soundtouch 变声使用和算法

soundtouch 简介

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编译完成之后$soundstretch --help

This program is subject to (L)GPL license. Run "soundstretch -license" for
more information.
This application processes WAV audio files by modifying the sound tempo,
pitch and playback rate properties independently from each other.
Usage :
soundstretch infilename outfilename [switches]
To use standard input/output pipes, give 'stdin' and 'stdout' as filenames.
Available switches are:
-tempo=n : Change sound tempo by n percents (n=-95..+5000 %)
-pitch=n : Change sound pitch by n semitones (n=-60..+60 semitones)
-rate=n : Change sound rate by n percents (n=-95..+5000 %)
-bpm=n : Detect the BPM rate of sound and adjust tempo to meet 'n' BPMs.
If '=n' is omitted, just detects the BPM rate.
-quick : Use quicker tempo change algorithm (gain speed, lose quality)
-naa : Don't use anti-alias filtering (gain speed, lose quality)
-speech : Tune algorithm for speech processing (default is for music)
-license : Display the program license text (LGPL)


实验若干次发现 其实都是在修改如下三个参数
pitch(音调) tempo(节拍) rate(速度)

  • pitch 变调不变速
    设定pitch 分别为+10 和 -10
    pitch+10 为资源文件中的pitch10.wav
    pitch-10 为资源文件中的pitch-10.wav

    soundtouch 变声使用和算法_第1张图片

    发现是在插入或者删除波动周期。例如降低pitch 就是将多次波动,改为一次均值的波动,从而使得音调降低,而音量和时间长度都保持不变。

  • tempo 变速不变调;
    分别设定参数为tempo+20 和tempo-20
    tempo+20 的输出效果为资源文件中的 tempo20.wav
    tempo-20 的输出效果为资源文件中的 tempo-20.wav

    soundtouch 变声使用和算法_第2张图片


  • rate 变速和变调
    rate+20rate20.wav 为资源文件中的rate20.wav
    rate-20 rate-20.wav为资源文件中的rate-20.wav

    soundtouch 变声使用和算法_第3张图片



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