看看真实的VMware View 与Citrix XenDesktop对比。

用户体验作为虚拟桌面成功的关键因素,看看VMware View如何在这方面立于不败之地。



CitrixXenDesktop使用的是PortICA协议,而不是XenAppICA协议(因为ICA是基于Terminal ServerPortICA基于XP。两者底层架构相差很大,必须重新实现)。




Why ICA is not ICA



【关键摘要】What does this mean for XenDesktop? Well, of course the ICA stack in XenDesktop inherits heavily from XenApp (Jeff has blogged on this extensively, and Brian has a more detailed analysis too). But the underlying infrastructure is very different: XenApp builds on top of Terminal Services, while XenDesktop uses basic OS APIs. This means that some XenApp features that are intricately linked to the Terminal Services platform, like shadowing, are by no means a straight: "just recompile this for Windows Vista and it'll work". Instead, we had to re-code some features from scratch in a way that's different from, but compatible with XenApp. All this takes time, and that's the main reason we shipped the first version of XenDesktop with some of the "ICA features" missing.


PortICA: The same, but different
