Ceph client上配置RBD log

  • 在ceph.conf中的client域中增加如下:

    admin_socket = /var/run/ceph/guests/$cluster-$type.$id.$pid.$cctid.asok
    log_file = /var/log/qemu/qemu-guest-$pid.log
  •  创建log目录和unix socket目录:

    mkdir -p /var/run/ceph/guests/ /var/log/qemu/
  •  修改上述目录权限:

    chown qemu:qemu /var/log/qemu/ /var/run/ceph/guests
  •  virsh重启虚机:

    [root @nova10 ceph]# virsh shutdown instance-000005ea
    Domain instance-000005ea is being shutdown
    [root @nova10 ceph]# virsh start instance-000005ea
    Domain instance-000005ea started
  •  问题:
    • 在/var/log/qemu/目录下生成qemu-guest-111572.log文件,报错如下:

      2018 - 01 - 22 11 : 18 : 55.737790 7f8b67509d00 - 1 auth: unable to find a keyring on /etc/ceph/ceph.client.openstack.keyring,/etc/ceph/ceph.keyring,/etc/ceph/keyring,/etc/ceph/keyring.bin: ( 2 ) No such file or directory
    • auth已经关了,这块还需要,没有深入的看,直接增加一个ceph.client.openstack.keyring文件:
      • ceph auth list 先查看openstack这个用户的auth keyring

             key: AQD4j4FZnChLGRAA1ElxLLZ45HfAQhC0QhKPVw==
             caps: [mon] allow r
             caps: [osd] allow class -read object_prefix rbd_children, allow rwx pool=openstack-pool-9ecb83e9-fe6c- 4519 -aeed-6d7646b05aae
      •  在计算节点的/etc/ceph/目录下创建ceph.client.openstack.keyring文件,并将上面拿到的openstack的auth key复制进去:

                              不过需要注意: 在keyring文件中,和auth list看到的展示形式不太一样,做如下修改:

      • [client.openstack]                               ----- 带上中括号
             key = AQD4j4FZnChLGRAA1ElxLLZ45HfAQhC0QhKPVw==   ----- 将key后面的 ':' 修改为 '='
             caps mon = "allow r"                             ----- 将caps后的 ':' 去掉,将mon的中括号去掉,在mon后面加上 '=' ,给具体的权限 'allow r' 加上双引号; 下面的其他caps也同理
             caps osd = "allow class-read object_prefix rbd_children, allow rwx pool=openstack-pool-9ecb83e9-fe6c-4519-aeed-6d7646b05aae"
    •  在/var/log/qemu/目录下生成qemu-guest-111572.log文件,报错如下:

      2018 - 01 - 22 11 : 18 : 55.737481 7f8b67509d00 - 1 asok( 0x7f8b6aba7ac0 ) AdminSocketConfigObs::init: failed: AdminSocket::bind_and_listen: failed to bind the UNIX domain socket to '/var/run/ceph/guests/ceph-client.openstack.111572.140236769443840.asok' : ( 13 ) Permission denied
      • 这个是因为/var/run/ceph目录权限有问题,qemu起的这些虚拟机示例,其属主属组都是qemu,但是/var/run/ceph目录的属主属组是ceph:ceph,权限是770.


      • [root @nova10 run]# ll | grep ceph
        drwxrwx---.  3 ceph   ceph     60 Jan 22 11 : 18 ceph
        [root @nova10 run]# chmod 777 ceph -R   
        [root @nova10 run]# ll | grep ceph
        drwxrwxrwx.  3 ceph   ceph     60 Jan 22 11 : 18 ceph
  •  通过admin_socket查看rbd相关:

           注意:每个qemu进程可能使用多个rbd image。至少有一个,因为现在guest系统盘也使用的rbd image。我们看到的进程号后的那一串就是cookie

[root @storage04 ~]# rbd status 03a1f3cc- 6296 - 4953 -b5bb-38932f2e1cf6_disk -p vms
     watcher= 192.168 . 34.106 : 0 / 2681227209 client. 7966888 cookie= 140061172315264
[root @nova10 guests]# ceph daemon /var/run/ceph/guests/ceph-client.openstack. 119985.139891203856896 .asok help
     "config diff" : "dump diff of current config and default config" ,
     "config get" : "config get : get the config value" ,
     "config set" : "config set [ ...]: set a config variable" ,
     "config show" : "dump current config settings" ,
     "get_command_descriptions" : "list available commands" ,
     "git_version" : "get git sha1" ,
     "help" : "list available commands" ,
     "log dump" : "dump recent log entries to log file" ,
     "log flush" : "flush log entries to log file" ,
     "log reopen" : "reopen log file" ,
     "objecter_requests" : "show in-progress osd requests" ,
     "perf dump" : "dump perfcounters value" ,
     "perf reset" : "perf reset : perf reset all or one perfcounter name" ,
     "perf schema" : "dump perfcounters schema" ,
  "rbd cache flush volumes/volume-3e76f65d-4e9b-48f4-ac94-b27b5fa4b21e" :
"flush rbd image volumes\/volume-3e76f65d-4e9b-48f4-ac94-b27b5fa4b21e
     "rbd cache invalidate
volumes/volume-3e76f65d-4e9b-48f4-ac94-b27b5fa4b21e ": " invalidate rbd
image volumes\/volume-3e76f65d-4e9b-48f4-ac94-b27b5fa4b21e cache",
     "version" : "get ceph version"


  •  rbd的log级别怎么调整?

           通过每个使用rbd image的进程,产生的admin_socket来设置debug_rbd日志级别:

    •  查看当前debug_rbd参数值:

      [root @nova10 ceph]# ceph daemon /var/run/ceph/guests/ceph-client.openstack. 119985.139891203856896 .asok config get debug_rbd    {
            "debug_rbd" : "0\/0"
    •  提高debug_rbd日志级别:

      [root @nova10 qemu]# ceph daemon /var/run/ceph/guests/ceph-client.openstack. 119985.139891203856896 .asok config set debug_rbd 20 / 20
            "success" : ""
    •  查看日志:

      [root @nova10 qemu]# tailf qemu-guest- 119985 .log2018- 01 - 22
      16 : 09 : 31.532995 7f3af3c93d00 20 librbd::AioImageRequestWQ: aio_write:
      ictx= 0x7f3af584f200 , completion= 0x7f3af56a3740 , off= 2147647488 ,
      len= 1048576 , flags= 0
      2018 - 01 - 22 16 : 09 : 31.533024 7f3af3c93d00 20 librbd::AioImageRequestWQ: queue: ictx= 0x7f3af584f200 , req= 0x7f3afeb84100
      2018 - 01 - 22 16 : 09 : 31.533028 7f3af3c93d00 20 librbd::ExclusiveLock: 0x7f3af5976140 is_lock_owner= 1
      2018 - 01 - 22 16 : 09 : 31.533059 7f3a3fe60700 20 librbd::AsyncOperation: 0x7f3af56a3878 start_op
      2018 - 01 - 22 16 : 09 : 31.533073 7f3a3fe60700 20 librbd::AioImageRequestWQ: process: ictx= 0x7f3af584f200 , req= 0x7f3afeb84100
      2018 - 01 - 22 16 : 09 : 31.533077 7f3a3fe60700 20 librbd::AioImageRequest: aio_write: ictx= 0x7f3af584f200 , completion= 0x7f3af56a3740
      2018 - 01 - 22 16 : 09 : 31.533092 7f3a3fe60700 20 librbd::AioCompletion: 0x7f3af56a3740 set_request_count: pending= 1
      2018 - 01 - 22 16 : 09 : 31.534269 7f3a3f25b700 20 librbd::AioCompletion: 0x7f3af56a3740 complete_request: cb= 1 , pending= 0
      2018 - 01 - 22 16 : 09 : 31.534284 7f3a3f25b700 20 librbd::AioCompletion: 0x7f3af56a3740 finalize: r= 0 , read_buf= 0 , real_bl= 0
      2018 - 01 - 22 16 : 09 : 31.534301 7f3a3f25b700 20 librbd::AsyncOperation: 0x7f3af56a3878 finish_op

