ELK 开源报警模块 ElastAlert 安装使用



CentOS 上安装 ElastAlert

# 安装 pip
curl https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py -o get-pip.py
python get-pip.py

# 安装 setuptools
pip install "setuptools>=11.3"

# 安装 gcc
yum install gcc -y

# 安装 python-devel
yum -y install python-devel

# remove rpm python-requests-2.6.0-1.el7_1.noarch
# 使用 rpm -e python-requests-2.6.0-1.el7_1.noarch 会提示有依赖包
# 使用下面命令将依赖一起移除
yum remove python-requests-2.6.0-1.el7_1.noarch

# remove rpm PyYAML-3.10-11.el7.x86_64
yum remove PyYAML-3.10-11.el7.x86_64

# 安装 elastalert
# 不要这么安装 pip install elastalert
git clone https://github.com/Yelp/elastalert.git
python setup.py install

# elastalter 会将自己的 log 也发送到 elasticsearch 上,所以先配置对应的 index
[root@elasticsearch ~]# elastalert-create-index
Enter Elasticsearch host: localhost
Enter Elasticsearch port: 9200
Use SSL? t/f: f
Enter optional basic-auth username (or leave blank):
Enter optional basic-auth password (or leave blank):
Enter optional Elasticsearch URL prefix (prepends a string to the URL of every request):
New index name? (Default elastalert_status)
New alias name? (Default elastalert_alerts)
Name of existing index to copy? (Default None)
Elastic Version: 7.4.1
Reading Elastic 6 index mappings:
Reading index mapping 'es_mappings/6/silence.json'
Reading index mapping 'es_mappings/6/elastalert_status.json'
Reading index mapping 'es_mappings/6/elastalert.json'
Reading index mapping 'es_mappings/6/past_elastalert.json'
Reading index mapping 'es_mappings/6/elastalert_error.json'
Deleting index elastalert_status_status.
Deleting index elastalert_status_error.
New index elastalert_status created

# 在启动器前,简单配置文件 elastalert/config.yaml.example
# The Elasticsearch hostname for metadata writeback
# Note that every rule can have its own Elasticsearch host
es_host: localhost

# The Elasticsearch port
es_port: 9200

# host,port 也可以在 rule 文件中配置,配置后此 rule 针对的集群是 rule 中指定的 host,port
[root@elasticsearch elastalert]# cat example_rules/example_frequency.yaml
# 因为 fluentd 在 elasticsearch 中表示时间的 field 是 timestamp。默认是 ‘@timestamp’
timestamp_field: timestamp

# (Optional)
# Elasticsearch host
# es_host: elasticsearch.example.com
es_host: localhost

# (Optional)
# Elasticsearch port
es_port: 9200

# 启动 ElastAlter
[root@elasticsearch ~]# elastalert --config elastalert/config.yaml.example --verbose --rule elastalert/example_rules/example_frequency.yaml
1 rules loaded
INFO:elastalert:Starting up
INFO:elastalert:Disabled rules are: []
INFO:elastalert:Sleeping for 59.999895 seconds
INFO:elastalert:Queried rule Example frequency rule from 2019-11-12 00:06 PST to 2019-11-12 00:11 PST: 0 / 0 hits
INFO:elastalert:Ran Example frequency rule from 2019-11-12 00:06 PST to 2019-11-12 00:11 PST: 0 query hits (0 already seen), 0 matches, 0 alerts sent
INFO:elastalert:Background configuration change check run at 2019-11-12 00:12 PST
INFO:elastalert:Background alerts thread 0 pending alerts sent at 2019-11-12 00:12 PST
INFO:elastalert:Disabled rules are: []
INFO:elastalert:Sleeping for 59.999777 seconds
INFO:elastalert:Queried rule Example frequency rule from 2019-11-12 00:06 PST to 2019-11-12 00:12 PST: 0 / 0 hits
INFO:elastalert:Ran Example frequency rule from 2019-11-12 00:06 PST to 2019-11-12 00:12 PST: 0 query hits (0 already seen), 0 matches, 0 alerts sent


Running ElastAlert for the First Time

Read the Docs
