Android 单独抽取 WebRtc-AGC(音频增益) 模块

Android 单独抽取 WebRtc-AGC 模块,封装好JNI层,并且ndk-build出so库。




Android 单独抽取 WebRtc-AGC(音频增益) 模块_第1张图片


Android 单独抽取 WebRtc-AGC(音频增益) 模块_第2张图片


Android 单独抽取 WebRtc-AGC(音频增益) 模块_第3张图片


            AgcUtils agcUtils = new AgcUtils();

            FileInputStream fInt = new FileInputStream(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getAbsolutePath() + "/agc-input-test.pcm");
            FileOutputStream fOut = new FileOutputStream(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getAbsolutePath() +"/agc-out-test.pcm");
            byte[] buffer = new byte[160];
            int bytes;

            while((bytes = != -1){
                short[] data = new short[80];
                short[] outData = new short[80];
                short[] processData = new short[80];
                int agcProcessStatus = agcUtils.agcProcess(data,0,80,outData,0,micOutLevel,0,0);
                Log.e(TAG, "return value" + agcProcessStatus);




        }catch (Exception e){

agcUtils 是对native方法的一个封装,其核心处理方法agcProcess(short[] inNear,int num_bands,int samples,short[] out,int inMicLevel,int outMicLevel,int echo,int saturationWarning),在webRtc源码的头文件中如下:

 * This function processes a 10/20ms frame and adjusts (normalizes) the gain
 * both analog and digitally. The gain adjustments are done only during
 * active periods of speech. The input speech length can be either 10ms or
 * 20ms and the output is of the same length. The length of the speech
 * vectors must be given in samples (80/160 when FS=8000, and 160/320 when
 * FS=16000 or FS=32000). The echo parameter can be used to ensure the AGC will
 * not adjust upward in the presence of echo.
 * This function should be called after processing the near-end microphone
 * signal, in any case after any echo cancellation.
 * Input:
 *      - agcInst           : AGC instance
 *      - inNear            : Near-end input speech vector (10 or 20 ms) for
 *                            L band
 *      - inNear_H          : Near-end input speech vector (10 or 20 ms) for
 *                            H band
 *      - samples           : Number of samples in input/output vector
 *      - inMicLevel        : Current microphone volume level
 *      - echo              : Set to 0 if the signal passed to add_mic is
 *                            almost certainly free of echo; otherwise set
 *                            to 1. If you have no information regarding echo
 *                            set to 0.
 * Output:
 *      - outMicLevel       : Adjusted microphone volume level
 *      - out               : Gain-adjusted near-end speech vector (L band)
 *                          : May be the same vector as the input.
 *      - out_H             : Gain-adjusted near-end speech vector (H band)
 *      - saturationWarning : A returned value of 1 indicates a saturation event
 *                            has occurred and the volume cannot be further
 *                            reduced. Otherwise will be set to 0.
 * Return value:
 *                          :  0 - Normal operation.
 *                          : -1 - Error
int WebRtcAgc_Process(void* agcInst,
                      const int16_t* inNear,
                      const int16_t* inNear_H,
                      int16_t samples,
                      int16_t* out,
                      int16_t* out_H,
                      int32_t inMicLevel,
                      int32_t* outMicLevel,
                      int16_t echo,
                      uint8_t* saturationWarning);



 * This function sets the config parameters (targetLevelDbfs,
 * compressionGaindB and limiterEnable).
 * Input:
 *      - agcInst           : AGC instance
 *      - config            : config struct
 * Output:
 * Return value:
 *                          :  0 - Normal operation.
 *                          : -1 - Error
int WebRtcAgc_set_config(void* agcInst, WebRtcAgc_config_t config);

typedef struct
    int16_t targetLevelDbfs;   // default 3 (-3 dBOv)
    int16_t compressionGaindB; // default 9 dB
    uint8_t limiterEnable;     // default kAgcTrue (on)
} WebRtcAgc_config_t;


compressionGaindB (上面设置的是20) ,在kAgcModeFixedDigital模式下,越大声音越大;
targetLevelDbfs (上面设置的是3),0表示full scale,越小声音越大 ,越大声音越小,(笔者测试发现最大只能设置到30)

WebRtc源码中的NS模块位于 src\modules\audio_processing\agc,另外和agc同级目录下,还有一个agc2目录,没有做深层研究。AGC最外层的头文件是gain_control.h

