mysql5.7 官方文档阅读-Chapter 14 The InnoDB Storage Engine 14.1


benefits os using innoDB tables


1: if your server crashes because of a hardware or software issue, regardless of what was happening in the database at the time,

you dont need to do anything special after restarting the database. InnoDB crash recorvy automatically finalizes any changes that were committed before the time of the crash, and undoes  any changes that were in process but not committed. Just restart and

continue where you left off.


2: The InnoDB storage engine maintatins its own buffer pool that caches table and  index data in main  memory as data is accessed.  Frequently used data is processed directly from memory. This cache applies to many types of  information and speeds up processing.   On dedicated database servers, up to 80% of physical memory is often assigned to the buffer pool.


3: if you split up related data into different tables,  you can set up foreign keys that enforce refrential integrity.


4: when you design your database with appropriate primary key    columns for each table, operations involving those columns are automatically optimized.  It is very fast to  refrence the primary key columns in WHERE clauses, ORDER_BY clauses, GROUP BY clauses, and join operations.


You can monitor the internal workings of the storage engine by querying INFORMATION_SCHEMA
• You can monitor the performance details of the storage engine by querying Performance Schema tables



InnoDB tables can handle large quantities of data, even on operating systems where file size is limited
to 2GB.
