webpack 常用插件


UglifyJsPlugin new webpack.optimize.UglifyJsPlugin([options])

解析/压缩/美化所有的js chunk,传入options可以满足更多的定制化需求
sourceMap 生成SourceMap文件,会导致编译过程变慢,默认true
test/include/exclude 使用一个或多个正则表达式来过滤要处理的文件
mangle 通过设置except数组来防止指定变量被改变

new webpack.optimize.UglifyJsPlugin({
    mangle: {
        except: ['$super', '$', 'exports', 'require']

ExtractTextPlugin var ExtractTextPlugin = require("extract-text-webpack-plugin");

该插件会提取entry chunk中所有的require('*.css'),分离出独立的css文件。

new ExtractTextPlugin([id: string], filename: string, [options])

id 插件实例的唯一标识,自动生成
filename 输出的filename,可以通过[name]/[id]/[contenthash]自定义filename
options.allChunks 提取所有的chunk(默认只提取initial chunk)
options.disable disable该插件

ExtractTextPlugin.extract([notExtractLoader], loader, [options])

notExtractLoader 不提取css时需要使用的loader
loader 用来将资源文件转换为css输出模块的loader
options.publicPath 覆盖loader的publicPath设置

let ExtractTextPlugin = require('extract-text-webpack-plugin');

// multiple extract instances
let extractCSS = new ExtractTextPlugin('stylesheets/[name].css');
let extractLESS = new ExtractTextPlugin('stylesheets/[name].less');

module.exports = {
    module: {
        loaders: [
            { test: /\.scss$/i, loader: extractCSS.extract(['css', 'sass']) },
            { test: /\.less$/i, loader: extractLESS.extract(['css', 'less']) },
    plugins: [

DedupePlugin new webpack.optimize.DedupePlugin()


NoErrorsPlugin new webpack.NoErrorsPlugin()


ProvidePlugin new webpack.ProvidePlugin(definitions)

definitions 定义标识符,当遇到指定标识符的时候,自动加载模块。

new webpack.ProvidePlugin({
    $: "jquery"

// in a module
$("#item") // <= just works
// $ is automatically set to the exports of module "jquery"

CommonsChunkPlugin new webpack.optimize.CommonsChunkPlugin(options)


  1. 抽离多个entry的公共模块
new CommonsChunkPlugin({
    name: "commons",
    // (the commons chunk name)

    filename: "commons.js",
    // (the filename of the commons chunk)

    // minChunks: 3,
    // (Modules must be shared between 3 entries)

    // chunks: ["pageA", "pageB"],
    // (Only use these entries)
  1. 抽离vendor模块
entry: {
  vendor: ["jquery", "other-lib"],
  app: "./entry"
new CommonsChunkPlugin({
  name: "vendor",

  // filename: "vendor.js"
  // (Give the chunk a different name)

  minChunks: Infinity,
  // (with more entries, this ensures that no other module
  //  goes into the vendor chunk)
  1. 抽离子模块中的公共模块到父模块中,会增加首屏加载的时间
new CommonsChunkPlugin({
    // names: ["app", "subPageA"]
    // (choose the chunks, or omit for all chunks)

    children: true,
    // (select all children of chosen chunks)

    // minChunks: 3,
    // (3 children must share the module before it's moved)
  1. 和3类似,不过不是抽离到父模块,而且额外抽离出一个异步的公共模块
new CommonsChunkPlugin({
    // names: ["app", "subPageA"]
    // (choose the chunks, or omit for all chunks)

    children: true,
    // (use all children of the chunk)

    async: true,
    // (create an async commons chunk)

    // minChunks: 3,
    // (3 children must share the module before it's separated)

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