Practice makes better.

Dear Santra,

Thanks for your email. Sorry that I was slow to reply. I just got back from a trip to Toronto, Canada. I had some business meetings there last week, and I wanted to stay a couple of extra days to enjoy the city. You know me - I never miss a chance to go clothes shopping!

Toronto was really amazing! Before my trip, I read a lot of travel guides to get reviews for the best shops and restaurants. I didn't have a lot of time, so I decided to visit just two famous neighborhoods: Kensington Market and West Queen West. Although they are very different, both areas were a lot of fun.

Kensington Market is an interesting neighborhood with colorful old houses and cool shops and restaurants. Many of the shops sell unusual handicrafts, clothes, and jewelry from all over the world. You can find things here that you can't buy anywhere else! I bought a pretty paper lamp from China that was made by hand. My favorite store called Love Your Look. The used clothing was high quality. Everything was well made. And the prices were fair and reasonable. I found some great bargains! I bought a great-looking coat from the 1940s. It only cost $50 and the material is very thick and warm. A coat like this would cost $200 or more at a department store. I was so excited! My guidebook recommended a restaurant for lunch --- Sally's Pie Shop. I had a tasty vegetarian sandwich and some delicious cherry pie for dessert.

The next day I visited West Queen West, one of the trendiest shopping areas in Toronto. According to my guidebook, it's the best place to find all the latest styles and the most fashionable designers. Of course, the chic boutiques were also very expensive! My favorite shop was Franklin Barnes. I bought a stylist sweater and a pair of leather shoes. They were more affordable than I expected. After my cheap meals in Kensington, I wanted to try a fancy restaurant. My guidebook suggested The Good Spoon. The talented chefs serve food from many different cultures-- Japanese, Italian, French, and Jamaican. I tried a little bit of everything and just loved the food.

Well, now that I am back home, let's get together. I'll tell you more about my trip. And I'll show you my new clothes!


你可能感兴趣的:(Practice makes better.)