花之葬礼/The Funeral of the Dandelion【2】









































However, his first love began in a different way.

In his blurred memory before he had got his wings, he used to rest his head on a little piece of fallen spring leaf during the day, huddling his body, to enjoy the warm of the sunshine while still in dream.

But when dark came down, he was always startled up in an emptiness and anxiety. Something was boiling in his body, as if it was going to tear him into pieces. The cold of early spring was tormenting creatures that had been fooled by her instant warm when it came into late night. He was trembling. He was so helplessly tiny at that time, that a plump drop of dew could reflect his whole body.

Every night was full of the infinite cold and silence. Loneliness licked away the remaining warm on his body from all directions. He couldn't help screaming, tearing his soft hair and was forced to roll on the ground by the indescribable pain. Rough stones hurt his skins, but surprisingly, he would only feel better – new pains could allow him to forget the misery of being lonely and cold inside his soul, to ignore the odd rise and fall of tides in his body.

And during that night his back bled, perhaps hurt by stones. The injury increased his burden and he suddenly felt so tired that he wobbled and fell to the desolate ground. Something soft slightly trembled as he fell onto it, as if it was frightened. It was a new born grass. He was surprised, too, because it was the very first time that he realised the existence of other lives apart from his in the desolate world. He had, however, never yet believed that plants had lives just like his, as they always appeared to be so unconcerned, like statues without any emotion on their stiff faces. But this young grass moved him. His face itched when the soft leaves touched it – although just for a millisecond.

Like a candle light, the feeling of life suddenly lit up his silent being.

He fell back from the grass with such a surprise, and the disconnection made him feel desperately lonely again. And this time without any hesitation he fumbled for the poor tiny grass and hugged it when he reached it. It started trembling in fear. He crawled along its leaf to its root and sat down there. His injured back lay carefully down on the warm stem of the grass.

Now he was released from pain.

Soon he fell in sleep deeply. It was his first sweet night.

When the tiny grass felt his blood on his back, it stopped trembling. Perhaps it realised that he was not dangerous at all, on the contrary, he could be as helpless and unfortunate as it.

He exposed all his fragility and injury to it.

And he couldn't remember what happened next, other than the fact that he grew up in the increasingly warm days. In the sun he’d like to compare who was growing faster, and the grass always beat him.

His body was now free from the bizarre movement of tide inside – the pain was released when four pieces of weak wings started to grow on his back. But a sense of emptiness and confusion still existed, which might be why bitterness appeared in his eyes, decorated his pretty face in a way. He looked up through the thickened bush into a little corner of the sky. During daytime the sun light left him in the shadows of melancholy, dipped him into the meditation about life track, two ends of which no answer to secrets of life was given.

Luckily warm days lasted, although you could still feel a bit of cold in the pleasant wind. Songs of the birds enriched his meditation. His wings were also fleshed. Sometimes he just spent time sitting on a leaf quietly, stroking that four pieces of powerless but beautiful decorations. The delicate and mysterious grains on his wings seemed as if they wanted to tell him all the secrets of life. He now grew up, with his legs slim and strong, which allowed him to walk to the end of the little garden where a very tiny pond lay (but to him, it was big enough to let his imagination grow). He could see clearly what he looked like there. He had never met any creature like him, but the reflection in the water honestly told him all his beauty. If just ignoring the blue looks caused by confusions of life, his harmonious body shape and pretty face would make people smile at first sight.

Now he was able to walk further and further. Strolling was so pleasant and relaxing to him, because peaceful scenery and fresh air extended his thoughts. He could smell the scent of freedom together with the smell of moist soil spreading in the breeze. Moreover, walking further away from his most familiar place made him feel that he could forget the fear of silence when he first came into this world, with both sides of which endlessly dark.

Life was so close to death when it started to stretch for the very first time! However, he managed to escape. His fresh limbs, healthy body, or some sort of instinct implied that he had permanently beaten that invincible power. He was set free,

he could be immortal. But…He was still upset by the same misery and confusion. H e had to forget something…He had to chase the animation of spring…to capture any subtle smell of lives.

…However, he never left the little garden. Every night he went back to the first place that sheltered him when he was hurt – the grass which had now grown to be a tall, strong bush. Where else could he place the four pieces of fragile beauty on, if it was not on the creature which had the same sensitivity? Yes he needed to go back…He enjoyed each accompanied and secured night, as only that could guarantee for every morning when the sun started to shine, he would have full energy to face the increasingly lively day.

…Until the warmth of spring permeated into every chink in the world. This warmth melted the sharp coldness inside creatures, smashed sad fallen leaves, and expanded into the thickened bushes – as though there had never been such thing called a ‘sad fallen leaf’. Even the air was blurred, full of colours. Gentle dreams could be seen no matter with eyes open or closed.

He woke up leaning on the bush. His limbs as well as the four pieces of the fragile beauty were freely stretched into the air (where each sense of cold had been swept away), like how willow twigs waving in the wind. How gentle and pleasant – the breeze just suited the temperature of the skin! And he noticed that evenings became cheerfully noisy. Once as he opened his eyes, he discovered something swelling on the top of the bush – a bud.

He slowly rose up, raised his hand at a sacred speed trying to reach the bud, which proudly turned its face to the direction of sun. He was too tiny to reach that high. He then disappointed, with a bit amazement remained.

The bud shook its head with some sort of pride, which was hard to describe.

The little elf suddenly felt kind of annoyed. Luckily, each night was filled with increasingly flashy stars, so bright, so splendid; his heart swung in the free breeze during the night, weightless and transparent. Cries of the insects, here and there, composed a series of mysterious exotic songs, spreading around aloud, telling the romantic but tragic stories that belonged to nobody but still moving and alluring.

Alright…No more nonsense pains that had dragged the joints of his wings, worried him every moment, and reminded him of the sadness he had experienced at the beginning of his life; and no more bothering from that strange bud! He would like to completely open his senses, completely, as if all his senses were to cling to the breeze. He strolled around, so untrammelled that he seemed to have forgotten where his first shelter was, forgotten that bush with the bud. The only thing attached him was a string named ‘freedom’.

…But he could not leave the bud. Late in that night he returned anyway.

Something had gone wrong – he was shocked by the sudden emptiness when he saw that the bud had disappeared, leaving the top of the bush bare.

But then a light warmth of sunshine flashed behind the bush.

Attracted by the warm light, he raised courage to come closer…

He sensitively heard another series of heart beats…as well as the breath disturbed by fear and a bit annoyance.

He raised his hand with hesitation, trying to reach what was behind the bush in the dark…

Felt as if he touched something smooth and silky…and something soft and delicate…skin?

A strange voice gasped softly.

He stroked along the strange bare arm, and then gently captured that trembling hand. Nobody spoke. And it settled down.

After a while, the strange creature stretched forward her head.

And now he realised that sun light was her long blonde hair…the silky thing that he had touched was her smooth hair, too… Her face was rosy and shy in the dim golden light. But he could see blames and annoyance in her eyes.

He then knew that he missed her opening. He didn't apologise, but simply kissed her lips. 

She couldn't hide her smile, although she still pretended to be angry.

Her hand was smooth like the flower petal, with a subtle scent…

To the next chapter: The Funeral of the Dandelion [3]




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