首先, RTMP头部信息封装并没有定义HEVC,我们采用CDN联盟的HEVC扩展标准,将HEVC的VideoTagHeader定义为12,详见下图:
SPS PPS VPS,我们参考ffmpeg的HEVCDecoderConfigurationRecord结构对metadata进行封装,该结构体代码如下:
typedef struct HVCCNALUnitArray {
uint8_t array_completeness;
uint8_t NAL_unit_type;
uint16_t numNalus;
uint16_t *nalUnitLength;
uint8_t **nalUnit;
} HVCCNALUnitArray;
typedef struct HEVCDecoderConfigurationRecord {
uint8_t configurationVersion;
uint8_t general_profile_space;
uint8_t general_tier_flag;
uint8_t general_profile_idc;
uint32_t general_profile_compatibility_flags;
uint64_t general_constraint_indicator_flags;
uint8_t general_level_idc;
uint16_t min_spatial_segmentation_idc;
uint8_t parallelismType;
uint8_t chromaFormat;
uint8_t bitDepthLumaMinus8;
uint8_t bitDepthChromaMinus8;
uint16_t avgFrameRate;
uint8_t constantFrameRate;
uint8_t numTemporalLayers;
uint8_t temporalIdNested;
uint8_t lengthSizeMinusOne;
uint8_t numOfArrays;
HVCCNALUnitArray *array;
} HEVCDecoderConfigurationRecord;
static void hvcc_init(HEVCDecoderConfigurationRecord *hvcc)
memset(hvcc, 0, sizeof(HEVCDecoderConfigurationRecord));
hvcc->configurationVersion = 1;
hvcc->lengthSizeMinusOne = 3; // 4 bytes
* The following fields have all their valid bits set by default,
* the ProfileTierLevel parsing code will unset them when needed.
hvcc->general_profile_compatibility_flags = 0xffffffff;
hvcc->general_constraint_indicator_flags = 0xffffffffffff;
* Initialize this field with an invalid value which can be used to detect
* whether we didn't see any VUI (in which case it should be reset to zero).
hvcc->min_spatial_segmentation_idc = MAX_SPATIAL_SEGMENTATION + 1;
int i = 0;
//body[i++] = 0x17;// 2:Pframe 7:AVC
body[i++] = (m_metadata.nVideoCodec == FLV_CODECID_HEVC) ? 0x1C:0x17;// 1:Iframe 7:AVC 12:HEVC
if (m_bWaitingKeyFrame)
m_bWaitingKeyFrame = false;
//body[i++] = 0x27;// 2:Pframe 7:AVC
body[i++] = (m_metadata.nVideoCodec == FLV_CODECID_HEVC) ? 0x2C:0x27;// 1:Iframe 7:AVC 12:HEVC
body[i++] = 0x01;// AVC NALU
body[i++] = 0x00;
body[i++] = 0x00;
body[i++] = 0x00;
// NALU size
body[i++] = size>>24;
body[i++] = size>>16;
body[i++] = size>>8;
body[i++] = size&0xff;
[email protected]
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