣;说服/哄骗某人做某事


2. pneumonia [nju:ˈməʊniə] n.肺炎


3. epoch [ˈi:pɒk] n. 时代


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