
VPC configuration for Network Performance Testing on AWS

  • VPC
    • Create VPC
    • Internet Gateways
    • Subnet
    • Route Tables
    • Security Groups
  • Resource created
  • Notes

Please note a new script is now available for all this processing below.


Create VPC

  1. Click “Your VPCs” in the left panel
  2. Click “Create VPC” button

      Name tag: ipv6_vpc_perf
      IPv4 CIDR block*:
      IPv6 CIDR block*: Amazon provided IPv6 CIDR block
      Tenancy: Default
  3. Right click tuple “ipv6_vpc_perf” in VPC list, choose “Edit DNS Hostnames”

  4. Choose “Yes” and click “Save” button

Internet Gateways

  1. Click “Internet Gateways” in the left panel
  2. Click “Create Internet Gateway” button

      Name tag: ipv6_igw_perf
  3. Select the one you just created and click “Attach to VPC” button

      VPC: vpc-12345678 | ipv6_vpc_perf
           (select the VPC you just created in the drop-down list)


  1. Click “Subnets” in the left panel
  2. Click “Create Subnet” button

      Name tag: ipv6_subnet_perf
      VPC: vpc-12345678 | ipv6_vpc_perf
      VPC CIDRs: (2 CIDRs with status "associated" should be shown)
      Availability Zone: us-west-2a
      IPv4 CIDR block:
      IPv6 CIDR block: Specify a custom IPv6 CIDR
  3. Right click tuple “ipv6_subnet_perf” in subnet list, choose “Modify auto-assign IP settings”

      Auto-assign IPs: [V] Enable auto-assign public IPv4 address
                       [V] Enable auto-assign IPv6 address
                       (Enable specified items)
  4. OPTIONAL: Repeat step 2 and 3, create subnets in other Availability Zones. In this case, you may create the following subnets:

    Subnet Zone IPv4 CIDR IPv6 CIDR
    ipv6_subnet_a_perf us-west-2a xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xx01::/64
    ipv6_subnet_b_perf us-west-2b xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xx02::/64
    ipv6_subnet_c_perf us-west-2c xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xx03::/64
  5. Select tuple “ipv6_subnet_perf” in subnet list, Click “Route Table” card label

  6. Find “Route Table:” label and click on the “Route Table ID” (such as “rtb-12345678”)

Route Tables

If you followed the previous instruction, you would have been navigated into the “Route Tables” panel. If not, you can click “Route Tables” in the left panel, then select the one associated with your VPC in the right panel (the route table list).

  1. Click the blank in column “Name” and name this route table as “ipv6_rtb_perf”
  2. Click “Routes” card label, then click “Edit” button
  3. Click “Add another route” button to add the Internet Gateway

    Destination Target igw-12345678

    (select the Internet Gateway you just created from the drop-down list)

  4. Click “Save” button

  5. Click “Subnet Associations” card label, then click “Edit” button
  6. Select the Subnet(s) you just created
  7. Click “Save” button

Security Groups

  1. Click “Security Groups” in the left panel
  2. Click “Create Security Group” button

      Name tag: ipv6_sg_perf
      Group name: ipv6_sg_openall
      Description: Testing purpose only, opening to the world, be careful about the security.
      VPC: vpc-12345678 | ipv6_vpc_perf
           (select the VPC you just created in the drop-down list)
  3. Select the security group you just created

  4. Click “Inbound Rules” card label
  5. Click “Edit” button
  6. Click “Add another rule” to add the following tuples (if not exist)

    Type Protocol Port Range Destination
    ALL Traffic ALL ALL, ::/0
    ALL TCP TCP (6) ALL, ::/0
    ALL UDP UDP (17) ALL, ::/0
    ALL ICMP - IPv4 ICMP (1) ALL
    ALL ICMP - IPv6 IPv6-ICMP (58) ALL ::/0
  7. Click “Save” button

  8. Click “Outbound Rules” card label
  9. Repeat step 5~7

Resource created

The following resource will be created:

    vpc-12345678 | ipv6_vpc_perf
    igw-12345678 | ipv6_igw_perf
    subnet-12345671 | ipv6_subnet_a_perf
    subnet-12345672 | ipv6_subnet_b_perf
    subnet-12345673 | ipv6_subnet_c_perf
    rtb-12345678 | ipv6_rtb_perf
    sg-12345678 | ipv6_sg_perf


Please note that:
1. IPv6 is not supported on some of the instance types, such as m3 and g2.
2. The limitation of VPC is 5 by default, you can not add a VPC if reached the limitation.
