英英释义:to make something as good as you are able to
例句:Jiro Ono, arguably the best living Japanese sushi chef, has devoted his entire life to perfecting the art of sushi.
“perfect”既可以作形容词也可以作动词,作动词的意思是“使......完美、提高”,可以和 improve 同义替换。略有不同的是,perfect 更能体现一个人的决心和持久力,有精益求精、匠人之心的意思。从 perfect 的动词意思也可以看得出,它后面经常会接 skill, technique 等词。
注意:perfect 作形容词的读音是/ˈpəːfɪkt/;作动词时,它的读音和重音都会发生变化,读成/pəˈfɛkt/。
Jiro Ono, arguably the best living Japanese sushi chef, has devoted his entire life to perfecting the art of sushi. (这句话中的 art 也有 skill 的意思,比如还有 the art of public speaking, the art of persuasion, the art of acting 等)
It was in college that Barack Obama perfected the art of oratory/public speaking.
Sherry 老师一直在找机会精进自己的咖啡拉花(latte art)技术,我们就可以这么写:
Sherry has taken every opportunity to perfect her latte art.
NBA 球星史蒂芬•库里以出色的运球技能闻名,可能没有谁比他在运球上更追求精益求精了:
When it comes to perfecting the dribbling technique, perhaps no other basketball player has worked harder than Stephen Curry, a six-time NBA All-Star.
(参考翻译:It was during his undergraduate years in Germany that he perfected his German.)
例子:Practice makes perfection.It means we should seize every opportunity to perfect our skills.