
https://blog.csdn.net/worn_xiao/article/details/104235116 【Mybatis源码阅读】初始化过程
https://blog.csdn.net/worn_xiao/article/details/104462355 【Mybatis源码阅读】数据源与实现原理
https://blog.csdn.net/worn_xiao/article/details/104385339 【Mybatis源码阅读】mapper的执行流程
https://blog.csdn.net/worn_xiao/article/details/104362071 【Mybatis源码阅读】sqlSession的执行流程
https://blog.csdn.net/worn_xiao/article/details/78887831   【mybatis源码阅读】缓存与缓存原理
https://blog.csdn.net/worn_xiao/article/details/104403344 【mybatis源码阅读】插件与插件原理
https://blog.csdn.net/worn_xiao/article/details/104470343 【mybatis源码阅读】mybatis中的设计模式




抽象工厂模式,DataSource Transaction












1.1.1 Mybatis数据源 数据源使用

public void shouldRetrieveDataSourceFromJNDI() throws Exception {
  JndiDataSourceFactory factory = new JndiDataSourceFactory();
  factory.setProperties(new Properties() {
      setProperty(JndiDataSourceFactory.INITIAL_CONTEXT, TEST_INITIAL_CONTEXT);
      setProperty(JndiDataSourceFactory.DATA_SOURCE, TEST_DATA_SOURCE);
  DataSource actualDataSource = factory.getDataSource();
  assertEquals(expectedDataSource, actualDataSource);

public void shouldNotRegisterTheSameDriverMultipleTimes() throws Exception {
  UnpooledDataSource dataSource = null;
  dataSource = new UnpooledDataSource("org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver", "jdbc:hsqldb:mem:multipledrivers", "sa", "");
  int before = countRegisteredDrivers();
  dataSource = new UnpooledDataSource("org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver", "jdbc:hsqldb:mem:multipledrivers", "sa", "");
  assertEquals(before, countRegisteredDrivers());
} 抽象工厂实践




public interface DataSourceFactory {
  void setProperties(Properties props);
  DataSource getDataSource();
public class UnpooledDataSourceFactory implements DataSourceFactory {
  private static final String DRIVER_PROPERTY_PREFIX = "driver.";
  protected DataSource dataSource;
  public UnpooledDataSourceFactory() {
    this.dataSource = new UnpooledDataSource();
  public void setProperties(Properties properties) {
    Properties driverProperties = new Properties();
    MetaObject metaDataSource = SystemMetaObject.forObject(dataSource);
    for (Object key : properties.keySet()) {
      String propertyName = (String) key;
      if (propertyName.startsWith(DRIVER_PROPERTY_PREFIX)) {
        String value = properties.getProperty(propertyName);
        driverProperties.setProperty(propertyName.substring(DRIVER_PROPERTY_PREFIX_LENGTH), value);
      } else if (metaDataSource.hasSetter(propertyName)) {
        String value = (String) properties.get(propertyName);
        Object convertedValue = convertValue(metaDataSource, propertyName, value);
        metaDataSource.setValue(propertyName, convertedValue);
      } else {
        throw new DataSourceException("Unknown DataSource property: " + propertyName);
    if (driverProperties.size() > 0) {
      metaDataSource.setValue("driverProperties", driverProperties);
  public DataSource getDataSource() {
    return dataSource;
  private Object convertValue(MetaObject metaDataSource, String propertyName, String value) {
    Object convertedValue = value;
    Class targetType = metaDataSource.getSetterType(propertyName);
    if (targetType == Integer.class || targetType == int.class) {
      convertedValue = Integer.valueOf(value);
    } else if (targetType == Long.class || targetType == long.class) {
      convertedValue = Long.valueOf(value);
    } else if (targetType == Boolean.class || targetType == boolean.class) {
      convertedValue = Boolean.valueOf(value);
    return convertedValue;
public class JndiDataSourceFactory implements DataSourceFactory {
  public static final String INITIAL_CONTEXT = "initial_context";
  public static final String DATA_SOURCE = "data_source";
  public static final String ENV_PREFIX = "env.";
  private DataSource dataSource;
  public void setProperties(Properties properties) {
    try {
      InitialContext initCtx;
      Properties env = getEnvProperties(properties);
      if (env == null) {
        initCtx = new InitialContext();
    } else {
      initCtx = new InitialContext(env);
    if (properties.containsKey(INITIAL_CONTEXT)
          && properties.containsKey(DATA_SOURCE)) {
        Context ctx = (Context) initCtx.lookup(properties.getProperty(INITIAL_CONTEXT));
        dataSource = (DataSource) ctx.lookup(properties.getProperty(DATA_SOURCE));
      } else if (properties.containsKey(DATA_SOURCE)) {
        dataSource = (DataSource) initCtx.lookup(properties.getProperty(DATA_SOURCE));
    } catch (NamingException e) {
      throw new DataSourceException("There was an error configuring JndiDataSourceTransactionPool. Cause: " + e, e);
  public DataSource getDataSource() {
    return dataSource;
  private static Properties getEnvProperties(Properties allProps) {
    final String PREFIX = ENV_PREFIX;
    Properties contextProperties = null;
    for (Entry entry : allProps.entrySet()) {
      String key = (String) entry.getKey();
      String value = (String) entry.getValue();
      if (key.startsWith(PREFIX)) {
        if (contextProperties == null) {
          contextProperties = new Properties();
        contextProperties.put(key.substring(PREFIX.length()), value);
    return contextProperties;


public interface DataSource  extends CommonDataSource, Wrapper {
  Connection getConnection() throws SQLException;
  Connection getConnection(String username, String password)
    throws SQLException;


public class UnpooledDataSource implements DataSource {
  private ClassLoader driverClassLoader;
  private Properties driverProperties;
  private static Map registeredDrivers = new ConcurrentHashMap();//可以加载多种驱动类型

  private String driver;
  private String url;
  private String username;
  private String password;

  private Boolean autoCommit;
  private Integer defaultTransactionIsolationLevel;

  static {
    Enumeration drivers = DriverManager.getDrivers();
    while (drivers.hasMoreElements()) {
      Driver driver = drivers.nextElement();
      registeredDrivers.put(driver.getClass().getName(), driver);

  public UnpooledDataSource() {

  public UnpooledDataSource(String driver, String url, String username, String password) {
    this.driver = driver;
    this.url = url;
    this.username = username;
    this.password = password;

  public UnpooledDataSource(String driver, String url, Properties driverProperties) {
    this.driver = driver;
    this.url = url;
    this.driverProperties = driverProperties;

  public UnpooledDataSource(ClassLoader driverClassLoader, String driver, String url, String username, String password) {
    this.driverClassLoader = driverClassLoader;
    this.driver = driver;
    this.url = url;
    this.username = username;
    this.password = password;

  public UnpooledDataSource(ClassLoader driverClassLoader, String driver, String url, Properties driverProperties) {
    this.driverClassLoader = driverClassLoader;
    this.driver = driver;
    this.url = url;
    this.driverProperties = driverProperties;

  public Connection getConnection() throws SQLException {
    return doGetConnection(username, password);

  public Connection getConnection(String username, String password) throws SQLException {
    return doGetConnection(username, password);

  public void setLoginTimeout(int loginTimeout) throws SQLException {

  public int getLoginTimeout() throws SQLException {
    return DriverManager.getLoginTimeout();

  public void setLogWriter(PrintWriter logWriter) throws SQLException {

  public PrintWriter getLogWriter() throws SQLException {
    return DriverManager.getLogWriter();

  public ClassLoader getDriverClassLoader() {
    return driverClassLoader;

  public void setDriverClassLoader(ClassLoader driverClassLoader) {
    this.driverClassLoader = driverClassLoader;

  public Properties getDriverProperties() {
    return driverProperties;

  public void setDriverProperties(Properties driverProperties) {
    this.driverProperties = driverProperties;

  public String getDriver() {
    return driver;

  public synchronized void setDriver(String driver) {
    this.driver = driver;

  public String getUrl() {
    return url;

  public void setUrl(String url) {
    this.url = url;

  public String getUsername() {
    return username;

  public void setUsername(String username) {
    this.username = username;

  public String getPassword() {
    return password;

  public void setPassword(String password) {
    this.password = password;

  public Boolean isAutoCommit() {
    return autoCommit;

  public void setAutoCommit(Boolean autoCommit) {
    this.autoCommit = autoCommit;

  public Integer getDefaultTransactionIsolationLevel() {
    return defaultTransactionIsolationLevel;

  public void setDefaultTransactionIsolationLevel(Integer defaultTransactionIsolationLevel) {
    this.defaultTransactionIsolationLevel = defaultTransactionIsolationLevel;

  private Connection doGetConnection(String username, String password) throws SQLException {
    Properties props = new Properties();
    if (driverProperties != null) {
    if (username != null) {
      props.setProperty("user", username);
    if (password != null) {
      props.setProperty("password", password);
    return doGetConnection(props);

  private Connection doGetConnection(Properties properties) throws SQLException {
    Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(url, properties);
    return connection;

  private synchronized void initializeDriver() throws SQLException {
    if (!registeredDrivers.containsKey(driver)) {
      Class driverType;
      try {
        if (driverClassLoader != null) {
          driverType = Class.forName(driver, true, driverClassLoader);
        } else {
          driverType = Resources.classForName(driver);
        // DriverManager requires the driver to be loaded via the system ClassLoader.
        // http://www.kfu.com/~nsayer/Java/dyn-jdbc.html
        Driver driverInstance = (Driver)driverType.newInstance();
        DriverManager.registerDriver(new DriverProxy(driverInstance));
        registeredDrivers.put(driver, driverInstance);
      } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new SQLException("Error setting driver on UnpooledDataSource. Cause: " + e);

  private void configureConnection(Connection conn) throws SQLException {
    if (autoCommit != null && autoCommit != conn.getAutoCommit()) {
    if (defaultTransactionIsolationLevel != null) {

  private static class DriverProxy implements Driver {
    private Driver driver;

    DriverProxy(Driver d) {
      this.driver = d;

    public boolean acceptsURL(String u) throws SQLException {
      return this.driver.acceptsURL(u);

    public Connection connect(String u, Properties p) throws SQLException {
      return this.driver.connect(u, p);

    public int getMajorVersion() {
      return this.driver.getMajorVersion();

    public int getMinorVersion() {
      return this.driver.getMinorVersion();

    public DriverPropertyInfo[] getPropertyInfo(String u, Properties p) throws SQLException {
      return this.driver.getPropertyInfo(u, p);

    public boolean jdbcCompliant() {
      return this.driver.jdbcCompliant();

    // @Override only valid jdk7+
    public Logger getParentLogger() {
      return Logger.getLogger(Logger.GLOBAL_LOGGER_NAME);

  public  T unwrap(Class iface) throws SQLException {
    throw new SQLException(getClass().getName() + " is not a wrapper.");

  public boolean isWrapperFor(Class iface) throws SQLException {
    return false;

  // @Override only valid jdk7+
  public Logger getParentLogger() {
    // requires JDK version 1.6
    return Logger.getLogger(Logger.GLOBAL_LOGGER_NAME);



public class JDBCDataSource extends JDBCCommonDataSource implements DataSource, Serializable, Referenceable, Wrapper {
    public Connection getConnection() throws SQLException {
        if (this.url == null) {
            throw JDBCUtil.nullArgument("url");
        } else if (this.connectionProps == null) {
            if (this.user == null) {
                throw JDBCUtil.invalidArgument("user");
            } else if (this.password == null) {
                throw JDBCUtil.invalidArgument("password");
            } else {
                return this.getConnection(this.user, this.password);
        } else {
            return this.getConnection(this.url, this.connectionProps);

    public Connection getConnection(String var1, String var2) throws SQLException {
        if (var1 == null) {
            throw JDBCUtil.invalidArgument("user");
        } else if (var2 == null) {
            throw JDBCUtil.invalidArgument("password");
        } else {
            Properties var3 = new Properties();
            var3.setProperty("user", var1);
            var3.setProperty("password", var2);
            var3.setProperty("loginTimeout", Integer.toString(this.loginTimeout));
            return this.getConnection(this.url, var3);

    private Connection getConnection(String var1, Properties var2) throws SQLException {
        if (!var1.startsWith("jdbc:hsqldb:")) {
            var1 = "jdbc:hsqldb:" + var1;

        return JDBCDriver.getConnection(var1, var2);

    public  T unwrap(Class var1) throws SQLException {
        if (this.isWrapperFor(var1)) {
            return this;
        } else {
            throw JDBCUtil.invalidArgument("iface: " + var1);

    public boolean isWrapperFor(Class var1) throws SQLException {
        return var1 != null && var1.isAssignableFrom(this.getClass());

    public Reference getReference() throws NamingException {
        String var1 = "org.hsqldb.jdbc.JDBCDataSourceFactory";
        Reference var2 = new Reference(this.getClass().getName(), var1, (String)null);
        var2.add(new StringRefAddr("database", this.getDatabase()));
        var2.add(new StringRefAddr("user", this.getUser()));
        var2.add(new StringRefAddr("password", this.password));
        var2.add(new StringRefAddr("loginTimeout", Integer.toString(this.loginTimeout)));
        return var2;

    public JDBCDataSource() {


1.1.2 Mybatis 事务 事务使用


public void shouldEnsureThatCallsToManagedTransactionAPIDoNotForwardToManagedConnections() throws Exception {
  TransactionFactory tf = new ManagedTransactionFactory();
  tf.setProperties(new Properties());
  Transaction tx = tf.newTransaction(conn);
  assertEquals(conn, tx.getConnection());
} 抽象工厂实践



public interface TransactionFactory {
 	 void setProperties(Properties props);
  	Transaction newTransaction(Connection conn);
      Transaction newTransaction(DataSource dataSource,   TransactionIsolationLevel level, boolean autoCommit);


public class ManagedTransactionFactory implements TransactionFactory {
  private boolean closeConnection = true;
  public void setProperties(Properties props) {
    if (props != null) {
      String closeConnectionProperty = props.getProperty("closeConnection");
      if (closeConnectionProperty != null) {
        closeConnection = Boolean.valueOf(closeConnectionProperty);
  public Transaction newTransaction(Connection conn) {
    return new ManagedTransaction(conn, closeConnection);
  public Transaction newTransaction(DataSource ds, TransactionIsolationLevel level, boolean autoCommit) {
      return new ManagedTransaction(ds, level, closeConnection);
public class JdbcTransactionFactory implements TransactionFactory {
  public void setProperties(Properties props) {

  public Transaction newTransaction(Connection conn) {
    return new JdbcTransaction(conn);

  public Transaction newTransaction(DataSource ds, TransactionIsolationLevel level, boolean autoCommit) {
    return new JdbcTransaction(ds, level, autoCommit);
public interface Transaction {

  Connection getConnection() throws SQLException;

  void commit() throws SQLException;

  void rollback() throws SQLException;

  void close() throws SQLException;

  Integer getTimeout() throws SQLException;
public class JdbcTransaction implements Transaction {
  private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(JdbcTransaction.class);
  protected Connection connection;
  protected DataSource dataSource;
  protected TransactionIsolationLevel level; 
  protected boolean autoCommmit;
  public JdbcTransaction(DataSource ds, TransactionIsolationLevel desiredLevel, boolean desiredAutoCommit) {
    dataSource = ds;
    level = desiredLevel;
    autoCommmit = desiredAutoCommit;

  public JdbcTransaction(Connection connection) {
    this.connection = connection;
    public Connection getConnection() throws SQLException {
      if (connection == null) {
      return connection;
  public void commit() throws SQLException {
    if (connection != null && !connection.getAutoCommit()) {
      if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
        log.debug("Committing JDBC Connection [" + connection + "]");

  public void rollback() throws SQLException {
    if (connection != null && !connection.getAutoCommit()) {
      if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
        log.debug("Rolling back JDBC Connection [" + connection + "]");

  public void close() throws SQLException {
    if (connection != null) {
      if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
        log.debug("Closing JDBC Connection [" + connection + "]");

  protected void setDesiredAutoCommit(boolean desiredAutoCommit) {
    try {
      if (connection.getAutoCommit() != desiredAutoCommit) {
        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
          log.debug("Setting autocommit to " + desiredAutoCommit + " on JDBC Connection [" + connection + "]");
    } catch (SQLException e) {
      throw new TransactionException("Error configuring AutoCommit.  "
          + "Your driver may not support getAutoCommit() or setAutoCommit(). "
          + "Requested setting: " + desiredAutoCommit + ".  Cause: " + e, e);

  protected void resetAutoCommit() {
    try {
      if (!connection.getAutoCommit()) {
    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
          log.debug("Resetting autocommit to true on JDBC Connection [" + connection + "]");
    } catch (SQLException e) {
      if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
        log.debug("Error resetting autocommit to true "
          + "before closing the connection.  Cause: " + e);

  protected void openConnection() throws SQLException {
    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
      log.debug("Opening JDBC Connection");
    connection = dataSource.getConnection();
    if (level != null) {
  public Integer getTimeout() throws SQLException {
    return null;
public class ManagedTransaction implements Transaction {
  private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(ManagedTransaction.class);
  private DataSource dataSource;
  private TransactionIsolationLevel level;
  private Connection connection;
  private final boolean closeConnection;
  public ManagedTransaction(Connection connection, boolean closeConnection) {
    this.connection = connection;
    this.closeConnection = closeConnection;
  public ManagedTransaction(DataSource ds, TransactionIsolationLevel level, boolean closeConnection) {
    this.dataSource = ds;
    this.level = level;
    this.closeConnection = closeConnection;
  public Connection getConnection() throws SQLException {
    if (this.connection == null) {
    return this.connection;

  public void commit() throws SQLException {}
  public void rollback() throws SQLException {}
  public void close() throws SQLException {
    if (this.closeConnection && this.connection != null) {
      if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
        log.debug("Closing JDBC Connection [" + this.connection + "]");

  protected void openConnection() throws SQLException {
    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
      log.debug("Opening JDBC Connection");
    this.connection = this.dataSource.getConnection();
    if (this.level != null) {
  public Integer getTimeout() throws SQLException {
    return null;


1.1.3 mybatis mapper mapper 使用


public void shouldRollbackInsertedAuthor() throws Exception {
  try {
    AuthorMapper mapper = manager.getMapper(AuthorMapper.class);
    Author expected = new Author(501, "lmeadors", "******", "[email protected]", "Something...", null);
    Author actual = mapper.selectAuthor(501);
  } finally {

 如上所示是调用代码,我们可以从manager.gerMapper(AuthorMapper.class)入手看看,这个代码的底层是怎么实现的。 工厂模式实践

public class MapperRegistry {

  private final Configuration config;
  private final Map, MapperProxyFactory> knownMappers = new HashMap<>();

  public MapperRegistry(Configuration config) {
    this.config = config;

  public  T getMapper(Class type, SqlSession sqlSession) {
    final MapperProxyFactory mapperProxyFactory = (MapperProxyFactory) knownMappers.get(type);
    if (mapperProxyFactory == null) {
      throw new BindingException("Type " + type + " is not known to the MapperRegistry.");
    try {
      return mapperProxyFactory.newInstance(sqlSession);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new BindingException("Error getting mapper instance. Cause: " + e, e);
  public  boolean hasMapper(Class type) {
    return knownMappers.containsKey(type);

  public  void addMapper(Class type) {
    if (type.isInterface()) {
      if (hasMapper(type)) {
        throw new BindingException("Type " + type + " is already known to the MapperRegistry.");
      boolean loadCompleted = false;
      try {
        knownMappers.put(type, new MapperProxyFactory(type));
        // It's important that the type is added before the parser is run
        // otherwise the binding may automatically be attempted by the
        // mapper parser. If the type is already known, it won't try.
        MapperAnnotationBuilder parser = new MapperAnnotationBuilder(config, type);
        loadCompleted = true;
      } finally {
        if (!loadCompleted) {

   * @since 3.2.2
  public Collection> getMappers() {
    return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(knownMappers.keySet());

   * @since 3.2.2
  public void addMappers(String packageName, Class superType) {
    ResolverUtil> resolverUtil = new ResolverUtil<>();
    resolverUtil.find(new ResolverUtil.IsA(superType), packageName);
    Set>> mapperSet = resolverUtil.getClasses();
    for (Class mapperClass : mapperSet) {

   * @since 3.2.2
  public void addMappers(String packageName) {
    addMappers(packageName, Object.class);

 如上图所示 MapperProxyFactory看名字就可以猜出来这是一个创建Mapper代理的一个工厂类。核心方法大概就是newInstance(sqlSession),目的就是创建一个MapperProxy

 * @author Lasse Voss
public class MapperProxyFactory {

  private final Class mapperInterface;
  private final Map methodCache = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();

  public MapperProxyFactory(Class mapperInterface) {
    this.mapperInterface = mapperInterface;

  public Class getMapperInterface() {
    return mapperInterface;

  public Map getMethodCache() {
    return methodCache;

  protected T newInstance(MapperProxy mapperProxy) {
    return (T) Proxy.newProxyInstance(mapperInterface.getClassLoader(), new Class[] { mapperInterface }, mapperProxy);

  public T newInstance(SqlSession sqlSession) {
    final MapperProxy mapperProxy = new MapperProxy<>(sqlSession, mapperInterface, methodCache);
    return newInstance(mapperProxy);



1.2 装饰者模式


1.2.1 Mybatis缓存 缓存使用

  public void shouldDemonstrate5LevelSuperCacheHandlesLotsOfEntriesWithoutCrashing() {
    final int N = 100000;
    Cache cache = new PerpetualCache("default");
    cache = new LruCache(cache);
    cache = new FifoCache(cache);
    cache = new SoftCache(cache);
    cache = new WeakCache(cache);
    cache = new ScheduledCache(cache);
    cache = new SerializedCache(cache); 
    cache = new SynchronizedCache(cache);
    cache = new TransactionalCache(cache);
    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
      cache.putObject(i, i);
      ((TransactionalCache) cache).commit();
      Object o = cache.getObject(i);
      assertTrue(o == null || i == ((Integer) o));
    assertTrue(cache.getSize() < N);
  } 装饰模式实践

public class CacheBuilder {
  private final String id;
  private Class implementation;
  private final List> decorators;
  private Integer size;
  private Long clearInterval;
  private boolean readWrite;
  private Properties properties;
  private boolean blocking;

  public CacheBuilder(String id) {
    this.id = id;
    this.decorators = new ArrayList>();

  public CacheBuilder implementation(Class implementation) {
    this.implementation = implementation;
    return this;

  public CacheBuilder addDecorator(Class decorator) {
    if (decorator != null) {
    return this;

  public CacheBuilder size(Integer size) {
    this.size = size;
    return this;

  public CacheBuilder clearInterval(Long clearInterval) {
    this.clearInterval = clearInterval;
    return this;

  public CacheBuilder readWrite(boolean readWrite) {
    this.readWrite = readWrite;
    return this;

  public CacheBuilder blocking(boolean blocking) {
    this.blocking = blocking;
    return this;
  public CacheBuilder properties(Properties properties) {
    this.properties = properties;
    return this;

  public Cache build() {
    Cache cache = newBaseCacheInstance(implementation, id);
    // issue #352, do not apply decorators to custom caches
    if (PerpetualCache.class.equals(cache.getClass())) {
      for (Class decorator : decorators) {
        cache = newCacheDecoratorInstance(decorator, cache);
      cache = setStandardDecorators(cache);
    } else if (!LoggingCache.class.isAssignableFrom(cache.getClass())) {
      cache = new LoggingCache(cache);
    return cache;

  private void setDefaultImplementations() {
    if (implementation == null) {
      implementation = PerpetualCache.class;
      if (decorators.isEmpty()) {

  private Cache setStandardDecorators(Cache cache) {
    try {
      MetaObject metaCache = SystemMetaObject.forObject(cache);
      if (size != null && metaCache.hasSetter("size")) {
        metaCache.setValue("size", size);
      if (clearInterval != null) {
        cache = new ScheduledCache(cache);
        ((ScheduledCache) cache).setClearInterval(clearInterval);
      if (readWrite) {
        cache = new SerializedCache(cache);
      cache = new LoggingCache(cache);
      cache = new SynchronizedCache(cache);
      if (blocking) {
        cache = new BlockingCache(cache);
      return cache;
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new CacheException("Error building standard cache decorators.  Cause: " + e, e);

  private void setCacheProperties(Cache cache) {
    if (properties != null) {
      MetaObject metaCache = SystemMetaObject.forObject(cache);
      for (Map.Entry entry : properties.entrySet()) {
        String name = (String) entry.getKey();
        String value = (String) entry.getValue();
        if (metaCache.hasSetter(name)) {
          Class type = metaCache.getSetterType(name);
          if (String.class == type) {
            metaCache.setValue(name, value);
          } else if (int.class == type
              || Integer.class == type) {
            metaCache.setValue(name, Integer.valueOf(value));
          } else if (long.class == type
              || Long.class == type) {
            metaCache.setValue(name, Long.valueOf(value));
          } else if (short.class == type
              || Short.class == type) {
            metaCache.setValue(name, Short.valueOf(value));
          } else if (byte.class == type
              || Byte.class == type) {
            metaCache.setValue(name, Byte.valueOf(value));
          } else if (float.class == type
              || Float.class == type) {
            metaCache.setValue(name, Float.valueOf(value));
          } else if (boolean.class == type
              || Boolean.class == type) {
            metaCache.setValue(name, Boolean.valueOf(value));
          } else if (double.class == type
              || Double.class == type) {
            metaCache.setValue(name, Double.valueOf(value));
          } else {
            throw new CacheException("Unsupported property type for cache: '" + name + "' of type " + type);
    if (InitializingObject.class.isAssignableFrom(cache.getClass())){
      try {
        ((InitializingObject) cache).initialize();
      } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new CacheException("Failed cache initialization for '" +
            cache.getId() + "' on '" + cache.getClass().getName() + "'", e);

  private Cache newBaseCacheInstance(Class cacheClass, String id) {
    Constructor cacheConstructor = getBaseCacheConstructor(cacheClass);
    try {
      return cacheConstructor.newInstance(id);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new CacheException("Could not instantiate cache implementation (" + cacheClass + "). Cause: " + e, e);

  private Constructor getBaseCacheConstructor(Class cacheClass) {
    try {
      return cacheClass.getConstructor(String.class);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new CacheException("Invalid base cache implementation (" + cacheClass + ").  " +
          "Base cache implementations must have a constructor that takes a String id as a parameter.  Cause: " + e, e);

  private Cache newCacheDecoratorInstance(Class cacheClass, Cache base) {
    Constructor cacheConstructor = getCacheDecoratorConstructor(cacheClass);
    try {
      return cacheConstructor.newInstance(base);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new CacheException("Could not instantiate cache decorator (" + cacheClass + "). Cause: " + e, e);

  private Constructor getCacheDecoratorConstructor(Class cacheClass) {
    try {
      return cacheClass.getConstructor(Cache.class);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new CacheException("Invalid cache decorator (" + cacheClass + ").  " +
          "Cache decorators must have a constructor that takes a Cache instance as a parameter.  Cause: " + e, e);


public Cache useNewCache(Class typeClass,
    Class evictionClass,
    Long flushInterval,
    Integer size,
    boolean readWrite,
    boolean blocking,
    Properties props) {
  Cache cache = new CacheBuilder(currentNamespace)
      .implementation(valueOrDefault(typeClass, PerpetualCache.class))
      .addDecorator(valueOrDefault(evictionClass, LruCache.class))
  currentCache = cache;
  return cache;


 * @author Clinton Begin
public class CacheBuilder {
  private final String id;
  private Class implementation;
  private final List> decorators;
  private Integer size;
  private Long clearInterval;
  private boolean readWrite;
  private Properties properties;
  private boolean blocking;

  public CacheBuilder(String id) {
    this.id = id;
    this.decorators = new ArrayList>();

  public CacheBuilder implementation(Class implementation) {
    this.implementation = implementation;
    return this;

  public CacheBuilder addDecorator(Class decorator) {
    if (decorator != null) {
    return this;

  public CacheBuilder size(Integer size) {
    this.size = size;
    return this;

  public CacheBuilder clearInterval(Long clearInterval) {
    this.clearInterval = clearInterval;
    return this;

  public CacheBuilder readWrite(boolean readWrite) {
    this.readWrite = readWrite;
    return this;

  public CacheBuilder blocking(boolean blocking) {
    this.blocking = blocking;
    return this;
  public CacheBuilder properties(Properties properties) {
    this.properties = properties;
    return this;

  public Cache build() {
    Cache cache = newBaseCacheInstance(implementation, id);
    // issue #352, do not apply decorators to custom caches
    if (PerpetualCache.class.equals(cache.getClass())) {
      for (Class decorator : decorators) {
        cache = newCacheDecoratorInstance(decorator, cache);
      cache = setStandardDecorators(cache);
    } else if (!LoggingCache.class.isAssignableFrom(cache.getClass())) {
      cache = new LoggingCache(cache);
    return cache;

  private void setDefaultImplementations() {
    if (implementation == null) {
      implementation = PerpetualCache.class;
      if (decorators.isEmpty()) {

  private Cache setStandardDecorators(Cache cache) {
    try {
      MetaObject metaCache = SystemMetaObject.forObject(cache);
      if (size != null && metaCache.hasSetter("size")) {
        metaCache.setValue("size", size);
      if (clearInterval != null) {
        cache = new ScheduledCache(cache);
        ((ScheduledCache) cache).setClearInterval(clearInterval);
      if (readWrite) {
        cache = new SerializedCache(cache);
      cache = new LoggingCache(cache);
      cache = new SynchronizedCache(cache);
      if (blocking) {
        cache = new BlockingCache(cache);
      return cache;
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new CacheException("Error building standard cache decorators.  Cause: " + e, e);

  private void setCacheProperties(Cache cache) {
    if (properties != null) {
      MetaObject metaCache = SystemMetaObject.forObject(cache);
      for (Map.Entry entry : properties.entrySet()) {
        String name = (String) entry.getKey();
        String value = (String) entry.getValue();
        if (metaCache.hasSetter(name)) {
          Class type = metaCache.getSetterType(name);
          if (String.class == type) {
            metaCache.setValue(name, value);
          } else if (int.class == type
              || Integer.class == type) {
            metaCache.setValue(name, Integer.valueOf(value));
          } else if (long.class == type
              || Long.class == type) {
            metaCache.setValue(name, Long.valueOf(value));
          } else if (short.class == type
              || Short.class == type) {
            metaCache.setValue(name, Short.valueOf(value));
          } else if (byte.class == type
              || Byte.class == type) {
            metaCache.setValue(name, Byte.valueOf(value));
          } else if (float.class == type
              || Float.class == type) {
            metaCache.setValue(name, Float.valueOf(value));
          } else if (boolean.class == type
              || Boolean.class == type) {
            metaCache.setValue(name, Boolean.valueOf(value));
          } else if (double.class == type
              || Double.class == type) {
            metaCache.setValue(name, Double.valueOf(value));
          } else {
            throw new CacheException("Unsupported property type for cache: '" + name + "' of type " + type);
    if (InitializingObject.class.isAssignableFrom(cache.getClass())){
      try {
        ((InitializingObject) cache).initialize();
      } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new CacheException("Failed cache initialization for '" +
            cache.getId() + "' on '" + cache.getClass().getName() + "'", e);

  private Cache newBaseCacheInstance(Class cacheClass, String id) {
    Constructor cacheConstructor = getBaseCacheConstructor(cacheClass);
    try {
      return cacheConstructor.newInstance(id);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new CacheException("Could not instantiate cache implementation (" + cacheClass + "). Cause: " + e, e);

  private Constructor getBaseCacheConstructor(Class cacheClass) {
    try {
      return cacheClass.getConstructor(String.class);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new CacheException("Invalid base cache implementation (" + cacheClass + ").  " +
          "Base cache implementations must have a constructor that takes a String id as a parameter.  Cause: " + e, e);

  private Cache newCacheDecoratorInstance(Class cacheClass, Cache base) {
    Constructor cacheConstructor = getCacheDecoratorConstructor(cacheClass);
    try {
      return cacheConstructor.newInstance(base);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new CacheException("Could not instantiate cache decorator (" + cacheClass + "). Cause: " + e, e);

  private Constructor getCacheDecoratorConstructor(Class cacheClass) {
    try {
      return cacheClass.getConstructor(Cache.class);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new CacheException("Invalid cache decorator (" + cacheClass + ").  " +
          "Cache decorators must have a constructor that takes a Cache instance as a parameter.  Cause: " + e, e);


















1.2.2 Mybatis执行器 执行器使用

public void shouldInsertNewAuthorWithBeforeAutoKey() throws Exception {

Executor executor = new SimpleExecutor(config,transaction);
  try {
    Author author = new Author(-1, "someone", "******", "[email protected]", null, Section.NEWS);
    MappedStatement insertStatement = ExecutorTestHelper.prepareInsertAuthorMappedStatementWithBeforeAutoKey(config);
    MappedStatement selectStatement = ExecutorTestHelper.prepareSelectOneAuthorMappedStatement(config);
    int rows = executor.update(insertStatement, author);
    assertTrue(rows > 0 || rows == BatchExecutor.BATCH_UPDATE_RETURN_VALUE);
    if (rows == BatchExecutor.BATCH_UPDATE_RETURN_VALUE) {
    assertEquals(123456, author.getId());
    if (author.getId() != BatchExecutor.BATCH_UPDATE_RETURN_VALUE) {
      List authors = executor.query(selectStatement, author.getId(), RowBounds.DEFAULT, Executor.NO_RESULT_HANDLER);
      assertEquals(1, authors.size());
      assertEquals(author.toString(), authors.get(0).toString());
      assertTrue(author.getId() >= 10000);
  } finally {

如上图是Excutor的使用例子。通过Excuctor就可以绕过Mapper与SqlSession执行,也就是说mapper和Sqlsession主要就是封装了Executor进行执行的。 装饰者模式实践



private SqlSession openSessionFromDataSource(ExecutorType execType, TransactionIsolationLevel level, boolean autoCommit) {
  Transaction tx = null;
  try {
    final Environment environment = configuration.getEnvironment();
    final TransactionFactory transactionFactory = getTransactionFactoryFromEnvironment(environment);
    tx = transactionFactory.newTransaction(environment.getDataSource(), level, autoCommit);
    final Executor executor = configuration.newExecutor(tx, execType);
    return new DefaultSqlSession(configuration, executor, autoCommit);
  } catch (Exception e) {
    closeTransaction(tx); // may have fetched a connection so lets call close()
    throw ExceptionFactory.wrapException("Error opening session.  Cause: " + e, e);
  } finally {


public Executor newExecutor(Transaction transaction, ExecutorType executorType) {
  executorType = executorType == null ? defaultExecutorType : executorType;
  executorType = executorType == null ? ExecutorType.SIMPLE : executorType;
  Executor executor;
  if (ExecutorType.BATCH == executorType) {
    executor = new BatchExecutor(this, transaction);
  } else if (ExecutorType.REUSE == executorType) {
    executor = new ReuseExecutor(this, transaction);
  } else {
    executor = new SimpleExecutor(this, transaction);
  if (cacheEnabled) {//用户装饰者模式,基本的执行器加上了缓存的执行器 所以在这里如果开启了缓存的化就会用装饰者模式开启缓存
    executor = new CachingExecutor(executor);
  executor = (Executor) interceptorChain.pluginAll(executor);
  return executor;


* @author Clinton Begin
 * @author Eduardo Macarron
public class CachingExecutor implements Executor {

  private final Executor delegate;
  private final TransactionalCacheManager tcm = new TransactionalCacheManager();

  public CachingExecutor(Executor delegate) {
    this.delegate = delegate;

  public Transaction getTransaction() {
    return delegate.getTransaction();

  public void close(boolean forceRollback) {
    try {
      //issues #499, #524 and #573
      if (forceRollback) { 
      } else {
    } finally {

  public boolean isClosed() {
    return delegate.isClosed();

  public int update(MappedStatement ms, Object parameterObject) throws SQLException {
    return delegate.update(ms, parameterObject);

  public  List query(MappedStatement ms, Object parameterObject, RowBounds rowBounds, ResultHandler resultHandler) throws SQLException {
    BoundSql boundSql = ms.getBoundSql(parameterObject);
    CacheKey key = createCacheKey(ms, parameterObject, rowBounds, boundSql);
    return query(ms, parameterObject, rowBounds, resultHandler, key, boundSql);

  public  Cursor queryCursor(MappedStatement ms, Object parameter, RowBounds rowBounds) throws SQLException {
    return delegate.queryCursor(ms, parameter, rowBounds);

  public  List query(MappedStatement ms, Object parameterObject, RowBounds rowBounds, ResultHandler resultHandler, CacheKey key, BoundSql boundSql)
      throws SQLException {
    Cache cache = ms.getCache();
    if (cache != null) {
      if (ms.isUseCache() && resultHandler == null) {
        ensureNoOutParams(ms, boundSql);
        List list = (List) tcm.getObject(cache, key);
        if (list == null) {
          list = delegate. query(ms, parameterObject, rowBounds, resultHandler, key, boundSql);
          tcm.putObject(cache, key, list); // issue #578 and #116
        return list;
    return delegate. query(ms, parameterObject, rowBounds, resultHandler, key, boundSql);

  public List flushStatements() throws SQLException {
    return delegate.flushStatements();

  public void commit(boolean required) throws SQLException {

  public void rollback(boolean required) throws SQLException {
    try {
    } finally {
      if (required) {

  private void ensureNoOutParams(MappedStatement ms, BoundSql boundSql) {
    if (ms.getStatementType() == StatementType.CALLABLE) {
      for (ParameterMapping parameterMapping : boundSql.getParameterMappings()) {
        if (parameterMapping.getMode() != ParameterMode.IN) {
          throw new ExecutorException("Caching stored procedures with OUT params is not supported.  Please configure useCache=false in " + ms.getId() + " statement.");

  public CacheKey createCacheKey(MappedStatement ms, Object parameterObject, RowBounds rowBounds, BoundSql boundSql) {
    return delegate.createCacheKey(ms, parameterObject, rowBounds, boundSql);

  public boolean isCached(MappedStatement ms, CacheKey key) {
    return delegate.isCached(ms, key);

  public void deferLoad(MappedStatement ms, MetaObject resultObject, String property, CacheKey key, Class targetType) {
    delegate.deferLoad(ms, resultObject, property, key, targetType);

  public void clearLocalCache() {

  private void flushCacheIfRequired(MappedStatement ms) {
    Cache cache = ms.getCache();
    if (cache != null && ms.isFlushCacheRequired()) {      

  public void setExecutorWrapper(Executor executor) {
    throw new UnsupportedOperationException("This method should not be called");




1.3 代理模式

1.3.1 mybatis mapper mapper 使用

public void shouldRollbackInsertedAuthor() throws Exception {
  try {
    AuthorMapper mapper = manager.getMapper(AuthorMapper.class);
    Author expected = new Author(501, "lmeadors", "******", "[email protected]", "Something...", null);
    Author actual = mapper.selectAuthor(501);
  } finally {

如上所示是调用代码,我们可以从manager.gerMapper(AuthorMapper.class)入手看看,这个代码的底层是怎么实现的。 代理模式实践


public  T getMapper(Class type) {
  return getConfiguration().getMapper(type, this);


public  T getMapper(Class type, SqlSession sqlSession) {
  return mapperRegistry.getMapper(type, sqlSession);


public class MapperRegistry {
  private final Configuration config;
  private final Map, MapperProxyFactory> knownMappers = new HashMap<>();
  public MapperRegistry(Configuration config) {
    this.config = config;
  public  T getMapper(Class type, SqlSession sqlSession) {
    final MapperProxyFactory mapperProxyFactory = (MapperProxyFactory) knownMappers.get(type);
    if (mapperProxyFactory == null) {
      throw new BindingException("Type " + type + " is not known to the MapperRegistry.");
    try {
      return mapperProxyFactory.newInstance(sqlSession);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new BindingException("Error getting mapper instance. Cause: " + e, e);
  public  boolean hasMapper(Class type) {
    return knownMappers.containsKey(type);
  public  void addMapper(Class type) {
    if (type.isInterface()) {
      if (hasMapper(type)) {
        throw new BindingException("Type " + type + " is already known to the MapperRegistry.");
      boolean loadCompleted = false;
      try {
        knownMappers.put(type, new MapperProxyFactory(type));
        MapperAnnotationBuilder parser = new MapperAnnotationBuilder(config, type);
        loadCompleted = true;
      } finally {
        if (!loadCompleted) {
  public Collection> getMappers() {
    return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(knownMappers.keySet());
  public void addMappers(String packageName, Class superType) {
    ResolverUtil> resolverUtil = new ResolverUtil<>();
    resolverUtil.find(new ResolverUtil.IsA(superType), packageName);
    Set>> mapperSet = resolverUtil.getClasses();
    for (Class mapperClass : mapperSet) {
  public void addMappers(String packageName) {
    addMappers(packageName, Object.class);


 * @author Lasse Voss
public class MapperProxyFactory {

  private final Class mapperInterface;
  private final Map methodCache = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();

  public MapperProxyFactory(Class mapperInterface) {
    this.mapperInterface = mapperInterface;

  public Class getMapperInterface() {
    return mapperInterface;

  public Map getMethodCache() {
    return methodCache;

  protected T newInstance(MapperProxy mapperProxy) {
    return (T) Proxy.newProxyInstance(mapperInterface.getClassLoader(), new Class[] { mapperInterface }, mapperProxy);

  public T newInstance(SqlSession sqlSession) {
    final MapperProxy mapperProxy = new MapperProxy<>(sqlSession, mapperInterface, methodCache);
    return newInstance(mapperProxy);


MapperProxyFactory  代理工厂做了什么?其实就是通过jdk的动态代理, 从哪里可以看出是jdk的动态代理呢,其实这里大家可以看到是使用了接口的,有接口的代理我们就可以判断是jdk的动态代理了。那么我们看看代理创建的MapperProxy是什么?

public class MapperProxy implements InvocationHandler, Serializable {
  private static final long serialVersionUID = -6424540398559729838L;
  private final SqlSession sqlSession;
  private final Class mapperInterface;
  private final Map methodCache;

  public MapperProxy(SqlSession sqlSession, Class mapperInterface, Map methodCache) {
    this.sqlSession = sqlSession;
    this.mapperInterface = mapperInterface;
    this.methodCache = methodCache;

  public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args) throws Throwable {
    try {
      if (Object.class.equals(method.getDeclaringClass())) {
        return method.invoke(this, args);
      } else if (isDefaultMethod(method)) {
        return invokeDefaultMethod(proxy, method, args);
    } catch (Throwable t) {
      throw ExceptionUtil.unwrapThrowable(t);
    final MapperMethod mapperMethod = cachedMapperMethod(method);
    return mapperMethod.execute(sqlSession, args);

  private MapperMethod cachedMapperMethod(Method method) {
    MapperMethod mapperMethod = methodCache.get(method);
    if (mapperMethod == null) {
      mapperMethod = new MapperMethod(mapperInterface, method, sqlSession.getConfiguration());
      methodCache.put(method, mapperMethod);
    return mapperMethod;

  private Object invokeDefaultMethod(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args)
      throws Throwable {
    final Constructor constructor = MethodHandles.Lookup.class
        .getDeclaredConstructor(Class.class, int.class);
    if (!constructor.isAccessible()) {
    final Class declaringClass = method.getDeclaringClass();
    return constructor
            MethodHandles.Lookup.PRIVATE | MethodHandles.Lookup.PROTECTED
                | MethodHandles.Lookup.PACKAGE | MethodHandles.Lookup.PUBLIC)
        .unreflectSpecial(method, declaringClass).bindTo(proxy).invokeWithArguments(args);

  private boolean isDefaultMethod(Method method) {
    return (method.getModifiers()
        & (Modifier.ABSTRACT | Modifier.PUBLIC | Modifier.STATIC)) == Modifier.PUBLIC
        && method.getDeclaringClass().isInterface();


1.3.2 mybatis插件 插件使用

    @Signature(type = Map.class, method = "get", args = {Object.class})})
public static class AlwaysMapPlugin implements Interceptor {
  public Object intercept(Invocation invocation) throws Throwable {
    return "Always";

  public Object plugin(Object target) {
    return Plugin.wrap(target, this);

  public void setProperties(Properties properties) {
} 代理模式实践

public Executor newExecutor(Transaction transaction, ExecutorType executorType) {
 	executorType = executorType == null ? defaultExecutorType : executorType;
 	 executorType = executorType == null ? ExecutorType.SIMPLE : executorType;
  	Executor executor;
  if (ExecutorType.BATCH == executorType) {
    executor = new BatchExecutor(this, transaction);
  } else if (ExecutorType.REUSE == executorType) {
    executor = new ReuseExecutor(this, transaction);
  } else {
    executor = new SimpleExecutor(this, transaction);
  if (cacheEnabled) {//用户装饰者模式,基本的执行器加上了缓存的执行器 所以在这里如果开启了缓存的化就会用装饰者模式开启缓存
    executor = new CachingExecutor(executor);
  executor = (Executor) interceptorChain.pluginAll(executor);
  return executor;
public ResultSetHandler newResultSetHandler(Executor executor, MappedStatement mappedStatement, RowBounds rowBounds, ParameterHandler parameterHandler,
    ResultHandler resultHandler, BoundSql boundSql) {
  ResultSetHandler resultSetHandler = new DefaultResultSetHandler(executor, mappedStatement, parameterHandler, resultHandler, boundSql, rowBounds);
  resultSetHandler = (ResultSetHandler) interceptorChain.pluginAll(resultSetHandler);
  return resultSetHandler;


 * @author Clinton Begin
public class InterceptorChain {

  private final List interceptors = new ArrayList();

  public Object pluginAll(Object target) {
    for (Interceptor interceptor : interceptors) {
      target = interceptor.plugin(target);
    return target;

  public void addInterceptor(Interceptor interceptor) {
  public List getInterceptors() {
    return Collections.unmodifiableList(interceptors);



executor = (Executor) interceptorChain.pluginAll(executor);


return Plugin.wrap(target, this);


 * @author Clinton Begin
public class Plugin implements InvocationHandler {
  private final Object target;
  private final Interceptor interceptor;
  private final Map, Set> signatureMap;

  private Plugin(Object target, Interceptor interceptor, Map, Set> signatureMap) {
    this.target = target;
    this.interceptor = interceptor;
    this.signatureMap = signatureMap;

  public static Object wrap(Object target, Interceptor interceptor) {
    Map, Set> signatureMap = getSignatureMap(interceptor);
    Class type = target.getClass();
    Class[] interfaces = getAllInterfaces(type, signatureMap);
    if (interfaces.length > 0) {
      return Proxy.newProxyInstance(
          new Plugin(target, interceptor, signatureMap));
    return target;

  public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args) throws Throwable {
    try {
      Set methods = signatureMap.get(method.getDeclaringClass());
      if (methods != null && methods.contains(method)) {
        return interceptor.intercept(new Invocation(target, method, args));
      return method.invoke(target, args);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw ExceptionUtil.unwrapThrowable(e);

  private static Map, Set> getSignatureMap(Interceptor interceptor) {
    Intercepts interceptsAnnotation = interceptor.getClass().getAnnotation(Intercepts.class);
    // issue #251
    if (interceptsAnnotation == null) {
      throw new PluginException("No @Intercepts annotation was found in interceptor " + interceptor.getClass().getName());      
    Signature[] sigs = interceptsAnnotation.value();
    Map, Set> signatureMap = new HashMap, Set>();
    for (Signature sig : sigs) {
      Set methods = signatureMap.get(sig.type());
      if (methods == null) {
        methods = new HashSet();
        signatureMap.put(sig.type(), methods);
      try {
        Method method = sig.type().getMethod(sig.method(), sig.args());
      } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
        throw new PluginException("Could not find method on " + sig.type() + " named " + sig.method() + ". Cause: " + e, e);
    return signatureMap;

  private static Class[] getAllInterfaces(Class type, Map, Set> signatureMap) {
    Set> interfaces = new HashSet>();
    while (type != null) {
      for (Class c : type.getInterfaces()) {
        if (signatureMap.containsKey(c)) {//如果
      type = type.getSuperclass();
    return interfaces.toArray(new Class[interfaces.size()]);



实际上大家看到InvocationHandler的时候,已经很清楚了,实际上就是用了代理模式,通过查找事项了Interceptor接口,然后有Signature签名的类,这姓Interceptorinterceptor方法。那么如果我们就可以通过这里在Excutor执行节后通过插件来对数据做一个变更什么的。这就是插件中用到的代理模式。 日志代理

public final class StatementLogger extends BaseJdbcLogger implements InvocationHandler {

  private final Statement statement;

  private StatementLogger(Statement stmt, Log statementLog, int queryStack) {
    super(statementLog, queryStack);
    this.statement = stmt;

  public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] params) throws Throwable {
    try {
      if (Object.class.equals(method.getDeclaringClass())) {
        return method.invoke(this, params);
      if (EXECUTE_METHODS.contains(method.getName())) {
        if (isDebugEnabled()) {
          debug(" Executing: " + removeBreakingWhitespace((String) params[0]), true);
        if ("executeQuery".equals(method.getName())) {
          ResultSet rs = (ResultSet) method.invoke(statement, params);
          return rs == null ? null : ResultSetLogger.newInstance(rs, statementLog, queryStack);
        } else {
          return method.invoke(statement, params);
      } else if ("getResultSet".equals(method.getName())) {
        ResultSet rs = (ResultSet) method.invoke(statement, params);
        return rs == null ? null : ResultSetLogger.newInstance(rs, statementLog, queryStack);
      } else {
        return method.invoke(statement, params);
    } catch (Throwable t) {
      throw ExceptionUtil.unwrapThrowable(t);

  public static Statement newInstance(Statement stmt, Log statementLog, int queryStack) {
    InvocationHandler handler = new StatementLogger(stmt, statementLog, queryStack);
    ClassLoader cl = Statement.class.getClassLoader();
    return (Statement) Proxy.newProxyInstance(cl, new Class[]{Statement.class}, handler);
  public Statement getStatement() {
    return statement;



1.4 组合模式

1.4.1 mybatis动态sql 动态sql使用 组合模式实践

public void shouldPerformStrictMatchOnForEachVariableSubstitution() throws Exception {
  final Map param = new HashMap();
  final Map uuu = new HashMap();
  uuu.put("u", "xyz");
  List uuuu = new ArrayList();
  uuuu.add(new Bean("bean id"));
  param.put("uuu", uuu);
  param.put("uuuu", uuuu);
  SqlNode sqlnodes[]={
      new ForEachSqlNode(
        new Configuration(),mixedContents(
        new TextSqlNode("#{uuu.u}, #{u.id}, " +
                "#{ u,typeHandler=org.apache.ibatis.type.StringTypeHandler},"
        + " #{u:VARCHAR,typeHandler=org.apache.ibatis.type.StringTypeHandler}")), 
              "uuuu", "uu", "u", "(", ")", 
  final String resource = "org/apache/ibatis/builder/MapperConfig.xml";
  final Reader reader = Resources.getResourceAsReader(resource);
  SqlSessionFactory sqlMapper = new SqlSessionFactoryBuilder().build(reader);
  Configuration configuration = sqlMapper.getConfiguration();
  MixedSqlNode sqlNode = new MixedSqlNode(Arrays.asList(sqlnodes));
  DynamicSqlSource source=new DynamicSqlSource(configuration, sqlNode);
  BoundSql boundSql = source.getBoundSql(param);
  assertEquals(4, boundSql.getParameterMappings().size());
  assertEquals("uuu.u", boundSql.getParameterMappings().get(0).getProperty());
  assertEquals("__frch_u_0.id", boundSql.getParameterMappings().get(1).getProperty());
  assertEquals("__frch_u_0", boundSql.getParameterMappings().get(2).getProperty());
  assertEquals("__frch_u_0", boundSql.getParameterMappings().get(3).getProperty());




public interface SqlNode {
    boolean apply(DynamicContext context);

public class MixedSqlNode implements SqlNode {

  private final List contents;

  public MixedSqlNode(List contents) {
    this.contents = contents;

  public boolean apply(DynamicContext context) {
    for (SqlNode sqlNode : contents) {
    return true;
public class IfSqlNode implements SqlNode {
  private final ExpressionEvaluator evaluator;
  private final String test;
  private final SqlNode contents;

  public IfSqlNode(SqlNode contents, String test) {
    this.test = test;
    this.contents = contents;
    this.evaluator = new ExpressionEvaluator();

  public boolean apply(DynamicContext context) {
    if (evaluator.evaluateBoolean(test, context.getBindings())) {
      return true;
    return false;



1.5 模板方法模式

1.5.1 mybatis执行器 执行器使用

public void shouldDeleteAuthor() throws Exception {
  Executor executor = createExecutor(new JdbcTransaction(ds, null, false));
  try {
    Author author = new Author(101, null, null, null, null, null);
    MappedStatement deleteStatement = ExecutorTestHelper.prepareDeleteAuthorMappedStatement(config);
    MappedStatement selectStatement = ExecutorTestHelper.prepareSelectOneAuthorMappedStatement(config);
    int rows = executor.update(deleteStatement, author);
    List authors = executor.query(selectStatement, 101, RowBounds.DEFAULT, Executor.NO_RESULT_HANDLER);
    assertEquals(0, authors.size());
    assertTrue(1 == rows || BatchExecutor.BATCH_UPDATE_RETURN_VALUE == rows);
  } finally {

如上是执行器使用的代码片段。通过执行器执行从MappedStatement语句。 模板方法模式实践



public abstract class BaseExecutor implements Executor {

  private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(BaseExecutor.class);

  protected Transaction transaction;
  protected Executor wrapper;

  protected ConcurrentLinkedQueue deferredLoads;
  protected PerpetualCache localCache;
  protected PerpetualCache localOutputParameterCache;
  protected Configuration configuration;

  protected int queryStack;
  private boolean closed;

  protected BaseExecutor(Configuration configuration, Transaction transaction) {
    this.transaction = transaction;
    this.deferredLoads = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue();
    this.localCache = new PerpetualCache("LocalCache");
    this.localOutputParameterCache = new PerpetualCache("LocalOutputParameterCache");
    this.closed = false;
    this.configuration = configuration;
    this.wrapper = this;

  public Transaction getTransaction() {
    if (closed) {
      throw new ExecutorException("Executor was closed.");
    return transaction;

  public void close(boolean forceRollback) {
    try {
      try {
      } finally {
        if (transaction != null) {
    } catch (SQLException e) {
      // Ignore.  There's nothing that can be done at this point.
      log.warn("Unexpected exception on closing transaction.  Cause: " + e);
    } finally {
      transaction = null;
      deferredLoads = null;
      localCache = null;
      localOutputParameterCache = null;
      closed = true;

  public boolean isClosed() {
    return closed;

  public int update(MappedStatement ms, Object parameter) throws SQLException {
    ErrorContext.instance().resource(ms.getResource()).activity("executing an update").object(ms.getId());
    if (closed) {
      throw new ExecutorException("Executor was closed.");
    return doUpdate(ms, parameter);

  public List flushStatements() throws SQLException {
    return flushStatements(false);

  public List flushStatements(boolean isRollBack) throws SQLException {
    if (closed) {
      throw new ExecutorException("Executor was closed.");
    return doFlushStatements(isRollBack);

  public  List query(MappedStatement ms, Object parameter, RowBounds rowBounds, ResultHandler resultHandler) throws SQLException {
    BoundSql boundSql = ms.getBoundSql(parameter);
    CacheKey key = createCacheKey(ms, parameter, rowBounds, boundSql);
    return query(ms, parameter, rowBounds, resultHandler, key, boundSql);

  public  List query(MappedStatement ms, Object parameter, RowBounds rowBounds, ResultHandler resultHandler, CacheKey key, BoundSql boundSql) throws SQLException {
    ErrorContext.instance().resource(ms.getResource()).activity("executing a query").object(ms.getId());
    if (closed) {
      throw new ExecutorException("Executor was closed.");
    if (queryStack == 0 && ms.isFlushCacheRequired()) {
    List list;
    try {
      list = resultHandler == null ? (List) localCache.getObject(key) : null;
      if (list != null) {
        handleLocallyCachedOutputParameters(ms, key, parameter, boundSql);
      } else {
        list = queryFromDatabase(ms, parameter, rowBounds, resultHandler, key, boundSql);
    } finally {
    if (queryStack == 0) {
      for (DeferredLoad deferredLoad : deferredLoads) {
      // issue #601
      if (configuration.getLocalCacheScope() == LocalCacheScope.STATEMENT) {
        // issue #482
    return list;

  public  Cursor queryCursor(MappedStatement ms, Object parameter, RowBounds rowBounds) throws SQLException {
    BoundSql boundSql = ms.getBoundSql(parameter);
    return doQueryCursor(ms, parameter, rowBounds, boundSql);

  public void deferLoad(MappedStatement ms, MetaObject resultObject, String property, CacheKey key, Class targetType) {
    if (closed) {
      throw new ExecutorException("Executor was closed.");
    DeferredLoad deferredLoad = new DeferredLoad(resultObject, property, key, localCache, configuration, targetType);
    if (deferredLoad.canLoad()) {
    } else {
      deferredLoads.add(new DeferredLoad(resultObject, property, key, localCache, configuration, targetType));

  public CacheKey createCacheKey(MappedStatement ms, Object parameterObject, RowBounds rowBounds, BoundSql boundSql) {
    if (closed) {
      throw new ExecutorException("Executor was closed.");
    CacheKey cacheKey = new CacheKey();
    List parameterMappings = boundSql.getParameterMappings();
    TypeHandlerRegistry typeHandlerRegistry = ms.getConfiguration().getTypeHandlerRegistry();
    // mimic DefaultParameterHandler logic
    for (ParameterMapping parameterMapping : parameterMappings) {
      if (parameterMapping.getMode() != ParameterMode.OUT) {
        Object value;
        String propertyName = parameterMapping.getProperty();
        if (boundSql.hasAdditionalParameter(propertyName)) {
          value = boundSql.getAdditionalParameter(propertyName);
        } else if (parameterObject == null) {
          value = null;
        } else if (typeHandlerRegistry.hasTypeHandler(parameterObject.getClass())) {
          value = parameterObject;
        } else {
          MetaObject metaObject = configuration.newMetaObject(parameterObject);
          value = metaObject.getValue(propertyName);
    if (configuration.getEnvironment() != null) {
      // issue #176
    return cacheKey;

  public boolean isCached(MappedStatement ms, CacheKey key) {
    return localCache.getObject(key) != null;

  public void commit(boolean required) throws SQLException {
    if (closed) {
      throw new ExecutorException("Cannot commit, transaction is already closed");
    if (required) {

  public void rollback(boolean required) throws SQLException {
    if (!closed) {
      try {
      } finally {
        if (required) {

  public void clearLocalCache() {
    if (!closed) {

  protected abstract int doUpdate(MappedStatement ms, Object parameter)
      throws SQLException;

  protected abstract List doFlushStatements(boolean isRollback)
      throws SQLException;

  protected abstract  List doQuery(MappedStatement ms, Object parameter, RowBounds rowBounds, ResultHandler resultHandler, BoundSql boundSql)
      throws SQLException;

  protected abstract  Cursor doQueryCursor(MappedStatement ms, Object parameter, RowBounds rowBounds, BoundSql boundSql)
      throws SQLException;

  protected void closeStatement(Statement statement) {
    if (statement != null) {
      try {
        if (!statement.isClosed()) {
      } catch (SQLException e) {
        // ignore

  protected void applyTransactionTimeout(Statement statement) throws SQLException {
    StatementUtil.applyTransactionTimeout(statement, statement.getQueryTimeout(), transaction.getTimeout());

  private void handleLocallyCachedOutputParameters(MappedStatement ms, CacheKey key, Object parameter, BoundSql boundSql) {
    if (ms.getStatementType() == StatementType.CALLABLE) {
      final Object cachedParameter = localOutputParameterCache.getObject(key);
      if (cachedParameter != null && parameter != null) {
        final MetaObject metaCachedParameter = configuration.newMetaObject(cachedParameter);
        final MetaObject metaParameter = configuration.newMetaObject(parameter);
        for (ParameterMapping parameterMapping : boundSql.getParameterMappings()) {
          if (parameterMapping.getMode() != ParameterMode.IN) {
            final String parameterName = parameterMapping.getProperty();
            final Object cachedValue = metaCachedParameter.getValue(parameterName);
            metaParameter.setValue(parameterName, cachedValue);

  private  List queryFromDatabase(MappedStatement ms, Object parameter, RowBounds rowBounds, ResultHandler resultHandler, CacheKey key, BoundSql boundSql) throws SQLException {
    List list;
    localCache.putObject(key, EXECUTION_PLACEHOLDER);
    try {
      list = doQuery(ms, parameter, rowBounds, resultHandler, boundSql);
    } finally {
    localCache.putObject(key, list);
    if (ms.getStatementType() == StatementType.CALLABLE) {
      localOutputParameterCache.putObject(key, parameter);
    return list;

  protected Connection getConnection(Log statementLog) throws SQLException {
    Connection connection = transaction.getConnection();
    if (statementLog.isDebugEnabled()) {
      return ConnectionLogger.newInstance(connection, statementLog, queryStack);
    } else {
      return connection;

  public void setExecutorWrapper(Executor wrapper) {
    this.wrapper = wrapper;
  private static class DeferredLoad {

    private final MetaObject resultObject;
    private final String property;
    private final Class targetType;
    private final CacheKey key;
    private final PerpetualCache localCache;
    private final ObjectFactory objectFactory;
    private final ResultExtractor resultExtractor;

    // issue #781
    public DeferredLoad(MetaObject resultObject,
                        String property,
                        CacheKey key,
                        PerpetualCache localCache,
                        Configuration configuration,
                        Class targetType) {
      this.resultObject = resultObject;
      this.property = property;
      this.key = key;
      this.localCache = localCache;
      this.objectFactory = configuration.getObjectFactory();
      this.resultExtractor = new ResultExtractor(configuration, objectFactory);
      this.targetType = targetType;

    public boolean canLoad() {
      return localCache.getObject(key) != null && localCache.getObject(key) != EXECUTION_PLACEHOLDER;

    public void load() {
      @SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" )
      // we suppose we get back a List
      List list = (List) localCache.getObject(key);
      Object value = resultExtractor.extractObjectFromList(list, targetType);
      resultObject.setValue(property, value);




protected abstract int doUpdate(MappedStatement ms, Object parameter)
      throws SQLException;
  protected abstract List doFlushStatements(boolean isRollback)
      throws SQLException;
  protected abstract  List doQuery(MappedStatement ms, Object parameter, RowBounds rowBounds, ResultHandler resultHandler, BoundSql boundSql)
      throws SQLException;
  protected abstract  Cursor doQueryCursor(MappedStatement ms, Object parameter, RowBounds rowBounds, BoundSql boundSql)
      throws SQLException;


public class SimpleExecutor extends BaseExecutor {
  public SimpleExecutor(Configuration configuration, Transaction transaction) {
    super(configuration, transaction);
  public int doUpdate(MappedStatement ms, Object parameter) throws SQLException {
    Statement stmt = null;
    try {
      Configuration configuration = ms.getConfiguration();
      StatementHandler handler = configuration.newStatementHandler(this, ms, parameter, RowBounds.DEFAULT, null, null);
      stmt = prepareStatement(handler, ms.getStatementLog());
      return handler.update(stmt);
    } finally {
  public  List doQuery(MappedStatement ms, Object parameter, RowBounds rowBounds, ResultHandler resultHandler, BoundSql boundSql) throws SQLException {
    Statement stmt = null;
    try {
      Configuration configuration = ms.getConfiguration();
      StatementHandler handler = configuration.newStatementHandler(wrapper, ms, parameter, rowBounds, resultHandler, boundSql);
      stmt = prepareStatement(handler, ms.getStatementLog());
      return handler.query(stmt, resultHandler);
    } finally {
  protected  Cursor doQueryCursor(MappedStatement ms, Object parameter, RowBounds rowBounds, BoundSql boundSql) throws SQLException {
    Configuration configuration = ms.getConfiguration();
    StatementHandler handler = configuration.newStatementHandler(wrapper, ms, parameter, rowBounds, null, boundSql);
    Statement stmt = prepareStatement(handler, ms.getStatementLog());
    return handler.queryCursor(stmt);
  public List doFlushStatements(boolean isRollback) throws SQLException {
    return Collections.emptyList();
  private Statement prepareStatement(StatementHandler handler, Log statementLog) throws SQLException {
    Statement stmt;
    Connection connection = getConnection(statementLog);
    stmt = handler.prepare(connection, transaction.getTimeout());
    return stmt;



1.5.2 mybatis类型映射器


如上图所示是Mybatis类型映射的设计框架,如上可能还有很多子类型。我这里只是列举了四个子类型。 类型映射器的使用

private static final TypeHandler TYPE_HANDLER = new StringTypeHandler();

public void shouldGetResultFromCallableStatement() throws Exception {
  assertEquals("Hello", TYPE_HANDLER.getResult(cs, 1));



public class DateTypeHandler extends BaseTypeHandler

public Date getNullableResult(CallableStatement cs, int columnIndex)
    throws SQLException {
  Timestamp sqlTimestamp = cs.getTimestamp(columnIndex);
  if (sqlTimestamp != null) {
    return new Date(sqlTimestamp.getTime());
  return null;


如上可以看出从结果集中拿出timestamp出来以后,再通过Date()做了一次实践的转。 模板方法模式实践


public abstract class BaseTypeHandler extends TypeReference implements TypeHandler {
  protected Configuration configuration;
  public void setConfiguration(Configuration c) {
    this.configuration = c;

  public void setParameter(PreparedStatement ps, int i, T parameter, JdbcType jdbcType) throws SQLException {
    if (parameter == null) {
      if (jdbcType == null) {
        throw new TypeException("JDBC requires that the JdbcType must be specified for all nullable parameters.");
      try {
        ps.setNull(i, jdbcType.TYPE_CODE);
      } catch (SQLException e) {
        throw new TypeException("Error setting null for parameter #" + i + " with JdbcType " + jdbcType + " . " +
                "Try setting a different JdbcType for this parameter or a different jdbcTypeForNull configuration property. " +
                "Cause: " + e, e);
    } else {
      try {
        setNonNullParameter(ps, i, parameter, jdbcType);
      } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new TypeException("Error setting non null for parameter #" + i + " with JdbcType " + jdbcType + " . " +
                "Try setting a different JdbcType for this parameter or a different configuration property. " +
                "Cause: " + e, e);

  public T getResult(ResultSet rs, String columnName) throws SQLException {
    T result;
    try {
      result = getNullableResult(rs, columnName);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new ResultMapException("Error attempting to get column '" + columnName + "' from result set.  Cause: " + e, e);
    if (rs.wasNull()) {
      return null;
    } else {
      return result;

  public T getResult(ResultSet rs, int columnIndex) throws SQLException {
    T result;
    try {
      result = getNullableResult(rs, columnIndex);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new ResultMapException("Error attempting to get column #" + columnIndex+ " from result set.  Cause: " + e, e);
    if (rs.wasNull()) {
      return null;
    } else {
      return result;

  public T getResult(CallableStatement cs, int columnIndex) throws SQLException {
    T result;
    try {
      result = getNullableResult(cs, columnIndex);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new ResultMapException("Error attempting to get column #" + columnIndex+ " from callable statement.  Cause: " + e, e);
    if (cs.wasNull()) {
      return null;
    } else {
      return result;

  public abstract void setNonNullParameter(PreparedStatement ps, int i, T parameter, JdbcType jdbcType) throws SQLException;
  public abstract T getNullableResult(ResultSet rs, String columnName) throws SQLException;
  public abstract T getNullableResult(ResultSet rs, int columnIndex) throws SQLException;
  public abstract T getNullableResult(CallableStatement cs, int columnIndex) throws SQLException;


public class DateTypeHandler extends BaseTypeHandler {

  public void setNonNullParameter(PreparedStatement ps, int i, Date parameter, JdbcType jdbcType)
      throws SQLException {
    ps.setTimestamp(i, new Timestamp(parameter.getTime()));

  public Date getNullableResult(ResultSet rs, String columnName)
      throws SQLException {
    Timestamp sqlTimestamp = rs.getTimestamp(columnName);
    if (sqlTimestamp != null) {
      return new Date(sqlTimestamp.getTime());
    return null;

  public Date getNullableResult(ResultSet rs, int columnIndex)
      throws SQLException {
    Timestamp sqlTimestamp = rs.getTimestamp(columnIndex);
    if (sqlTimestamp != null) {
      return new Date(sqlTimestamp.getTime());
    return null;

  public Date getNullableResult(CallableStatement cs, int columnIndex)
      throws SQLException {
    Timestamp sqlTimestamp = cs.getTimestamp(columnIndex);
    if (sqlTimestamp != null) {
      return new Date(sqlTimestamp.getTime());
    return null;



