
As the king of Ithaca and one of the heroesin the Trojan War, Ulysses is the mastermind behind the death of Paris and theTrojan Horse, both of which directly led to Greek victory. However, it takeshim additional ten years to reunite with his family than other Greek. Hisstruggle to return home should be remembered by us, for our life is no lessthan a long-time struggle.

Interms of friendship

In Book 1,And Jove said, “My child, what are you talking about? How can I forgetUlysses than whom there isno more capableman on earth,no more

liberal in his offerings to the immortal godsthat live in heaven?

In Book 4,he exclaimed, “these cowards would usurpa brave man’s bed?...”

Telemachus visited his father’s old friend,he found that his father is loved and respected as a friend, warrior for beingbrave, wise and clever.

This is the reason why after so many yearsthat Ulysses is still remembered by his old friends who can also offer help tohis son.






